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2108 Ergebnisse
With the cost of implementation shrinking and robot-to-workers ratio skyrocketing, the effects of automation on our economy and society are more palpable than ever. According to various studies, over half of our jobs could be fully executed by machines over the next decade or two, with severe impacts concentrated disproportionately on manufacturing-focused developing countries. In response to the threat of mass displacement of labour due to automation, economists, politicians, and even the business community have come to see Universal Basic Income (UBI) as the panacea. This paper argued against a UBI by addressing its implementation costs and efficiency in mitigating the impact of automation through quantitative evidence as well as results of failed UBI-comparable programs across the world. The author of this paper instead advocated for the continuation of existing means-tested welfare systems and further investment in education scheme for unskilled and low-skilled labour. This paper was submitted to the "Young Economist of the Year 2019" essay competition hosted by the Financial Times and the Royal Economic Society, where it won a high commendation and was one of the 36 best papers shortlisted among 1,300 qualified submissions to be honoured on the website of the Royal Economic Society (2.7% acceptance rate). Due to the rules and policies of the Royal Economic Society, the author could only make this paper available to the public at least one year after the original date of submission. ; Le Dong Hai "DoHa" Nguyen FRSA is a Vietnamese social activist and scholar, whose campaign on economics education and personal finance has gained international recognition. He is the Founder and Executive Director of the Global Association of Economics Education and, as of 2019, the youngest person to be appointed Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.
In: Proceedings of SPSTL SB RAS, Heft 4, S. 92-99
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation declared 2019 as the Year of Theatre. Libraries traditionally participate in promotion of theatre art, provide their places for plays, hold art meetings, organize theatre clubs, and use theatrical tools in club activities to hold public events. The article objective is to identify and characterize types, forms, orientation, and specifics of cultural, educational, and leisure activities implemented by the central universal scientific libraries of the Siberian Federal district (SFD) as part of the Year of Theater. 10 central libraries were chosen to be analyzed: Altai Regional Universal Scientific Library named after V. Y. Shishkov (Barnaul), Irkutsk Regional State Universal Scientific Library named after I. I. Molchanov- Sibirsky, State Scientific Library of the Kuzbas named after V. D. Fedorov (Kemerovo), Krasnoyarsk Regional State Universal Scientific Library, Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library, Omsk State Regional Scientific Library named after A. S. Pushkin, National Library named after M. V. Chevalkov (Gorno- Altaisk), National Library of the Tuva Republic named after A. S. Pushkin (Kizil), National Library named after N. G. Domozhakov (Abakan), Tomsk Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A. S. Pushkin. The source bases of this study were public plans and reports of libraries, news and events reports posted on the official libraries websites. The theatre topic reflects itself in preparing various libraries exhibitions, chronographs publications, organizing meetings with culture and arts figures, clubs work, organizing competitions, cultural and educational events and projects, holding festivals. Sociocultural event "Library Night 2019" aimed at supporting reading was a bright manifestation of the "Library + Theater" union. Libraries used the following forms of events: performances, concerts, lectures, master classes, exhibitions, excursions, quizzes, competitions, playgrounds. The events held during the Year of Theatre varied in content and combination of traditional and new forms; had strongly marked book and reading popularization; were oriented on different age groups, interactive; used many multimedia products. Although the chosen forms of the events are alike, the fact that each library has its unique content based on local history makes special cultural and leisure activities of every library.
In: Numanities - arts and humanities in progress volume 5
On 17 September 2010, the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Leiden University and ICCO organised an expert meeting at the ISS on universal jurisdiction (UJ). The meeting was chaired in the morning by Professor John Dugard and in the afternoon by Professor Karin Arts. The aim of the meeting was to analyse the possibilities and challenges faced in universal jurisdiction cases, and more broadly, the capacity of national legal jurisdictions to prosecute and/or otherwise hold accountable individuals and companies for (complicity in) international crimes. To that end, the meeting brought together academics and practitioners who have been working in the area of international criminal law and individual and corporate accountability. This policy paper is a report of the September 2010 meeting, which consisted of two sessions. The morning session covered Dutch jurisprudence concerning universal jurisdiction and focussed on specific cases. The afternoon session highlighted political and social themes and took a more comparative approach. Although the outcomes of the meeting were embedded in the Dutch context, they also reached out to other jurisdictions. We wish to add a caveat that this policy paper is very much work-inprogress and draws on our personal reflections and impressions from this meeting. It is by no means intended as a verbatim record of the meeting. This policy brief is intended to stimulate critical discussion on this important issue and therefore no attribution should be implied or assumed on the part of any contributor to this report or the institutions they are affiliated with, including the principal contributors. We nevertheless welcome your feedback and further contributions.
