In the present work, we show that T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma cells exhibit a reduction of FADD availability in the cytoplasm, which may contribute to impaired apoptosis. In addition, we observe a reduction of FADD phosphorylation that inversely correlates with the proliferation capacity and tumor aggressiveness. The resultant balance between FADD-dependent apoptotic and non-apoptotic abilities may define the outcome of the tumor. Thus, we propose that FADD expression and phosphorylation can be reliable biomarkers with prognostic value for T-LBL stratification. ; Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2015-70561 MINECO/FEDER, UE to JFP/MVM, and SAF2012-36566 to JFP) and Madrid Regional Government (Oncocycle S2011/BMD-2470 to JFP), Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU13/00338) ; Peer Reviewed
This is the unedited version of this manuscript. The publisher's edited version can be reached at this URL:!divAbstract ; In this work we present a method for the production of clean, renewable electrical energy from the exchange of solutions with different salinities. Activated carbon films are coated with negatively or positively charged polyelectrolytes by well-established adsorption methods. When two oppositely charged coated films are placed in contact with an ionic solution, the potential difference between them will be equal to the difference between their Donnan potentials, and hence, energy can be extracted by building an electrochemical cell with such electrodes. A model is elaborated on the operation of the cell, based on the electrokinetic theory of soft particles. All the features of the model are experimentally reproduced, although a small quantitative difference concerning the maximum opencircuit voltage is found, suggesting that the coating is the key point to improve the efficiency. In the used experimental conditions, we obtain a power of 12.1 mW/m2. Overall, the method proves to be a fruitful and simple approach to salinity-gradient energy production. Obtaining energy from salinity differences as ; Departamento de Física Aplicada ; The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under agreement No. 256868. Further financial sup- ports from Junta de Andalucía, project PE2012-FQM694, and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain), project FIS2013-47666-C3-1-R.
NOTICE: this is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Power Sources. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Power Sources (2014) DOI: ; The capacitive mixing procedure for energy extraction based on Double Layer Expansion (CDLE) belongs to the group of so-called CAPMIX techniques, which aim at obtaining energy from the salinity difference between fresh and sea waters. Specifically, the CDLE technique takes advantage of the voltage rise that occurs when sea water is exchanged for river water in a pair of porous electrodes which jointly behave as an electrical double layer supercapacitor. In this article, we deal with some experimental aspects that are key for optimizing the extracted energy, and have not been analyzed yet with sufficient detail. This investigation will help in evaluating those parameters which we need to be fixed in a future CDLE device. These include the charging potential, the durations of the different cycle steps, the load resistance used, and the porosity and hydrophilicity of the carbon. ; Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Granada ; The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under agreement No. 256868. Further financial support from Junta de Andalucía (Spain), project PE-2008-FQM3993 is also gratefully acknowledged.
The edited version of the manuscript can be obtained at: Delgado et al., J. Colloid Interface Science (2014); DOI ; It has been recently shown that the free energy change upon salinity mixing in river mouths can be harvested taking advantage of the fact that the capacitance of charged solid/liquid interfaces (electrical double layers, EDLs) depends strongly on the ionic composition of the liquid medium. This has led to a new generation of techniques called Capmix technologies, one of them (CDLE or Capacitive energy extraction based on DL Expansion) based precisely on such dependence. Despite the solution composition playing a crucial role on the whole process, most of the research carried out so far has mainly focused on pure sodium chloride solutions. However, the effect of other species usually present in river and sea waters should be considered both theoretically and experimentally in order to succeed in optimizing a future device. In this paper, we analyse solutions of a more realistic composition from two points of view. Firstly, we find both experimentally and theoretically that the presence of ions other than sodium and chloride, even at low concentrations, may lead to a lower energy extraction in the process. Secondly, we experimentally consider the possible effects of other materials usually dispersed in natural water (mineral particles, microbes, shells, pollutants) by checking their accumulation in the carbon films used, after being exposed for a long period to natural sea water during CDLE cycles. ; Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Física Aplicada ; The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under agreement No. 256868. Financial support from Junta de Andalucia (Project PE2012-FQM 694) and MINECO (Project FIS2013-4766-C3-1-R) is also acknowledged. One of us, M.M.F., is grateful to the University of Granada for her FPU grant.
