National audience ; As fossil resources are steadily depleting and environmental concerns have developed into one of the main discussion points in public and political agendas, sustainability and an ecological viewpoint have become indispensable terms in modern society. This critical pressure towards 'greener' alternatives has led to a progressive application of renewable resources by the chemical industry. Vegetable oils present an interesting class of bioresources, with a market comprising both food and non-food applications. Their extraction is a key process as it will exert a strong impact on the resulting oil characteristics and quality. It is most frequently executed through solvent extraction, although mechanical pressing may present an interesting alternative as it represents a generally safer and more sustainable process. Furthermore, oils obtained through pressing are considered to be of superior quality and do not contain any solvent traces. The main drawback to this process involves the extraction yield, which is typically lower than for solvent extraction. Therefore, research has recently focused on continuous oil extraction through extrusion technology and its process optimization in order to increase extraction yields. Single-screw, as well as twin-screw extrusion was employed to efficiently extract vegetable oil from Apiaceae fruits, with Coriandrum sativum L. as a model herb. Coriander vegetable oil is particularly interesting as it has recently been approved as Novel Food Ingredient and is rich in petroselinic acid, allowing applications in oleochemistry. Simultaneously, this allowed coriander fruit biorefinery, as the press cakes may be transformed into agromaterials through thermopressing or be incorporated into a thermoplastic matrix such as PLA for injection molding. This represents a key advancement in the overall process economics and an important waste reduction. The oil extraction efficiency was significantly enhanced through the application of pre-treatments of the fruits prior to the ...
Edible oil industry happens to be the key player in the economic development of the country. It is a sector that provides revenue not only through industry but also through the agricultural sector. The country is becoming more self depend in the production and consumption of edible oils. Innovative and scientific method of oil production is one of the basic aspects of oil industry. The continuous process of oil manufacturing through research and development making industry more viable the industries are using upgraded technology for making oils. The government is also taking good number of steps for better promotion of domestic oil industry. India is country where 25% of the population is suffering from cholesterol and heart related diseases. Maximum number of deaths is due to heart congestion and heart related attacks, which is duly recognized by oil industry by providing double and triple refined oil to protect the human heart. However there is a need for the government to take necessary steps to punish culprits of duplicate oil business. This will enhance the confidence of the people and the government to further boost the oil industry.Classification-JEL : C53, F17, F23
This study was undertaken to ascertain the safety level of consuming canned fish as it relates to metals. Seven commonly consumed canned fish brands stored in vegetable oil sold in Benin-City were bought from super stores and in the open markets and stored at ambient temperature between January to September, 2015. A total of 106 samples were collected and analysed in triplicates for iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni) and vanadium (V); which were detected in all the canned fish samples but V had an average of 0.024mg/kg value during the study which was just a detection level. The heavy metal variation ranged between 2.21-21.38mgFe/kg, 5.41- 52.35mgZn/kg, 0.05-0.72mgMn/kg, 0.42-7.00mgNi/kg and 0.02-0.16mgV/kg respectively during the period of study. Generally, heavy metal concentration increased with increasing storage time especially Fe and Zn. There was significant difference in the mean concentration of the heavy metal levels evaluated during the period of study in the different brands ((p>0.05). The Laser, Soil and Titus sardines were significantly higher. However, all the metal concentrations were not significantly different (p>0.05) from the permissible set limits by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO) and European Union (EU) legislation for fish except for nickel. Effort must therefore be made to comprehensively and intermittently monitor metal levels on arrival and during long time storage of canned fish. As this will not only help to safeguard the health of the citizenry but the point at which metal contamination occurs can be effectively deduced and appropriate measures could then be taken to prevent metal contamination.
