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Open Access#612017

Imprint of DES superstructures on the cosmic microwave background


Open Access#622017

Testing the lognormality of the galaxy and weak lensing convergence distributions from Dark Energy Survey maps


Open Access#632016

Physical properties of star clusters in the outer LMC as observed by the DES


Open Access#642017

Environmental dependence of the galaxy stellar mass function in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data


Open Access#652019

Modelling the Tucana III stream - a close passage with the LMC


Open Access#662018

Chemical Abundance Analysis of Three α-poor, Metal-poor Stars in the Ultrafaint Dwarf Galaxy Horologium i


Open Access#672017

Cosmic voids and void lensing in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data


Open Access#682019

Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: measurement of the galaxy angular power spectrum


Open Access#692020

Studying Type II supernovae as cosmological standard candles using the Dark Energy Survey


Open Access#702017

Cosmology from large-scale galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data


Open Access#712019

Dark Energy Survey year 1 results: galaxy sample for BAO measurement


Open Access#722016

Cross-correlation of gravitational lensing from DES Science Verification data with SPT and Planck lensing


Open Access#732019

Dark Energy Survey year 1 results: Constraints on extended cosmological models from galaxy clustering and weak lensing


Open Access#742019

Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: measurement of the baryon acoustic oscillation scale in the distribution of galaxies to redshift 1


Open Access#752019

Cosmological Constraints from Multiple Probes in the Dark Energy Survey

Abbott, T. M. C; Alarcon, A; Allam, S; Andersen, P; Andrade-Oliveira, F; Annis, J; Asorey, J; Avila, S; Bacon, D; Banik, N; Bassett, B. A; Baxter, E; Bechtol, K; Becker, M. R; Bernstein, G. M; Bertin, E; Blazek, J; Bridle, S. L; Brooks, D; Brout, D; Burke, D. L; Calcino, J; Camacho, H; Campos, A; Carnero Rosell, A; Carollo, D; Kind, M. Carrasco; Carretero, J; Castander, F. J; Cawthon, R; Challis, P; Chan, K. C; Chang, C; Childress, M; Crocce, M; Cunha, C. E; D'Andrea, C. B; Costa, L. N. da; Davis, C; Davis, T. M; De Vicente, J; Depoy, D. L; DeRose, J; Desai, S; Diehl, H. T; Dietrich, J. P; Dodelson, S; Doel, P; Drlica-Wagner, A; Eifler, T. F; Elvin-Poole, J; Estrada, J; Evrard, A. E; Fernandez, E; Flaugher, B; Foley, R. J; Fosalba, P; Frieman, J; Galbany, L; Garcia-Bellido, J; Gatti, M; Gaztanaga, E; Gerdes, D. W; Giannantonio, T; Glazebrook, K; Goldstein, D. A; Gruen, D; Gruendl, R. A; Gschwend, J; Gutierrez, G; Hartley, W. G; Hinton, S. R; Hollowood, D. L; Honscheid, K; Hoormann, J. K; Hoyle, B; Huterer, D; Jain, B; James, D. J; Jarvis, M; Jeltema, T; Kasai, E; Kent, S; Kessler, R; Kim, A. G; Kokron, N; Krause, E; Kron, R; Kuehn, K; Kuropatkin, N; Lahav, O; Lasker, J; Lemos, P; Lewis, G. F; Li, T. S; Lidman, C; Lima, M; Lin, H; Macaulay, E; MacCrann, N; Maia, M. A. G; March, M; Marriner, J; Marshall, J. L; Martini, P; McMahon, R. G; Melchior, P; Menanteau, F; Miquel, R; Mohr, J. J; Morganson, E; Muir, J; Moeller, A; Neilsen, E; Nichol, R. C; Nord, B; Ogando, R. L. C; Palmese, A; Pan, Y. -C; Peiris, H. V; Percival, W. J; Plazas, A. A; Porredon, A; Prat, J; Romer, A. K; Roodman, A; Rosenfeld, R; Ross, A. J; Rykoff, E. S; Samuroff, S; Sanchez, C; Sanchez, E; Scarpine, V; Schindler, R; Schubnell, M; Scolnic, D; Secco, L. F; Serrano, S; Sevilla-Noarbe, I; Sharp, R; Sheldon, E; Smith, M; Soares-Santos, M; Sobreira, F; Sommer, N. E; Swann, E; Swanson, M. E. C; Tarle, G; Thomas, D; Thomas, R. C; Troxel, M. A; Tucker, B. E; Uddin, S. A; Vielzeuf, P; Walker, A. R; Wang, M; Weaverdyck, N; Wechsler, R. H; Weller, J; Yanny, B; Zhang, B; Zhang, Y; Zuntz, J; DES Collaboration