The final edited version of the paper can be found at: The complete citation is: Ahualli, S.; et al. Effect of Solution Composition on the Energy Production by Capacitive Mixing in Membrane-Electrode Assembly. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 118(29): 15590-15599 (2014). DOI:10.1021/jp504461m ; Open access in the Journal on May 26, 2015 ; In this work we consider the extent to which the presence of multi-valent ions in solution modifies the equilibrium and dynamics of the energy production in a capacitive cell built with ion-exchange membranes in contact with high surface area electrodes. The cell potential in open circuit (OCV) is controlled by the difference between both membrane potentials, simulated as constant volume charge regions. A theoretical model is elaborated for steady state OCV, first in the case of monovalent solutions, as a reference. This is compared to the results in multi-ionic systems, containing divalent cations in concentrations similar to those in real sea water. It is found that the OCV is reduced by about 25 % (as compared to the results in pure NaCl solutions) due to the presence of the divalent ions, even in low concentrations. Interestingly, this can be related to the "uphill" transport of such ions against their concentration gradients. On the contrary, their effect on the dynamics of the cell potential is negligible in the case of highly charged membranes. The comparison between model predictions and experimental results shows a very satisfactory agreement, and gives clues for the practical application of these recently introduced energy production methods. ; The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under agreement No. 256868. Further financial support from Junta de Andalucia, Spain (PE2012-FQM 694) is also acknowledged. One of us, M.M.F., received financial support throughan FPU grant from the Universityof Granada.
CMS collaboration: et al. ; The CMS detector at the CERN LHC features a silicon pixel detector as its innermost subdetector. The original CMS pixel detector has been replaced with an upgraded pixel system (CMS Phase-1 pixel detector) in the extended year-end technical stop of the LHC in 2016/2017. The upgraded CMS pixel detector is designed to cope with the higher instantaneous luminosities that have been achieved by the LHC after the upgrades to the accelerator during the first long shutdown in 2013–2014. Compared to the original pixel detector, the upgraded detector has a better tracking performance and lower mass with four barrel layers and three endcap disks on each side to provide hit coverage up to an absolute value of pseudorapidity of 2.5. This paper describes the design and construction of the CMS Phase-1 pixel detector as well as its performance from commissioning to early operation in collision data-taking. ; The tracker groups gratefully acknowledge financial support from the following funding agencies: BMWFW and FWF (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CERN; MSE and CSF (Croatia); Academy of Finland, MEC, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); NKFIA K124850, and Bolyai Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); INFN (Italy); PAEC (Pakistan); SEIDI, CPAN, PCTI and FEDER (Spain); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); MST (Taipei); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (U.S.A.). Individuals have received support from HFRI (Greece). The irradiation campaign has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 654168. ; Peer reviewed
Como investigación transversal de los capítulos que se exponen en esta compilación se manifiesta el interés por dar respuesta a las preguntas en común sobre la sociedad contemporánea y el derecho en el mundo y en particular la de Colombia como caja de resonancia en relación con el orden democrático, la participación y la modernidad. Estas inquietudes exigieron por parte de los autores plantear unas ideas a manera de hipótesis sobre ¿Cómo las consecuencias de hoy, constatadas en la realidad, tienen raíces en las referencias históricas internacionales que de alguna manera se adaptaron o mutaron en los fenómenos sociales locales en la actualidad? Estas ideas fueron el comienzo en cada investigador para elaborar un plan metodológico cualitativo con puntos de encuentro bajo tres aspectos principales: la observación o averiguación de fuentes primarias y secundarias jurídicas, históricas y sociológicas situadas especialmente de acuerdo a las variables que cada quien planeó, para luego en un segunda instancia metodológica hacer una sistematización de las compilaciones y por último hacer los respectivos análisis antes de iniciar las tareas escribir los resultados y reflexiones pertinentes expuestas aquí. El presente libro expone los resultados de investigación y de reflexión de varios autores cuyos temas se adentran en los debates de estos últimos años que se aproximan a problemáticas del derecho con relación a las circunstancias del entramado social del país.
Proceeding of the 10th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors.-- et al. ; This paper reports the latest technological development on the Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) and introduces a new architecture of these detectors called inverse-LGAD (iLGAD). Both approaches are based on the standard Avalanche Photo Diodes (APD) concept, commonly used in optical and X-ray detection applications, including an internal multiplication of the charge generated by radiation. The multiplication is inherent to the basic n–p–p structure, where the doping profile of the p layer is optimized to achieve high field and high impact ionization at the junction. The LGAD structures are optimized for applications such as tracking or timing detectors for high energy physics experiments or medical applications where time resolution lower than 30 ps is required. Detailed TCAD device simulations together with the electrical and charge collection measurements are presented through this work. ; This work was developed in the framework of the CERN RD50 collaboration and financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Particle Physics National Program (FPA2013-48308-C2-2-P, FPA2014-55295-C3-2-R and FPA2013-48387-C6-1-P). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under Grant Agreement no. 654168 (AIDA-2020). ; Open Access funded by CERN. ; Peer Reviewed
In: Alcohol and alcoholism: the international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism (MCA) and the journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA), Band 50, Heft suppl 1, S. i24.1-i24
The JAK-STAT pathway has a substantial role in lymphoid precursor cell proliferation, survival and differentiation. Nonetheless, the contribution of JAK2 to T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-LBL) development remains poorly understood. We have identified one activating TEL-JAK2 translocation and four missense mutations accumulated in 2 out of 16 T-LBL samples. Two of them are novel JAK2 mutations and the other two are reported for the first time in T-LBL. Notably, R683G and I682T might have arisen owing to RNA editing. Mutated samples showed different mutated transcripts suggesting sub-clonal heterogeneity. Functional approaches revealed that two JAK2 mutations (H574R and R683G) constitutively activate JAK-STAT signaling in ¿2A cells and can drive the proliferation of BaF3-EpoR cytokine-dependent cell line. In addition, aberrant hypermethylation of SOCS3 might contribute to enhance the activation of JAK-STAT signaling. Of utmost interest is that primary T-LBL samples harboring JAK2 mutations exhibited increased expression of LMO2, suggesting a mechanistic link between JAK2 mutations and the expression of LMO2, which was confirmed for the four missense mutations in transfected ¿2A cells. We therefore propose that active JAK2 contribute to T-LBL development by two different mechanisms, and that the use of pan-JAK inhibitors in combination with epigenetic drugs should be considered in future treatments. ; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2012-36566), Madrid Regional Government (Oncocycle S2011/BMD-2470), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ACCI-CIBERER-16); financial support to MAP: RTICC SAF2008-03871 (MINECO). Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). ; Peer Reviewed
This study was supported by grants from the Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2013-2016 ISCIII (PI13/00259), RD12/0036/0015 of Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC), PI16/00280 and CIBERONC (CB16/12/00390 and CB16/12/00228), the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias (ISPA), PCTI-Asturias (GRUPIN14-003), Fundación Bancaria Caja de Ahorros de Asturias-IUOPA and the FEDER Funding Program from the European Union.