Article Details: Received: 2020-08-31 | Accepted: 2020-11-16 | Available online: 2021-06-30 aim of this study was to analyse the gross energy (GE) value of egg yolk from hens feed with different vegetable oils addition and based on gained results calculate the linear regression between GE and dry matter % (DM) in yolk. Total 66 hens Lohmann brown lite were divided in to 11 groups according to concentration and type of used vegetable oil (pumpkin oil 3%, flax seed oil 3%, indian hemp seed oil 2.5% and 5%, grape seed oil 2.5% and 5%, olive oil 2.5 and 5%, apricot seed oil 2.5% and 5%). Hens were in 40th week of life and were housed per 6 in cage. From each group eight eggs were randomly selected. In total 88 egg yolks were separated and analysed for DM and GE content. The highest yolk GE was detected in group with 3% pumpkin oil addition (1639 kJ/100g) followed by groups with 2.5 and 5% indian hemp seed oil addition 1632 and 1632 kJ/100g, respectively. Difference between these three groups compared to yolk GE content (1584 kJ/100g) in control group was significant (P0.05). GE concertation of yolk can be calculated as follows: GE = -17.34 + (32.73 * DM), R2 = 0.819.Keywords: laying hens, egg yolk gross energy, regressionReferencesAntova, G. A. et al. (2019). Comparative analysis of nutrient content and energy of eggs from different chicken genotypes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(13), 5890–5898. (2000). Official methods of analysis AOAC. International 17th edition. Association of Analytical Communities, Gaithersburg.Benková, J. (2008). Artificial hatching of poultry is nothing simple. Slovenský chov, 13(6), 45-47. In Slovak.Gálik, al. (2014). The effect of dietary Rhus coriaria L. on table eggs yolk nutrients composition. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 17(3), 93–95.ľ, R. et al. (2016). Fatty acid profile and nutritional composition of table eggs after supplementation by pumpkin and flaxseed oils. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 85(3), 277–283.čár, C. & Bujko, J. (2012). Effect of pre-storage incubation of hatching eggs on hatchability of poultry. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 15(2), 34-37., N. et al. (2011). Effects of amino acids and metabolizable energy on egg characteristics and broiler breeder performance. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(49), 10066–10071., R. C. et al. (1996). Yolk lipids and their fatty acids in the wild and captive ostrich (Struthio camelus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 113(4), 753–756., R. A. & Herron, K. M. (1981). Effects of energy and protein allowances during lay on the reproductive performance of broiler breeder hens. British Poultry Science, 22(3), 227–239.štěková, V. et al. (2011). The quality comparison of eggs laid by laying hens kept in battery cages and in a deep litter system. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 51(7), 318–325., R. et al. (2014). Chemical features, cholesterol and energy content of table hen eggs from conventional and alternative farming systems. South African Journal of Animal Science, 44(1), 33., M. et al. (2013). Nutrient analysis of eggs. Analytical Report (revised version). UK Government, Department of Health and Social Care. Retrieved December 10, 2020 from uploads/attachment_data/file/167973/Nutrient_analysis_of_ eggs_Analytical_Report.pdfRoztočilová, A. et al. (2018). Effect of purple wheat RU 687- 12 on performance parameters of laying hens at the end of the lay. In NutriNET 2018. Proceedings of reviewed scientific papers. Mendel University in Brno (pp. 92–97).Vojtaššáková, A. et al. (2000). Milk and eggs. Food nutrition tables. Výskumný ústav potravinársky, Bratislava. In Slovak.Van der Wagt, I. et al. (2020). A review on yolk sac utilization in poultry. Poultry Science, 99(4), 2162–2175., Y. (2016). Studies on chicken hatchability and its relation with egg yolk metabolites. Dissertation thesis. GeorgAugust-University, Göttingen.
