The New Genetics: A Social Science and Humanities Research Agenda
In: Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 495
142 Ergebnisse
In: Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 495
In: Public administration: an international quarterly, Band 76, Heft 2, S. 355-386
ISSN: 0033-3298
In: Sozialer Wandel: Modellbildung und theoretische Ansätze, S. 340-383
Der vorliegende Beitrag skizziert einen evolutionstheoretischen Bezugsrahmen zur Beschreibung, Erklärung und Bewertung der Entwicklung und Evolution von Kulturen und Institutionen in folgenden Schritten: (1) Einführung in ein Kultur- und Institutionenverständnis, das auf dem Grundbegriff der "sozialen Regel" beruht; (2) Innovationsquellen und damit die Variabilität derartiger sozialer Regeln; (3) Selektionsmechanismen, von denen abhängt, welche institutionellen Arrangements, kulturelle Formen und Regeln überdauern und reproduziert werden; (4) Die Übertragung und Reproduktion sozialer Regeln; (5) strukturelle Faktoren der evolutionären Kulturdynamik und (6) Diskussion des Problems, welche Rolle den menschlichen Handlungskompetenzen innerhalb evolutionärer Prozesse zukommt. Den zentralen Vorteil des vorgestellten evolutionären Ansatzes sehen die Autoren darin, daß er die Rückkopplungen zwischen sozialen Systemen und deren biologischer und physikalischer Umwelt, die sich als Antworten auf die Implementierung kultureller Regeln und institutioneller Arrangements ergeben, ins Zentrum der Überlegungen stellt. (pmb)
In: International sociology: the journal of the International Sociological Association, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 259-283
ISSN: 1461-7242
In this paper we outline a general evolutionary theory, which we suggest can provide a useful point of departure for the description and analysis of cultural and institutional dynamics. The paper defines culture and institutions as systems of social rules, produced and reproduced by human groups, and formulates the evolutionary dynamics of such rule systems. In the context of the resurgence of evolutionary thinking in the social sciences in the last decade, we distinguish between contemporary evolutionary approaches and earlier developmental approaches. By evolutionary we mean models of the generation of variety, transmission of information and the operation of selection and other processes (migration, distorted or incorrect knowledge transmission etc.) on the distribution of information within and between populations over time. The key units of information consists of social rules, the production, reproduction and transformation of which is the focus of the theory. In this scheme macro or population-level phenomena and structures are shaped by micro-level processes and in turn are the selective environment for the micro-level processes. Historical developments are seen as the result of complex contingencies rather than representing a tendency for key variables to move towards a static or dynamic Aristotelean `natural state'. In historical developments, human agents play a major role but often not in the ways they intend or anticipate.
In: Acta sociologica: journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association, Band 35, Heft 3, S. 187-200
ISSN: 1502-3869
Agency has long been an important topic in sociological theory. Recently, sociologists have devoted attention to new models of cultural evolution drawn from a variety of disciplines. This paper examines the role of agency in evolutionary theory. We begin by distinguishing evolutionary theory from developmental theories that are usually identified with evolution in discussions of social theory. We then offer an approach to agency and to power grounded in social rule systems theory. These discussions provide a context to definition of agency as effective, intentional, unconstrained and reflexive action by individual or collective actors. Using contemporary evolutionary theory, we consider the circumstances under which individual and collective action can meet these requirements and thus be considered agentic.
In: Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique: BMS, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 91-95
ISSN: 2070-2779
In: Alternatives: global, local, political, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 317-341
ISSN: 0304-3754
World Affairs Online
In: Alternatives: global, local, political, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 317-341
ISSN: 2163-3150
Technology has become the new central factor in the debate about development. The means to achieve development (which, it is assumed, must necessarily be in the image of a few industrialized countries, whether of the West or the East) is conceptualized simply as the transfer of technology, regardless of the certain mismatch between imported, culturally determined, technology and the historically given structural and institutional frameworks of the importing societies. On the international level, transferred technology tends to create dependency; on the national level, it leads to distortions and undesirable developments. This paper explicates the relationship between technology and social systems, and discusses its implications for development strategies.
In: Alternatives: global, local, political, Band 7, S. 317-341
ISSN: 0304-3754
In: Alternatives: global, local, political, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 317-341
ISSN: 0304-3754
Technology has become the new central factor in the debate about development, which has as its focus the New International Economic Order. The means to achieve development (which, it is assumed, must necessarily be in the image of a few industrialized countries, whether of the West or the East) is conceptualized as the transfer of technology, regardless of the mismatch between imported, culturally determined, technology & the historically given structural & institutional frameworks of the importing societies. On the international level, transferred technology tends to create dependency; on the national level, it leads to distortions & undesirable developments. The relationship between technology & social systems is explicated. HA.
In: Acta sociologica: journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association, Band 23, Heft 4, S. 177-186
ISSN: 1502-3869
In: Acta sociologica: journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association, Band 23, Heft 2-3, S. 177-186
ISSN: 1502-3869
In: International studies quarterly: the journal of the International Studies Association, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 126-159
ISSN: 0020-8833, 1079-1760
World Affairs Online
Edited by leading researchers in the field, 'Coercion in Community Mental Health Care' provides a unique discussion of this prominent issue in mental health. Divided into five sections covering origins and extent, evidence, experiences, context and international perspectives, it is ideal for mental health practitioners, social scientists, ethicists and legal professionals wishing to expand their knowledge of the subject area
This work presents, elaborates, and illustrates what is arguably the most important concept in the social sciences: power. It focuses particularly on a major class of power phenomena, meta-power, that is, power over power, transformative and structuring power. This encompasses powers to establish, reform, and transform social systems (institutions, power hierarchies, cultural formations, and socio-technical and infrastructural systems). Understanding meta-power is essential to the effective analysis of the formation of societal structures, their dynamics and evolution. This collection presents numerous illustrations and case studies at local, meso, and macro levels, showing how meta-powering is mobilized and operates in different contexts. The book should be of particular interest to business and management researchers, anthropologists, historians, legal scholars, political scientists, and, of course, sociologists