Human myogenic precursor cells have been isolated and expanded from a number of skeletal muscles, but alternative donor biopsy sites must be sought after in diseases where muscle damage is widespread. Biopsy sites must be relatively accessible, and the biopsied muscle dispensable. Here, we aimed to histologically characterize the cremaster muscle with regard number of satellite cells and regenerative fibres, and to isolate and characterize human cremaster muscle-derived stem/precursor cells in adult male donors with the objective of characterizing this muscle as a novel source of myogenic precursor cells. Cremaster muscle biopsies (or adjacent non-muscle tissue for negative controls; N = 19) were taken from male patients undergoing routine surgery for urogenital pathology. Myosphere cultures were derived and tested for their in vitro and in vivo myogenic differentiation and muscle regeneration capacities. Cremaster-derived myogenic precursor cells were maintained by myosphere culture and efficiently differentiated to myotubes in adhesion culture. Upon transplantation to an immunocompromised mouse model of cardiotoxin-induced acute muscle damage, human cremaster-derived myogenic precursor cells survived to the transplants and contributed to muscle regeneration. These precursors are a good candidate for cell therapy approaches of skeletal muscle. Due to their location and developmental origin, we propose that they might be best suited for regeneration of the rhabdosphincter in patients undergoing stress urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy. ; We thank patients and medical personnel for their generous involvement in the study. We also acknowledge the help of Biodonostia Animal and Experimental Operations Facility. This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (RTC-2015-3750-1) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI13/02172, PI16/01430) to A.I., co-funded by the European Union (ERDF/ESF, 'Investing in your future'). N.N.-G. received a studentship from the Department of ...
On behalf of the CMS Collaboration: et al. ; Test beam results obtained with 3D pixel sensors bump-bonded to the RD53A prototype readout ASIC are reported. Sensors from FBK Italy and IMB-CNM (Spain) have been tested before and after proton-irradiation to an equivalent fluence of about 1 × 10 ≠cm (1MeV equivalent neutrons). This is the first time that one single collecting electrode fine pitch 3D sensors are irradiated up to such fluence bump-bonded to a fine pitch ASIC. The preliminary analysis of the collected data shows no degradation on the hit detection efficiencies of the tested sensors after high energy proton irradiation, demonstrating the excellent radiation tolerance of the 3D pixel sensors. Thus, they will be excellent candidates for the extreme radiation environment at the innermost layers of the HL-LHC experiments. ; This project has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under grants FPA2015-71292-C2-2-P, FPA2017-85155-C4-1-R and FPA2017-85155-C4-2-R; and the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 654168 (AIDA-2020).
CMS Collaboration: et al. ; A measurement is presented of electroweak (EW) production of a W boson in association with two jets in proton–proton collisions at s√=13TeV. The data sample was recorded by the CMS Collaboration at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9fb−1. The measurement is performed for the ℓνjj final state (with ℓν indicating a lepton–neutrino pair, and j representing the quarks produced in the hard interaction) in a kinematic region defined by invariant mass mjj>120GeV and transverse momenta pTj>25GeV. The cross section of the process is measured in the electron and muon channels yielding σEW(Wjj)=6.23±0.12(stat)±0.61(syst)pb per channel, in agreement with leading-order standard model predictions. The additional hadronic activity of events in a signal-enriched region is studied, and the measurements are compared with predictions. The final state is also used to perform a search for anomalous trilinear gauge couplings. Limits on anomalous trilinear gauge couplings associated with dimension-six operators are given in the framework of an effective field theory. The corresponding 95% confidence level intervals are −2.3