An Anthology of the Distinguished Achievements in Science and Technique. Part 53: Nobel Prize Laureates in Physics for 2016–2019
In: Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (2), 3–12.
346 Ergebnisse
In: Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (2), 3–12.
Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about the distinguished designer of domestic |space-rocket technique and one of basic creators of missiles for a Soviet rocket-nuclear «shield» Mikhail Kuzmich Yangel. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, regarding becoming and development in the USSR of space-rocket technique of the military and peaceful applications and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is resulted about the distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technique of M.K. Yangel, becoming one of creators of domestic strategic rocket-nuclear «shield». Basic scientific and technical achievements of talented and purposeful scientist-mechanic M.K. Yangel are described, becoming in 1954 Head and Chief Designer of the Special Designer Bureau No. 586 (SDB-586, Dnepropetrovsk city), in area of development and creation of powerful battle ballistic rockets of the strategic applications and missiles for the peaceful mastering of space. It is shown that under scientific guidance of the Chief Designer of SDB-586 (in 1966 it began to be named DB «Southern») M.K. Yangel in the USSR were developed and accepted on the armament of rocket strategic armies the Soviet army: battle strategic rockets of the first generation (rockets with military indexes 8K63, 8K65 and 8K64); battle intercontinents ballistic rockets (ICBR) of the second (rockets with military indexes 8K67, 8K69 and 8К67П) and the third (rockets with military indexes 15A14 (on terminology of NATO SS-18 «Satan»), 15A15, 15A16 and 15A18) generations. At creation in the USSR of battle ICBR of the fourth generation (rockets with the military indexes of 15А18М, 15Ж60 and 15Ж61) the ideas of M.K. Yangel were applied. These battle ICBR provided in the period of the «Cold War» for the USSR a party in the world race of strategic rocket-nuclear armaments. Powerful domestic missiles are «Space-1», «Space-2», «Cyclone-2» and «Cyclone-3», created at SDB-586 (DB «Southern») under the guidance of M.K. Yangel on the base of the indicated battle ICBR, executed the tasks laid on them in area of the peaceful mastering of space. Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from mass of scientific and technical materials media, regarding becoming and development in the USSR of rocket industry, having an important military-strategic and civil value. First for a wide reader the concrete contribution of SDB-586 (DB «Southern»), headed in the period of 1954-1971 by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR M.K. Yangel is exposed in the concentrated kind, in creation of powerful Soviet battle ICBR, making in the period of 1959-1991 basis of rocket-nuclear «shield» of the USSR. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineering-technical and scientific workers of physical-technical knowledge in area of history of becoming and development in the former USSR of military and peaceful rocket production, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society. ; Приведен научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся советском конструкторе ракетно-космической техники Михаиле Кузьмиче Янгеле, ставшем одним из создателей отечественного ракетно-ядерного «щита». Описаны основные научно-технические достижения М.К. Янгеля в области разработки и создания в СССР боевого стратегического ракетного вооружения и ракетно-космической техники для мирного освоения космоса. Показано, что Главный конструктор ОКБ-586 (КБ «Южное», г. Днепропетровск) М.К. Янгель является «отцом» советских боевых межконтинентальных баллистических ракет (МБР) первого (с индексами 8К63, 8К65 и 8К64), второго (с индексами 8К67, 8К69 и 8К67П) и третьего (с индексами 15А14, 15А15, 15А16 и 15А18) поколений. При создании МБР четвертого поколения (с индексами 15А18М, 15Ж60 и 15Ж61) были применены его идеи. Данные боевые МБР обеспечили в период «холодной войны» для СССР паритет в мировой гонке стратегических ракетно-ядерных вооружений.
Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of domestic aircraft design, prominent Ukrainian aircraft designer O.K. Antonov. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, touching becoming and development of Soviet aviation and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is resulted about the prominent Ukrainian aircraft designer Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, becoming one of founders of Soviet military cargo and civil aviation. Basic scientific and technical achievements of the glorified aircraft designer O.K. Antonov are indicated and team of headed them in the period of 1952-1984 of legendary Design Bureau 473 (Kyiv) in area of aircraft design, bringing a domestic aviation around to world heights. Basic tactical and technical descriptions are described created under his scientific and technical guidance of such types of passenger airplanes known in the world as An-2, An-10 and An-24, and also troop-carriers of type An-12, An-22 «Antaeus», An-26, An-30, An-32, An-72 and An-124 «Ruslan». Short information is resulted about tactical and technical descriptions of the largest in the world of heavy distant turbo-jet military cargo airplane type An-225 «Mriya», created in 1980-th years in Design Bureau named after O.K. Antonov. It is marked that under scientific and technical guidance of aircraft designer O.K. Antonov in the former USSR about 100 types of aircrafts of the military and civil aircrafts were developed and created. It is pointed out that Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy if Sciences the Ukrainian SSR and of the Academy of Sciences the USSR became a founder acknowledged in the world of Ukrainian aviation scientific school. Information, touching common to all mankind qualities of this great aircraft designer, is resulted, and also handed O.K. Antonov for merits before Homeland of governmental rewards, bonuses and other insignia, underlining his prominent contribution to development of domestic aircraft construction. Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from scientific journals and other mass of scientific and technical materials media, touching becoming and development in the period of 20-21-th centuries of Soviet aviation and ponderable scientific and technical contribution to the military and civil aircraft design of the prominent Ukrainian aircraft designer O.K. Antonov. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineering, technical and scientific workers of scientific and technical knowledge in area of history of becoming and development of Soviet aircraft design, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society. ; Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся украинском авиаконструкторе Олеге Константиновиче Антонове, ставшем одним из основоположников отечественного самолетостроения. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения О.К. Антонова в области самолетостроения, принесшие славу советской военной и гражданской авиации и нашему Отечеству. Показано, что авиаконструктор О.К. Антонов основал в г. Киеве известную в мире украинскую авиационную научную школу. Под руководством авиаконструктора О.К. Антонова в его ОКБ было разработано около 100 типов летательных аппаратов военного и гражданского назначения.
Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся советском конструкторе ракетно-космической техники Сергее Павловиче Королеве, ставшем одним из основоположников отечественного ракетостроения и практической космонавтики. Отмечен важный вклад бывших немецких ракетчиков, работавших в СССР после окончания Второй мировой войны, в разработку первых советских баллистических ракет. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения С.П. Королева в области создания советского стратегического ракетного оружия и современной ракетно-космической техники для освоения землянами ближнего и дальнего космического пространства. Показано, что главный конструктор С.П. Королев является «отцом» отечественной ракетно-космической техники, обеспечившей запуск первого в мире советского искусственного спутника Земли (1957 г.) и пребывание на околоземной космической орбите первого в истории человечества советского космонавта Ю.А. Гагарина (1961 г.). ; Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of domestic rocket production and practical cosmonautics, distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technology Sergey Pavlovich Korolev. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, touching becoming and development in the world of space-rocket technique and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is presented about the distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technique S.P. Korolev, becoming one of founders of domestic rocket production and practical cosmonautics. The important deposit of former German people, creating rockets, workings in the USSR after completion of the World War II is marked, in development of the first Soviet ballistic rockets. Basic scientific and technical achievements of talented and purposeful scientist and practical worker, becoming in 1950 a Chief Designer of the Special Design Bureau No. 1 (SDB-1), S.P. Korolev in area of creation of Soviet strategic rocket weapon (rocket-nuclear «shield») and modern space-rocket technique for mastering of near and distant space tellurians. It is pointed out that under the direction of the Chief Designer of SDB-1 S.P. Korolev in the USSR was developed and accepted on the armament of Soviet Army consisting of two stages intercontinental ballistic rocket (ICBR) of type P-7 (1956, military index 8K71, by power of thermonuclear war-head in 5 Mt and distance of its flight in 8 thousands km) with the liquid rocket engines (LRE) of type РД-107 and РД-108 of design of distinguished Soviet designer in area of rocket engines V.P. Glushko. It is indicated that the Chief Designer S.P. Korolev is the «father» of domestic space-rocket technique, providing by powerful launch vehicles, created in the USSR on the basis of ICBR with LRE of РД-7 type (military index 8K71), start of first in the world of Soviet space satellite (on Octobers, 4, 1957) and start on the circumterrestrial space orbit of the first in history humanity of Soviet cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin (on April, 12, 1961). Originality. Certain systematization is executed of known from mass medias of scientific and technical materials, touching becoming and development in the USSR of rocket production, at the sources of which the talented scientist-practical worker and distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technique S.P. Korolev. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineer and technical and scientific workers of physical and technical knowledge in area of history of becoming and development in the former USSR of modern rocket production, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society.
Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about the distinguished designer of domestic |space-rocket technique and one of basic creators of missiles for a Soviet rocket-nuclear «shield» Mikhail Kuzmich Yangel. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, regarding becoming and development in the USSR of space-rocket technique of the military and peaceful applications and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is resulted about the distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technique of M.K. Yangel, becoming one of creators of domestic strategic rocket-nuclear «shield». Basic scientific and technical achievements of talented and purposeful scientist-mechanic M.K. Yangel are described, becoming in 1954 Head and Chief Designer of the Special Designer Bureau No. 586 (SDB-586, Dnepropetrovsk city), in area of development and creation of powerful battle ballistic rockets of the strategic applications and missiles for the peaceful mastering of space. It is shown that under scientific guidance of the Chief Designer of SDB-586 (in 1966 it began to be named DB «Southern») M.K. Yangel in the USSR were developed and accepted on the armament of rocket strategic armies the Soviet army: battle strategic rockets of the first generation (rockets with military indexes 8K63, 8K65 and 8K64); battle intercontinents ballistic rockets (ICBR) of the second (rockets with military indexes 8K67, 8K69 and 8К67П) and the third (rockets with military indexes 15A14 (on terminology of NATO SS-18 «Satan»), 15A15, 15A16 and 15A18) generations. At creation in the USSR of battle ICBR of the fourth generation (rockets with the military indexes of 15А18М, 15Ж60 and 15Ж61) the ideas of M.K. Yangel were applied. These battle ICBR provided in the period of the «Cold War» for the USSR a party in the world race of strategic rocket-nuclear armaments. Powerful domestic missiles are «Space-1», «Space-2», «Cyclone-2» and «Cyclone-3», created at SDB-586 (DB «Southern») under the guidance of M.K. Yangel on the base of the indicated battle ICBR, executed the tasks laid on them in area of the peaceful mastering of space. Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from mass of scientific and technical materials media, regarding becoming and development in the USSR of rocket industry, having an important military-strategic and civil value. First for a wide reader the concrete contribution of SDB-586 (DB «Southern»), headed in the period of 1954-1971 by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR M.K. Yangel is exposed in the concentrated kind, in creation of powerful Soviet battle ICBR, making in the period of 1959-1991 basis of rocket-nuclear «shield» of the USSR. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineering-technical and scientific workers of physical-technical knowledge in area of history of becoming and development in the former USSR of military and peaceful rocket production, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society. ; Приведен научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся советском конструкторе ракетно-космической техники Михаиле Кузьмиче Янгеле, ставшем одним из создателей отечественного ракетно-ядерного «щита». Описаны основные научно-технические достижения М.К. Янгеля в области разработки и создания в СССР боевого стратегического ракетного вооружения и ракетно-космической техники для мирного освоения космоса. Показано, что Главный конструктор ОКБ-586 (КБ «Южное», г. Днепропетровск) М.К. Янгель является «отцом» советских боевых межконтинентальных баллистических ракет (МБР) первого (с индексами 8К63, 8К65 и 8К64), второго (с индексами 8К67, 8К69 и 8К67П) и третьего (с индексами 15А14, 15А15, 15А16 и 15А18) поколений. При создании МБР четвертого поколения (с индексами 15А18М, 15Ж60 и 15Ж61) были применены его идеи. Данные боевые МБР обеспечили в период «холодной войны» для СССР паритет в мировой гонке стратегических ракетно-ядерных вооружений.
Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся советском авиаконструкторе Андрее Николаевиче Туполеве, ставшем одним из основоположников мирового самолетостроения. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения А.Н. Туполева в области самолетостроения, приведшие советскую военную и гражданскую авиацию на невиданные мировые высоты. Показано, что А.Н. Туполев является основателем известной в мире авиационной научной школы, воспитавшей многих видных в бывшем СССР авиаконструкторов. Под руководством великого авиаконструктора 20-го столетия А.Н. Туполева в СССР было разработано свыше 100 типов самолетов военного и гражданского назначения, 70 из которых изготавливались авиационной промышленностью страны серийно. ; Purpose. Preparation of a short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of world airplane design, prominent Soviet aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information regarding becoming and development of Soviet and world aviation and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is presented about a prominent Soviet aircraft designer Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev, becoming in the 20th century one of founders of Soviet and world aviation. Basic scientific and technical achievements of A.N. Tupolev indicated in area of airplane design, bringing Soviet military and civil aviation around to extraordinary world heights. Basic tactical and technical descriptions are described regarding created under his scientific and technical guidance of such known types of civil airplanes as ANT-25, Tu-104, Tu-134, Tu-154 and Tu-114, and also military airplanes of type Tu-2, Tu-16 and Tu-95. Short information is resulted about flying descriptions of the modern Russian supersonic strategic bomber of type Tu-160, created in 1980-th in the design bureau name after A.N. Tupolev. It is marked that under guidance of A.N. Tupolev over 100 types of airplanes of the military and civil setting were developed in the former USSR, 70 from which are produced by aviation industry of country serially. It is indicated that Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Colonel-General-Engineer A.N. Tupolev was a founder known in the world of aviation scientific school, preparing many famous Russian aircraft designers. Information, touching handed him domestic and foreign governmental rewards and other authoritative signs of confession of prominent merits of great aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev world scientific and technical public is resulted in airplane design. Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from scientific publications and other scientific and technical materials media regarding becoming and development of Soviet and world aviation and considerable scientific and technical contribution to the military and civil airplane design of prominent Soviet aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher schools, engineering, technical and scientific workers of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of history of becoming and development of Soviet and world airplane design, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society.