Indonesia is the world's CPO producer country, and at the same time, Indonesia also the largest exporter of CPO in global market. Some of the main countries that are becoming export destinations for Indonesia CPO are India, China, the European Union, USA and Pakistan. Empirically, it is seen that the phenomenon of widening gap in Chinese vegetable oil consumption patterns, where consumption growth is higher than domestic production growth. This boosted Indonesia's CPO exports to China and subsequently had an impact on the Indonesia-China trade balance. Analytical method used is ordinary least square (OLS), which is arranged in two-equation models. Findings of this study conclude that (a) Indonesia's CPO exports to China are affected by the increase in consumption of vegetable oils in China. This is consistent with the expected hypothesis; (b) the value of Indonesia's CPO exports to China has a positive impact and helps reduce Indonesia's trade balance deficit. This is consistent with the research hypothesis. Indonesia's CPO exports have a positive impact on the Indonesia-China trade balance, in particular contributing to overcome the Indonesia-China trade balance deficit. This research shows that CPO is Indonesia's strategic commodity that helps overcome Indonesia's trade balance deficit.
12 páginas.- 2 figuras.- 4 tablas.- 35 referencias.- The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: ; Epoxides of vegetable oils and free and methylated fatty acids are of interest for several industrial applications. In the present work, refined rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, and linseed oils, with very different profiles of mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, were saponified and transesterified, and the products treated with wild unspecific peroxygenases (UPOs, EC from the ascomycete Chaetomium globosum (CglUPO) and the basidiomycete Marasmius rotula (MroUPO), as well as with recombinant UPO of the ascomycete Humicola insolens (rHinUPO), as an alternative to chemical epoxidation that is non-selective and requires strongly acidic conditions. The three enzymes were able of converting the free fatty acids and the methyl esters from the oils into epoxide derivatives, although significant differences in the oxygenation selectivities were observed between them. While CglUPO selectively produced "pure" epoxides (monoepoxides and/or diepoxides), MroUPO formed also hydroxylated derivatives of these epoxides, especially in the case of the oil hydrolyzates. Hydroxylated derivatives of non-epoxidized unsaturated fatty acids were practically absent in all cases, due to the preference of the three UPOs selected for this study to form the epoxides. Moreover, rHinUPO, in addition to forming monoepoxides and diepoxides of oleic and linoleic acid (and their methyl esters), respectively, like the other two UPOs, was capable of yielding the triepoxides of alpha-linolenic acid and its methyl ester. These enzymes appear as promising biocatalysts for the environmentally friendly production of reactive fatty-acid epoxides given their self-sufficient monooxygenase activity with selectivity toward epoxidation, and the ability to epoxidize, not only isolated pure fatty acids, but also complex mixtures from oil hydrolysis or transesterification containing different combinations of unsaturated (and saturated) fatty acids. ; This work was received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme Under Grant Agreement No. 792063 (SusBind project, and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas projects PIE201740E071 and PIE-202040E185. ; Peer reviewed
Funds for the study were provided by the Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division and conducted as part of the Scottish Government Strategic Research program. The authors acknowledge financial support from Generalitat Valenciana (Project No. PROMETEO/2016/094) and Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir (Projects Nos. PRUCV/2015/617 and 2017). Authors would like to thank Agrovillaserra S.L. (Villajos) for providing monovariatal virgin olive oils. L. Redondo-Cuevas acknowledges Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Mártir for providing the grant to support the stay in Scotland. ; Peer reviewed ; Postprint
In: Alexandria science exchange journal: an international quarterly journal of science and agricultural environments, Band 33, Heft April-June, S. 99-107
The employment of used vegetable oils (UVOs) as raw materials in key sectors as energy production or bio-lubricant synthesis represents one of the most relevant priorities in the European Union (EU) normative context. In many countries, the development of new production processes based on the circular economy model, as well as the definition of future energy and production targets, involve the utilization of wastes as raw material. In this context, the main currently applied EU regulations are presented and discussed. As in the EU, the general legislative process consists of the definition in each State Member of specific legislation, which transposes the EU indications. Two relevant countries are herein considered: Italy and Spain. Through the analysis of the conditions required in both countries for UVOs' collection, disposal, storage, and recycling, a wide panorama of the current situation is provided.