La globalizzazione imprevidente: mappe nel nuovo (dis)ordine internazionale
In: Nuovi saggi 56
115 Ergebnisse
In: Nuovi saggi 56
In: Organization science
ISSN: 1526-5455
This study investigates whether an increase in the demand for nonconventional work schedules helps explain the gender gap in career advancement. We look at employees of U.S. firms acquired between 2010 and 2014 and distinguish between same and different time-zone acquisitions. The idea is that time-zone differences between the headquarters and the newly acquired firm increase the demand for and value of working outside the standard working schedule. This, combined with social norms about women's role as caregivers, puts female employees at a disadvantage relative to men. Based on Zephyr-LinkedIn matched data, our results show that women are about 9.5% less likely than men to be promoted in cross-time-zone acquisitions than in same-time-zone acquisitions. The gap rises to 10.6% for managerial occupations, and it is higher for time-zone differences of two and three hours. We discuss the implications of our results for the management, evaluation, and retention of human capital in organizations and, more generally, for gender equality in the workplace. Funding: The authors thank the Editor and three autonomous referees for their comments on previous drafts of the paper. The authors also thank participants to the Strategy Science Virtual Conference 2020, the Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SIE) Virtual Seminars held in December 2020, the Wharton Technology and Innovation Conference 2021, and the Work and Organization Workshop held in Madrid in May 2022. The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Invernizzi Center for Research on Innovation, Organization, Strategy and Entrepreneurship (ICRIOS) at Bocconi University. S. Breschi also acknowledges financial support through the MUSA – Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action [ECS 000037] and the GRINS – Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable [PE00000018] projects, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). Supplemental Material: The online appendices are available at .
In: Genus: a population journal founded in 1934 by Corrado Gini, Band 80, Heft 1
ISSN: 2035-5556
AbstractThis article looks at the key factors affecting the connection between peasant family size and farm size in Italy in 1930–1931. The association between farm size and family size was analyzed using a new dataset merging data drawn from both the Population Census of 1931 and the Census of Agriculture of 1930. We found a strict association between peasant family size, here considered as a production unit, and the surface area of the farm. The results seem to correspond to different causal relationship between family size and farm size according to access to land, and form of tenure. In some contexts, where sharecropping was widespread, farm size defines the size of the family. In others where small land ownership prevailed, it seems that family size shapes the size of the farm. In this study we propose a new explanation for peasant family size in the Fascist period. This is done adopting a cross-sectional perspective, providing a geographical analysis based on the 786 agrarian areas that formed the national territory in that period.
In: Organization science, Band 33, Heft 6, S. 2250-2273
ISSN: 1526-5455
How does an employee's centrality in intrafirm research and development activities affect the employee's propensity for outward mobility? Does this proclivity vary by the type of employment the employee seeks: moving to other firms versus founding a new venture? We maintain that, to answer these questions, we must distinguish between an employee's centrality in the intrafirm collaboration network and the employee's centrality in the intrafirm technological recombination network. We utilize the curricula vitae and patent data of corporate inventors at a leading semiconductor company between 1993 and 2012 to test our hypotheses. Contrary to prevailing views, our competing risk model indicates that corporate inventors who are central in the intrafirm collaboration and technological network and, thus, have the most opportunities are less likely to leave the current employer. However, when considering external employment opportunities, their preferences vary. Collaboration-central individuals are more likely to start a new venture than to move to another employer. Their skill in developing interpersonal relationships enables them to attract the tangible and intangible resources needed in a new firm. In contrast, inventors whose technological expertise is central to the firm's technology recombination network are more likely to move to another employer than to start a new venture. In an established firm, they can leverage their technological know-how using the resources that a new venture would lack. Our theory highlights the trade-offs in employees' attempts to take advantage of their internal and external value based on their position within the firm's collaboration and technological networks. Funding: The authors thank LeBow College of Business, SKEMA Business School, and Bocconi University for their financial support. Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at .