In: Biblioteca di classici italiani 8
In: Universale economica 357/358
In: Opere 2
Este trabajo analiza la viabilidad de una medida como la renta básica universal (UBI) en Europa. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un análisis del estado de la cuestión que abarca los aspectos principales de la medida, partiendo de su posible encuadre como política social en el estado del bienestar de los países europeos. El artículo contribuye al debate existente sobre UBI aportando una revisión de los aspectos más discutidos de la medida, ofreciendo las evidencias empíricas disponibles y recopilando los argumentos que se esgrimen a favor y en contra de la misma. Como conclusión, se observa que los principales obstáculos que se plantean a la implantación de la UBI no están respaldados por evidencias empíricas y que, por el contrario, los experimentos realizados apoyan los efectos positivos que podría generar, destacando la reducción de la desigualdad y la pobreza, su viabilidad financiera, sus efectos positivos a nivel macro y sobre la oferta de trabajo y, finalmente, el apoyo de la opinión pública europea. No obstante, la medida actualmente no cuenta con un claro apoyo político, lo que impedirá su implantación en un futuro cercano ; This work analyses the viability of a universal basic income (UBI) in Europe. To do it, we develop a "state of the art" analysis covering the main aspects of this initiative, beginning with its possible formulation within the European welfare systems. This paper contributes to the ongoing debate about the controversial aspects of UBI, providing both evidences and arguments that support or undermine the initiative. This allows us to conclude that the evidence does not support the main obstacles usually identified to prevent the implementation of UBI; on the contrary, the experiences carried out show its positive effects, such as a significant reduction of poverty and inequality. Thus, UBI is a financially likely initiative that could led to positive macroeconomic effects – even in labour market– also supported by European public opinion. Nevertheless, there is no clear support from political parties yet, which will prevent its implementation in the near future
In: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli L 1455
In: Classisci greci e latini
The book explores two radical changes of cultural and social paradigm that determined the World after 1945 – Modernism and Postmodernism. From the cataclysmic atmosphere emerged the second wave of Modernism. In art this attitude was manifested in the form of a radical break with the aesthetic and stylistic characteristics of prior generations. In architecture the International Style was born, meanwhile similar «universality» was also a characteristic of musical serialism.From the beginning of the 1970s the wheels again began to turn in the other direction. The powerful destructive will of modernism increasingly waivered, and the period after modernism – postmodernism – began. The book answers questions related to the reasons for these turnarounds, their consequences and their implications
In: Politicka misao, Band 35, Heft 5, S. 221-232
Mass media today are an unavoidable part of life of contemporary civilization. Central to the information system of the mass media are journalists as the key "producers" of information. Their working methods have changed under pressure from state-of-the-art technological advances that have facilitated the functioning of the mass media. In the 1960s, journalists began their careers with a notepad and pencil, & they are going to retire by using PCs, satellite communication, digital cameras, & electronic databases. With time, journalists have become educated experts who continually broaden their knowledge & professional training. That is why permanent in-service training is a must for their future since educated journalists are the most effective barrier to manipulations. A Croatian survey has shown that Croatian journalists are very interested in permanent education. 6 Charts, 6 References. Adapted from the source document.