Purpose. Preparation of a short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of world airplane design, prominent Soviet aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information regarding becoming and development of Soviet and world aviation and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is presented about a prominent Soviet aircraft designer Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev, becoming in the 20th century one of founders of Soviet and world aviation. Basic scientific and technical achievements of A.N. Tupolev indicated in area of airplane design, bringing Soviet military and civil aviation around to extraordinary world heights. Basic tactical and technical descriptions are described regarding created under his scientific and technical guidance of such known types of civil airplanes as ANT-25, Tu-104, Tu-134, Tu-154 and Tu-114, and also military airplanes of type Tu-2, Tu-16 and Tu-95. Short information is resulted about flying descriptions of the modern Russian supersonic strategic bomber of type Tu-160, created in 1980-th in the design bureau name after A.N. Tupolev. It is marked that under guidance of A.N. Tupolev over 100 types of airplanes of the military and civil setting were developed in the former USSR, 70 from which are produced by aviation industry of country serially. It is indicated that Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Colonel-General-Engineer A.N. Tupolev was a founder known in the world of aviation scientific school, preparing many famous Russian aircraft designers. Information, touching handed him domestic and foreign governmental rewards and other authoritative signs of confession of prominent merits of great aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev world scientific and technical public is resulted in airplane design. Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from scientific publications and other scientific and technical materials media regarding becoming and development of Soviet and world aviation and considerable scientific and technical contribution to the military and civil airplane design of prominent Soviet aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher schools, engineering, technical and scientific workers of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of history of becoming and development of Soviet and world airplane design, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society. ; Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся советском авиаконструкторе Андрее Николаевиче Туполеве, ставшем одним из основоположников мирового самолетостроения. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения А.Н. Туполева в области самолетостроения, приведшие советскую военную и гражданскую авиацию на невиданные мировые высоты. Показано, что А.Н. Туполев является основателем известной в мире авиационной научной школы, воспитавшей многих видных в бывшем СССР авиаконструкторов. Под руководством великого авиаконструктора 20-го столетия А.Н. Туполева в СССР было разработано свыше 100 типов самолетов военного и гражданского назначения, 70 из которых изготавливались авиационной промышленностью страны серийно.
Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of world rocket production, distinguished German-American designer of modern space-rocket technique Wernher von Braun. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, touching becoming and development in the world of space-rocket technique and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is presented about the distinguished German-American designer of space-rocket technique Wernher von Braun, becoming one of founders of world rocket production. Basic scientific and technical achievements of talented and purposeful scientist Doctor of Physics Wernher von Braun in area of modern rocket production, getting over on persistent initiative of the American special services after the defeat of Germany in World War II in the USA (1945) for continuation of the work in area of missile technology (he was the main designer of the German battle ballistic rocket V-2 of midrange with a liquid rocket engine (LRE), created in 1944), carrying military-strategic character by that time. It is shown that Wernher von Braun is the founder of the space program of the USA and leader of developments of the American pilot-controlled spaceships of series «Apollo» within the framework of the Lunar program of the USA. It is marked that under scientific and technical guidance of Wernher von Braun in the USA powerful launch vehicles were created with LRE of battle series «Redstone» of midrange (1958, military index of PGM-11) and space series «Saturn» (1969), due to which on a circumterrestrial orbit the first artificial satellite of the USA «Explorer-1» launched (31 January, 1958), and the American astronaut Neil Armstrong first in history of humanity stepped on the surface of the Moon (20 July, 1969). Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from mass media of scientific and technical materials, touching becoming and development in 20-th century of world rocket production, at the sources of which the talented scientist Doctor of Physics and distinguished German-American designer of space-rocket technique Wernher von Braun. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineer and technical and scientific workers of physical and technical knowledge in area of world history of becoming and development of modern rocket production, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society. ; Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся немецко-американском конструкторе ракетно-космической техники Вернере фон Брауне, ставшем одним из основоположников мирового ракетостроения. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения Вернера фон Брауна в области современного ракетостроения, перебравшегося по настойчивой инициативе американских спецслужб после разгрома Германии во Второй мировой войне в США (1945 г.) для продолжения работы в области ракетной техники, носящей военно-стратегический характер. Показано, что Вернер фон Браун является основателем космической программы США и руководителем разработок американских космических кораблей «Аполлон». Под его научно-техническим руководством в США были созданы мощные ракетоносители серии «Редстоун» и «Сатурн», благодаря которым на околоземную орбиту был запущен первый искусственный спутник США «Эксплорер-1» (1958 г.), а американский астронавт впервые в истории человечества ступил на поверхность Луны (1969 г.).
Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся советском конструкторе ракетно-космической техники Сергее Павловиче Королеве, ставшем одним из основоположников отечественного ракетостроения и практической космонавтики. Отмечен важный вклад бывших немецких ракетчиков, работавших в СССР после окончания Второй мировой войны, в разработку первых советских баллистических ракет. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения С.П. Королева в области создания советского стратегического ракетного оружия и современной ракетно-космической техники для освоения землянами ближнего и дальнего космического пространства. Показано, что главный конструктор С.П. Королев является «отцом» отечественной ракетно-космической техники, обеспечившей запуск первого в мире советского искусственного спутника Земли (1957 г.) и пребывание на околоземной космической орбите первого в истории человечества советского космонавта Ю.А. Гагарина (1961 г.). ; Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of domestic rocket production and practical cosmonautics, distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technology Sergey Pavlovich Korolev. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, touching becoming and development in the world of space-rocket technique and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is presented about the distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technique S.P. Korolev, becoming one of founders of domestic rocket production and practical cosmonautics. The important deposit of former German people, creating rockets, workings in the USSR after completion of the World War II is marked, in development of the first Soviet ballistic rockets. Basic scientific and technical achievements of talented and purposeful scientist and practical worker, becoming in 1950 a Chief Designer of the Special Design Bureau No. 1 (SDB-1), S.P. Korolev in area of creation of Soviet strategic rocket weapon (rocket-nuclear «shield») and modern space-rocket technique for mastering of near and distant space tellurians. It is pointed out that under the direction of the Chief Designer of SDB-1 S.P. Korolev in the USSR was developed and accepted on the armament of Soviet Army consisting of two stages intercontinental ballistic rocket (ICBR) of type P-7 (1956, military index 8K71, by power of thermonuclear war-head in 5 Mt and distance of its flight in 8 thousands km) with the liquid rocket engines (LRE) of type РД-107 and РД-108 of design of distinguished Soviet designer in area of rocket engines V.P. Glushko. It is indicated that the Chief Designer S.P. Korolev is the «father» of domestic space-rocket technique, providing by powerful launch vehicles, created in the USSR on the basis of ICBR with LRE of РД-7 type (military index 8K71), start of first in the world of Soviet space satellite (on Octobers, 4, 1957) and start on the circumterrestrial space orbit of the first in history humanity of Soviet cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin (on April, 12, 1961). Originality. Certain systematization is executed of known from mass medias of scientific and technical materials, touching becoming and development in the USSR of rocket production, at the sources of which the talented scientist-practical worker and distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technique S.P. Korolev. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineer and technical and scientific workers of physical and technical knowledge in area of history of becoming and development in the former USSR of modern rocket production, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society.