In: Social science history: the official journal of the Social Science History Association, Band 45, Heft 3, S. 519-533
ISSN: 1527-8034
AbstractEducation has been frequently claimed to shape demographic outcomes. Mortality, fertility, and nuptiality have all been attested to be affected to some extent by education attainment. This article investigates the effects of education on fertility over time in a rural Italian community once controlled for potential confounders. Using individual-level data drawn from various sources, the study analyzes the role of education in shaping reproductive behaviors not only during the demographic transition (1890–1960) but also in the pretransitional period (1819–59). The results highlight the contrasting effects of literacy on fertility, which passed from a positive association in the ancien régime to a negative one in the transitional phase. Educated couples were therefore forerunners in the process of fertility decline because they were not only in the position to be the most pressed to control reproduction but also because they were likely aware of reproductive mechanisms, had the knowledge of more effective birth-control methods, had the economic possibility to get them, and had the necessary capacity to use them.
In: Bocconi University Management Research Paper
In: Forthcoming in Organization Science
In: Demographic Research, Band 40, S. 599-626
ISSN: 1435-9871
In: Research policy: policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovation, Band 47, Heft 9, S. 1585-1600
ISSN: 1873-7625
In: NBER Working Paper No. w24809
Working paper
This paper aims at presenting some health maps of a historical population. The studies on the health status of past populations are usually focused on the causes of death. Our purpose is to present some descriptive analyses on non-deadly diseases. The present work focuses on the province of Friuli (north-eastern Italy) in the second half of the nineteenth century. The used sources are military call-up records. We collected about 300,000 records relative to military recruitment that took place between 1866 and 1909 (birth cohorts 1846-1890). Our main concern was the health status of the 20-year male population, and its association with environmental, socio economic and genetic factors. Generally speaking, we observe that the northern mountain area was the most advantaged, while young adults from the eastern and western parts of the province were the most disadvantaged. A lot of factors and causes contributed to determine the spatial distribution of specific diseases in Friuli, whilst others remain unknown because simple descriptive analyses are not sufficient to highlight them all. In particular, the distribution of the thyroidal hypertrophy was almost certainly due to the water quality, while the distribution of dental caries was probably related to genetic and dietary factors. ; Il presente studio si propone di presentare alcune mappe di salute relative ad una popolazione storica. Gli studi sullo stato di salute delle popolazioni del passato è incentrato solitamente sulle cause di morte. Il nostro obiettivo è di presentare alcune analisi descrittive sulla distribuzione di alcune patologie che non avevano effetto letale. Il lavoro è incentrato sul Friuli (Italia nord-orientale) nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento. La fonte utilizzata è costituita dalle liste di estrazione militare e consiste in circa 300.000 visite di leva svoltesi tra il 1866 e il 1909 (generazioni 1846-1890). Il nostro principale obiettivo è quello di valutare lo stato di salute della popolazione maschile di 20 anni e la sua associazione con fattori ambientali, socio-economici e genetici. In generale l'area montuosa settentrionale risultava essere la più avvantaggiata, mentre le aree più svantaggiate erano quelle della parte orientale e occidentale della provincia. Molti fattori hanno contribuito a determinare la distribuzione spaziale di alcune malattie specifiche del Friuli, mentre altre restano sconosciute perché le semplici analisi descrittive non sono sufficienti per evidenziarle tutte. In particolare la distribuzione dell'ipertrofismo tiroideo era dovuta quasi sicuramente alla qualità dell'acqua, mentre la distribuzione della carie dentaria era probabilmente legata a fattori di tipo genetico e alimentare.
In: Annales de démographie historique: ADH, Band 128, Heft 2, S. 139-157
ISSN: 1776-2774
Entre la fin des années 1920 et le début des années 1930, comme dans beaucoup d'autres pays européens, le régime fasciste italien prit des mesures pour lutter efficacement contre la baisse de la fécondité. Utilisant les données individuelles du recensement de 1961 dans quatre communautés présentant des profils sociaux et économiques variés, cette analyse se fixe pour objectif de vérifier si la campagne de propagande du régime et les mesures législatives en faveur de la natalité ont eu un impact réel et positif sur certaines catégories de population. L'étude montre que l'augmentation du taux de natalité est restée limitée aussi bien en termes d'intensité qu'en termes de durée. Cette augmentation est partiellement due aux mesures adoptées en 1937 qui ont sensiblement accru le taux de nuptialité. Au-delà de ce léger impact, l'analyse individuelle des données n'a pas montré d'effet significatif des politiques du régime fasciste italien sur le taux de natalité.
In: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Economic Research Working Paper Series No. 17
In: Demographic Research, Band 29, S. 1227-1260
ISSN: 1435-9871