Training for equality: a study of race relations and equal opportunities training
In: Discussion paper 33
111 Ergebnisse
In: Discussion paper 33
In: Policy Studies Institute 674
In: Environmental sciences Europe: ESEU, Band 26, Heft 1
ISSN: 2190-4715
Cover -- Half Title -- Dedication -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Maps -- List of Images -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- 1.1: Regional Self-reliance or Integration -- 1.2: Approach of the Study -- 1.3: Relevance of the Beef lndustry -- 1.4: Sources of Information -- 1.5: Organisation of the Book -- Chapter 2: Perspectives on China's Regional Economy -- 2.1: Transportation Constraints -- 2.2: Coastal versus Inland Development -- 2.3: Self-sufficiency Policies -- 2.4: Inter-regional Trade Barriers -- 2.5: Integration and Spatial Organisation -- 2.6: Resource Base -- Chapter 3: Regional Dispersion, Factor Endowments, Specialisation and Inter-regional Movements -- 3.1: Classification of Regions -- 3.2: Regional Differences in Factor Endowments -- 3.3: Regional Specialisation Suggested by Factor Endowments -- 3.4: Inter-regional Movements -- Chapter 4: Market Influence on Regionalisation -- 4.1: Nature of Beef Demand and Cattle Supply -- 4.2: Market Infrastructure -- 4.3: Market Information -- Chapter 5: Government Influence on Regionalisation -- 5.1: Central Government Influence -- 5.2: Local Government Influence -- Chapter 6: Empirical Analysis of Integration -- 6.1: Data and Research Methods -- 6.2: Intra-regional Integration -- 6.3: Inter-regional Integration -- Chapter 7: Regionalism and Integration -- 7.1: Regionalism and Comparative Advantage -- 7.2: Central Direction or Regional Development -- 7.3: One Region or Many -- 7.4: Market Integration -- Annex -- A1: Jiangsu Province -- A2: Anhui Province -- A3: Henan Province -- A4: Shandong Province -- A5: Hebei Province -- A6: Liaoning Province -- A7: Jilin Province -- A8: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region -- A9: Sichuan Province -- A10: Yunnan Province -- A11: Guangxi Province -- A12: Guangdong Province -- A13: Hong Kong.
In: Australia-Asia papers, 29
World Affairs Online
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 84, S. 149-161
In: The China journal: Zhongguo-yanjiu, Band 66, S. 119-142
ISSN: 1835-8535
In: The China journal: Zhongguo yan jiu, Heft 66, S. 119-144
ISSN: 1324-9347
As the gains from agricultural liberalization diminish, China's policy-makers are looking for new ways to generate sustained agricultural and rural development. One major attempt to do so has been through a multi-faceted agricultural modernization program, in which the state will play a major role. This paper examines the role of the state in China's agricultural modernization program and provides recommendations on how this role can be enhanced. It does so through a case study of China's fine wool marketing sector, which comprises a diverse cast of specialized actors stretching from the west to the east of China, linked through a tapestry of policies, services and institutions. The detailed, micro-level and nuanced analysis leads to a set of specific recommendations on how these policy, service and institutional settings can be strengthened, but highlights that these measures must be underpinned by increased state capacity to deliver public good services. (China J/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
In: The China quarterly, Band 186, S. 277-294
ISSN: 1468-2648
China's state sector reform process is examined through the key sector of agriculture. A preview of aggregate statistics and broader reform measures indicate the declining role of the state. However, a systematic analysis of administrative, service and enterprise structures reveal the nuances of how the state has retained strong capacity to guide development of the agricultural sector. State and Party policy makers aim not only to support the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of farmers, but also to pursue agricultural modernization in the context of rapid industrialization. These goals are unlikely to be achieved through a wholesale transfer of functions to the private sector, so the state has maintained or developed new mechanisms of influence, particularly in the areas of service provision and enterprise development.
In: The China quarterly, Heft 186, S. 277-294
ISSN: 1468-2648
In: The China quarterly: an international journal for the study of China, Heft 186, S. 277-294
ISSN: 0305-7410, 0009-4439
World Affairs Online
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 20, Heft 11, S. 1663-1674
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 20, Heft 11, S. 1663
ISSN: 0305-750X