The current world situation is characterised by a complex interaction and open rivalry between democratic, authoritarian, populist, and fundamentalist values and strategies. The recent anniversaries of the end of the two World Wars clearly showed that some power groups purposefully use the commemorative events as part of their historical policies as an instrument of their own legitimisation, social discipline, and ideological control. This tendency is especially noticeable in relation to the historical memory of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.In this regard, the practice of memorialising World War II and the Great Patriotic War in organised public spaces — museums and monuments in the territory of Eastern Europe, whose peoples endured the most difficult ordeals and suffered the greatest sacrifices, becomes very relevant. The peer-reviewed work of the international team of authors "War in the Museum" considers this issue. The author of the review draws attention both to the obvious advantages of this work, i.e. the desire to show the role of museums and memorials in the formation of a collective memory of the war, and some shortcomings associated with the lack of necessary methodological reflection. ; Современная мировая ситуация характеризуется сложным взаимодействием, открытым соперничеством демократических, авторитарных, популистских и фундаменталистских ценностных установок и стратегий. Недавние годовщины окончания двух мировых войн наглядно показали, что некоторые властные группировки целенаправленно используют юбилейные мероприятия в рамках своей исторической политики как инструмент собственной легитимации, социального дисциплинирования и идеологического контроля. Особенно заметно эта тенденция проявляется в отношении исторической памяти о победе советского народа в Великой Отечественной войне.В этой связи весьма актуальной становится практика мемориализации Второй мировой и Великой Отечественной войн в организованных публичных пространствах — музеях и памятниках на территории стран Восточной Европы, народы которых вынесли самые тяжелые испытания и понесли наибольшие жертвы. Этой проблематике посвящен рецензируемый труд международного коллектива авторов «Война в музее». Автор рецензии обращает внимание как на очевидные достоинства — прежде всего стремление показать роль музеев и мемориалов в формировании коллективной памяти о войне, так и на некоторые недостатки книги, связанные с дефицитом необходимой методологической рефлексии.
Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of domestic aircraft design, prominent Ukrainian aircraft designer O.K. Antonov. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, touching becoming and development of Soviet aviation and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is resulted about the prominent Ukrainian aircraft designer Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, becoming one of founders of Soviet military cargo and civil aviation. Basic scientific and technical achievements of the glorified aircraft designer O.K. Antonov are indicated and team of headed them in the period of 1952-1984 of legendary Design Bureau 473 (Kyiv) in area of aircraft design, bringing a domestic aviation around to world heights. Basic tactical and technical descriptions are described created under his scientific and technical guidance of such types of passenger airplanes known in the world as An-2, An-10 and An-24, and also troop-carriers of type An-12, An-22 «Antaeus», An-26, An-30, An-32, An-72 and An-124 «Ruslan». Short information is resulted about tactical and technical descriptions of the largest in the world of heavy distant turbo-jet military cargo airplane type An-225 «Mriya», created in 1980-th years in Design Bureau named after O.K. Antonov. It is marked that under scientific and technical guidance of aircraft designer O.K. Antonov in the former USSR about 100 types of aircrafts of the military and civil aircrafts were developed and created. It is pointed out that Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy if Sciences the Ukrainian SSR and of the Academy of Sciences the USSR became a founder acknowledged in the world of Ukrainian aviation scientific school. Information, touching common to all mankind qualities of this great aircraft designer, is resulted, and also handed O.K. Antonov for merits before Homeland of governmental rewards, bonuses and other insignia, underlining his prominent contribution to development of domestic aircraft construction. Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from scientific journals and other mass of scientific and technical materials media, touching becoming and development in the period of 20-21-th centuries of Soviet aviation and ponderable scientific and technical contribution to the military and civil aircraft design of the prominent Ukrainian aircraft designer O.K. Antonov. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineering, technical and scientific workers of scientific and technical knowledge in area of history of becoming and development of Soviet aircraft design, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society. ; Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся украинском авиаконструкторе Олеге Константиновиче Антонове, ставшем одним из основоположников отечественного самолетостроения. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения О.К. Антонова в области самолетостроения, принесшие славу советской военной и гражданской авиации и нашему Отечеству. Показано, что авиаконструктор О.К. Антонов основал в г. Киеве известную в мире украинскую авиационную научную школу. Под руководством авиаконструктора О.К. Антонова в его ОКБ было разработано около 100 типов летательных аппаратов военного и гражданского назначения.