In: International affairs, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 105-106
ISSN: 1468-2346
In: Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht, 1359
Diese kleine Monographie untersucht systematisch mehr als 230 nationale Verfassungen und internationale Dokumente auf ihre »Sprache des Friedens« hin. Einbezogen ist die mehr oder weniger versteckte, aber sehr ertragreiche Friedensjudikatur des BVerfG (Bd. 1–142). Im Lichte des Textstufenparadigmas werden die vielen Varianten der Friedensidee in aller Welt typologisch erarbeitet. Auch Nationalhymnen und -flaggen sowie andere Staatssymbole bis hin zu Manifestationen der Kunst sind einbezogen (Verse und Gedichte). Einzelne Abschnitte widmen sich dem verfassungsstaatlichen Gewaltmonopol, den unterschiedlichen Friedensbereichen (z.B. Religionsfrieden) sowie den Staats- und Erziehungszielen. Der kulturwissenschaftliche und kontextuelle Ansatz bereitet den Anschluss an die Friedenswissenschaften vor. Maximen für eine Verfassungspolitik zur Friedenskultur als Mosaikstein der universalen Verfassungslehre sind ein Ziel. This small monograph systematically examines more than 230 national constitutions and international documents for their »language of peace«. It includes the more or less concealed yet very fruitful peace judicature of the Federal Constitutional Court (volume 1–142). In light of the »Textstufenparadigma«, the many variants of the idea of peace throughout the world are typologically developed. National anthems and flags as well as other state symbols and even manifestations of art are also included (verses and poems). Individual sections are devoted to the constitutional state monopoly on the use of force, the various areas of peace (e.g. religious peace) and the objectives of the state and education. The cultural and contextual approach prepares the way for peace studies. One of the goals is to create maxims for a constitutional policy on peace culture as a mosaic stone of universal constitutional theory. Diese Monographie untersucht systematisch mehr als 230 nationale Verfassungen und internationale Dokumente auf ihre »Sprache des Friedens« hin. Einbezogen ist die mehr oder weniger versteckte, aber sehr ertragreiche Friedensjudikatur des BVerfG (Bd. 1–142). Im Lichte des Textstufenparadigmas werden die vielen Varianten der Friedensidee typologisch erarbeitet. Auch Nationalhymnen und -flaggen sowie andere Staatssymbole bis hin zu Manifestationen der Kunst sind einbezogen (Verse und Gedichte). Maximen für eine Verfassungspolitik zur Friedenskultur als Mosaikstein der universalen Verfassungslehre sind ein Ziel. Peter Häberle, einer der »ersten Verfassungsrechtler der Welt« (EL PAÍS), promovierte 1961 nach dem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Tübingen, Bonn, Montpellier und Freiburg über den »Wesensgehalt« der Grundrechte (3. Aufl. 1983). 1969 folgte die Habilitation über das »öffentliche Interesse« bei K. Hesse (2. Aufl. 2006). Beide Schriften zählen heute zu weltweit rezipierten Standardwerken. Peter Häberle wurde als Ordinarius nach Marburg, Augsburg und Bayreuth berufen. Er entfaltet seit 1982 seinen verfassungsvergleichend-kulturwissenschaftlichen Ansatz und lehrte fast 20 Jahre als ständiger Gastprofessor für Rechtsphilosophie in St. Gallen. Sein Werk: 38 Bücher, mehr als 350 Aufsätze, Übersetzungen in 18 Sprachen. Häberle ist Ehrendoktor der Universitäten Tessaloniki, Granada, Lima, Brasilia, Lissabon, Tiflis und Buenos Aires sowie Großoffizier Italiens, Mitglied zahlreicher nationaler und internationaler Akademien (zuletzt Argentinien). 1998 mit dem Max-Planck-Forschungspreis ausgezeichnet, erhielt er später die Ehrenmedaillen der Verfassungsgerichte in Rom und Lima, im Jahre 2004 dann eine spanische und eine deutsche Festschrift. Verleihung der höchsten Klasse des Cruzeiro do Sul Brasiliens (2011) und Internationaler Héctor Fix-Zamudo Preis der Universität Mexico City für herausragende rechtswissenschaftliche Leistungen sowie die Ehrenmedaille der Universität Lissabon (2014). Peter Häberle, one of the »leading constitutional law scholars in the world« (EL PAÍS), studied law in Tübingen, Bonn, Montpellier, and Freiburg. In 1961 he received his PhD and habilitated in 1969. Häberle then served as law professor at Marburg, Augsburg, and Bayreuth. Since 1982 he has been unfolding his comparative constitutional-cultural-science approach. For nearly 20 years he has been a regular guest professor for jurisprudence at St. Gallen. His corpus of work encompasses 38 books, over 350 articles and translations into 18 languages. Häberle is honorary professor at the universities of Tessaloniki, Granada, Lima, Brasilia, Lisbon, Tiflis, and Buenos Aires. He has been awarded numerous national and international prizes.
In: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische Abteilung, Band 138, Heft 1, S. 276-282
ISSN: 2304-4861
Types of conflict rules in the theory of
statuta. It is commonly accepted in the history of Conflict of Laws that there has been a "Copernican turning point" when Savigny introduced multilateral conflict rules and thereby abandoned the system of unilateral conflict rules of the Theory of statuta. The article challenges this narrative and argues on the one hand that the statutists already used multilateral conflict rules and on the other that their unilateral rules often reached similar results to modern multilateral conflict rules because of their universal nature.