Purpose. Preparation of a short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of world airplane design, prominent Soviet aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information regarding becoming and development of Soviet and world aviation and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is presented about a prominent Soviet aircraft designer Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev, becoming in the 20th century one of founders of Soviet and world aviation. Basic scientific and technical achievements of A.N. Tupolev indicated in area of airplane design, bringing Soviet military and civil aviation around to extraordinary world heights. Basic tactical and technical descriptions are described regarding created under his scientific and technical guidance of such known types of civil airplanes as ANT-25, Tu-104, Tu-134, Tu-154 and Tu-114, and also military airplanes of type Tu-2, Tu-16 and Tu-95. Short information is resulted about flying descriptions of the modern Russian supersonic strategic bomber of type Tu-160, created in 1980-th in the design bureau name after A.N. Tupolev. It is marked that under guidance of A.N. Tupolev over 100 types of airplanes of the military and civil setting were developed in the former USSR, 70 from which are produced by aviation industry of country serially. It is indicated that Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Colonel-General-Engineer A.N. Tupolev was a founder known in the world of aviation scientific school, preparing many famous Russian aircraft designers. Information, touching handed him domestic and foreign governmental rewards and other authoritative signs of confession of prominent merits of great aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev world scientific and technical public is resulted in airplane design. Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from scientific publications and other scientific and technical materials media regarding becoming and development of Soviet and world aviation and considerable scientific and technical contribution to the military and civil airplane design of prominent Soviet aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher schools, engineering, technical and scientific workers of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of history of becoming and development of Soviet and world airplane design, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society. ; Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся советском авиаконструкторе Андрее Николаевиче Туполеве, ставшем одним из основоположников мирового самолетостроения. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения А.Н. Туполева в области самолетостроения, приведшие советскую военную и гражданскую авиацию на невиданные мировые высоты. Показано, что А.Н. Туполев является основателем известной в мире авиационной научной школы, воспитавшей многих видных в бывшем СССР авиаконструкторов. Под руководством великого авиаконструктора 20-го столетия А.Н. Туполева в СССР было разработано свыше 100 типов самолетов военного и гражданского назначения, 70 из которых изготавливались авиационной промышленностью страны серийно.
Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся украинском авиаконструкторе Олеге Константиновиче Антонове, ставшем одним из основоположников отечественного самолетостроения. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения О.К. Антонова в области самолетостроения, принесшие славу советской военной и гражданской авиации и нашему Отечеству. Показано, что авиаконструктор О.К. Антонов основал в г. Киеве известную в мире украинскую авиационную научную школу. Под руководством авиаконструктора О.К. Антонова в его ОКБ было разработано около 100 типов летательных аппаратов военного и гражданского назначения. ; Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of domestic aircraft design, prominent Ukrainian aircraft designer O.K. Antonov. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, touching becoming and development of Soviet aviation and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is resulted about the prominent Ukrainian aircraft designer Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, becoming one of founders of Soviet military cargo and civil aviation. Basic scientific and technical achievements of the glorified aircraft designer O.K. Antonov are indicated and team of headed them in the period of 1952-1984 of legendary Design Bureau 473 (Kyiv) in area of aircraft design, bringing a domestic aviation around to world heights. Basic tactical and technical descriptions are described created under his scientific and technical guidance of such types of passenger airplanes known in the world as An-2, An-10 and An-24, and also troop-carriers of type An-12, An-22 «Antaeus», An-26, An-30, An-32, An-72 and An-124 «Ruslan». Short information is resulted about tactical and technical descriptions of the largest in the world of heavy distant turbo-jet military cargo airplane type An-225 «Mriya», created in 1980-th years in Design Bureau named after O.K. Antonov. It is marked that under scientific and technical guidance of aircraft designer O.K. Antonov in the former USSR about 100 types of aircrafts of the military and civil aircrafts were developed and created. It is pointed out that Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy if Sciences the Ukrainian SSR and of the Academy of Sciences the USSR became a founder acknowledged in the world of Ukrainian aviation scientific school. Information, touching common to all mankind qualities of this great aircraft designer, is resulted, and also handed O.K. Antonov for merits before Homeland of governmental rewards, bonuses and other insignia, underlining his prominent contribution to development of domestic aircraft construction. Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from scientific journals and other mass of scientific and technical materials media, touching becoming and development in the period of 20-21-th centuries of Soviet aviation and ponderable scientific and technical contribution to the military and civil aircraft design of the prominent Ukrainian aircraft designer O.K. Antonov. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineering, technical and scientific workers of scientific and technical knowledge in area of history of becoming and development of Soviet aircraft design, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society.
Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of world rocket production, distinguished German-American designer of modern space-rocket technique Wernher von Braun. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, touching becoming and development in the world of space-rocket technique and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is presented about the distinguished German-American designer of space-rocket technique Wernher von Braun, becoming one of founders of world rocket production. Basic scientific and technical achievements of talented and purposeful scientist Doctor of Physics Wernher von Braun in area of modern rocket production, getting over on persistent initiative of the American special services after the defeat of Germany in World War II in the USA (1945) for continuation of the work in area of missile technology (he was the main designer of the German battle ballistic rocket V-2 of midrange with a liquid rocket engine (LRE), created in 1944), carrying military-strategic character by that time. It is shown that Wernher von Braun is the founder of the space program of the USA and leader of developments of the American pilot-controlled spaceships of series «Apollo» within the framework of the Lunar program of the USA. It is marked that under scientific and technical guidance of Wernher von Braun in the USA powerful launch vehicles were created with LRE of battle series «Redstone» of midrange (1958, military index of PGM-11) and space series «Saturn» (1969), due to which on a circumterrestrial orbit the first artificial satellite of the USA «Explorer-1» launched (31 January, 1958), and the American astronaut Neil Armstrong first in history of humanity stepped on the surface of the Moon (20 July, 1969). Originality. Certain systematization is executed known from mass media of scientific and technical materials, touching becoming and development in 20-th century of world rocket production, at the sources of which the talented scientist Doctor of Physics and distinguished German-American designer of space-rocket technique Wernher von Braun. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineer and technical and scientific workers of physical and technical knowledge in area of world history of becoming and development of modern rocket production, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society. ; Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся немецко-американском конструкторе ракетно-космической техники Вернере фон Брауне, ставшем одним из основоположников мирового ракетостроения. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения Вернера фон Брауна в области современного ракетостроения, перебравшегося по настойчивой инициативе американских спецслужб после разгрома Германии во Второй мировой войне в США (1945 г.) для продолжения работы в области ракетной техники, носящей военно-стратегический характер. Показано, что Вернер фон Браун является основателем космической программы США и руководителем разработок американских космических кораблей «Аполлон». Под его научно-техническим руководством в США были созданы мощные ракетоносители серии «Редстоун» и «Сатурн», благодаря которым на околоземную орбиту был запущен первый искусственный спутник США «Эксплорер-1» (1958 г.), а американский астронавт впервые в истории человечества ступил на поверхность Луны (1969 г.).
Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of domestic rocket production and practical cosmonautics, distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technology Sergey Pavlovich Korolev. Methodology. Known scientific methods of collection, analysis and analytical treatment of scientific and technical information, touching becoming and development in the world of space-rocket technique and resulted in scientific monographs, journals and internet-reports. Results. A short scientifically-historical essay is presented about the distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technique S.P. Korolev, becoming one of founders of domestic rocket production and practical cosmonautics. The important deposit of former German people, creating rockets, workings in the USSR after completion of the World War II is marked, in development of the first Soviet ballistic rockets. Basic scientific and technical achievements of talented and purposeful scientist and practical worker, becoming in 1950 a Chief Designer of the Special Design Bureau No. 1 (SDB-1), S.P. Korolev in area of creation of Soviet strategic rocket weapon (rocket-nuclear «shield») and modern space-rocket technique for mastering of near and distant space tellurians. It is pointed out that under the direction of the Chief Designer of SDB-1 S.P. Korolev in the USSR was developed and accepted on the armament of Soviet Army consisting of two stages intercontinental ballistic rocket (ICBR) of type P-7 (1956, military index 8K71, by power of thermonuclear war-head in 5 Mt and distance of its flight in 8 thousands km) with the liquid rocket engines (LRE) of type РД-107 and РД-108 of design of distinguished Soviet designer in area of rocket engines V.P. Glushko. It is indicated that the Chief Designer S.P. Korolev is the «father» of domestic space-rocket technique, providing by powerful launch vehicles, created in the USSR on the basis of ICBR with LRE of РД-7 type (military index 8K71), start of first in the world of Soviet space satellite (on Octobers, 4, 1957) and start on the circumterrestrial space orbit of the first in history humanity of Soviet cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin (on April, 12, 1961). Originality. Certain systematization is executed of known from mass medias of scientific and technical materials, touching becoming and development in the USSR of rocket production, at the sources of which the talented scientist-practical worker and distinguished Soviet designer of space-rocket technique S.P. Korolev. Practical value. Scientific popularization and deepening for the students of higher school, engineer and technical and scientific workers of physical and technical knowledge in area of history of becoming and development in the former USSR of modern rocket production, extending their scientific and technical range of interests and further development of scientific and technical progress in society. ; Приведен краткий научно-исторический очерк о выдающемся советском конструкторе ракетно-космической техники Сергее Павловиче Королеве, ставшем одним из основоположников отечественного ракетостроения и практической космонавтики. Отмечен важный вклад бывших немецких ракетчиков, работавших в СССР после окончания Второй мировой войны, в разработку первых советских баллистических ракет. Описаны основные научно-технические достижения С.П. Королева в области создания советского стратегического ракетного оружия и современной ракетно-космической техники для освоения землянами ближнего и дальнего космического пространства. Показано, что главный конструктор С.П. Королев является «отцом» отечественной ракетно-космической техники, обеспечившей запуск первого в мире советского искусственного спутника Земли (1957 г.) и пребывание на околоземной космической орбите первого в истории человечества советского космонавта Ю.А. Гагарина (1961 г.).