Regional climate predictions for the next decade are gaining importance, as this period falls within the planning horizon of politics, economy, and society. The potential predictability of climate indices or extremes at the regional scale is of particular interest. The German MiKlip project ("mid-term climate forecast") developed the first regional decadal prediction system for Europe at 0.44 degrees resolution, based on the regional model COSMO-CLM using global MPI-ESM simulations as boundary conditions. We analyse the skill of this regional system focussing on extremes and user-oriented variables. The considered quantities are related to temperature extremes, heavy precipitation, wind impacts, and the agronomy sector. Variables related to temperature (e.g., frost days, heat wave days) show high predictive skill (anomaly correlation up to 0.9) with very little dependence on lead-time, and the skill patterns are spatially robust. The skill patterns for precipitation-related variables (e.g., heavy precipitation days) and wind-based indices (like storm days) are less skilful and more heterogeneous, particularly for the latter. Quantities related to the agronomy sector (e.g., growing degree days) show high predictive skill, comparable to temperature. Overall, we provide evidence that decadal predictive skill can be generally found at the regional scale also for extremes and user-oriented variables, demonstrating how the utility of decadal predictions can be substantially enhanced. This is a very promising first step towards impact-related modelling at the regional scale and the development of individual user-oriented products for stakeholders.
Stenda plakāts sagatavots LU 71. konferences Bibliotēkzinātnes un informācijas zinātnes sekcijas sēdei, 31.01.2013. ; Libraries, as everything else have to change in the time. And our changes are affected by our users. Yet do all of us know the main needs for our users? What exactly our users are looking for and what are they finding in libraries? All academic libraries definitely are searching for answers to these questions. And staff of the Library of University of Latvia also tries to find out what are the main needs of our users. The main user group in the Library of University of Latvia are students, so the poster finds the answers to questions that are directed towards the students. The poster will answer to four questions: how can we involve students in the life of the library, how can we to inform university students about the possibilities what library offers, what are the student main needs, what they may expect from us in the future. Questions of the poster are based on the example of the Library of the University of Latvia, but the ideas will be useful not only in libraries in Latvia and Baltic States, but also around the world. Our user's satisfaction and attitude is important not only in daily work and communication, but it also affects the library strategy, university policy documents and financing. ; Bibliotēkām tāpat kā visam citam ir jāmainās līdzi laikam. Un mūsu izmaiņas ietekmē mūsu lietotāji. Bet vai mēs visi zinām, kādas ir galvenās mūsu lietotāju vēlmes? Kas ir tieši tas, ko mūsu lietotāji meklē un arī atrod bibliotēkās? Ikviena akadēmiskā bibliotēka noteikti ir meklējusi atbildes uz šiem jautājumiem. Latvijas Universitātes Bibliotēkas darbinieki arī cenšas noskaidrot, kādas tad ir lietotāju galvenās vajadzības mūsu bibliotēkā. Tā kā LU Bibliotēkas galvenā lietotāju grupa ir studenti, tad plakātā atrastas atbildes ir vērstas studentu virzienā. Plakāts atbildēs uz četriem jautājumiem: kā iespējams iesaistīt studentus bibliotēkas dzīvē, kā informēt augstskolas studentus par iespējām, ko sniedz bibliotēka, kādas ir galvenās studentu vajadzības, ko no mums gaidīs nākotnē. Stenda referātā apskatītie jautājumi ir balstīti LU Bibliotēkas piemērā, taču ietvertās idejas būs noderīgas ne tikai bibliotēkām Latvijā un Baltijā, bet arī citur pasaulē. Jo mūsu lietotāju apmierinātība un attieksme, taču ir nozīmīga ne tikai ikdienas darbā un komunikācijā ar viņiem, bet ietekmē arī bibliotēkas stratēģiju, universitātes politikas dokumentus un budžeta sadali.
This article focuses on the development of a data warehouse to facilitate government decision-making on national human resources development and to provide public access to information. A set of key challenges was confronted in the development of the data warehouse including: the conceptualisation, design, implementation and management of the data warehouse system. The underlying questions that informed the process were, first: "In what ways will a data warehouse for a social science based research project be different from other database structures?" And second: "What are the particular management problems associated with large-scale long term social science based database projects?"
In this report, we present the analysis of the different available biodiversity data streams at the EU and national level, both baseline biodiversity data and monitoring data. We assess how these biodiversity data inform and trigger policy action and identify the related challenges the different European countries and relevant EU agencies face and the solutions to overcome them. To do this, we consulted with more than 350 expert stakeholders from policy, research and practice. The assessment identified a fragmented biodiversity data landscape that cannot currently easily answer all relevant policy questions. Quantity and quality of biodiversity baseline datasets differ for the different countries, ranging from non-existent biodiversity monitoring due to capacity issues, to regular monitoring of ecosystem processes and state. By engaging stakeholders and experts in both member states and non-member states and from several EU bodies, we identified key challenges and ways to address these with targeted solutions towards building a joint European Biodiversity Monitoring Network. Solutions include focussing on cooperation and coordination, enhanced data standardisation and sharing, as well as the use of models and new technologies. These solutions can however only be realised with dedicated funding and capacity building, in coordination with all stakeholders in partnership.
Regional climate predictions for the next decade are gaining importance, as this period falls within the planning horizon of politics, economy, and society. The potential predictability of climate indices or extremes at the regional scale is of particular interest. The German MiKlip project ("mid‐term climate forecast") developed the first regional decadal prediction system for Europe at 0.44° resolution, based on the regional model COSMO‐CLM using global MPI‐ESM simulations as boundary conditions. We analyse the skill of this regional system focussing on extremes and user‐oriented variables. The considered quantities are related to temperature extremes, heavy precipitation, wind impacts, and the agronomy sector. Variables related to temperature (e.g., frost days, heat wave days) show high predictive skill (anomaly correlation up to 0.9) with very little dependence on lead‐time, and the skill patterns are spatially robust. The skill patterns for precipitation‐related variables (e.g., heavy precipitation days) and wind‐based indices (like storm days) are less skilful and more heterogeneous, particularly for the latter. Quantities related to the agronomy sector (e.g., growing degree days) show high predictive skill, comparable to temperature. Overall, we provide evidence that decadal predictive skill can be generally found at the regional scale also for extremes and user‐oriented variables, demonstrating how the utility of decadal predictions can be substantially enhanced. This is a very promising first step towards impact‐related modelling at the regional scale and the development of individual user‐oriented products for ...
V podsklopu »Jezikovna opremljenost na področju tujih jezikov« ciljnega raziskovalnega projekta Jezikovna politika Republike Slovenije in potrebe uporabnikov raziskujem navade, strategije, potrebe in stališča uporabnikov, zlasti prevajalcev in tolmačev, do jezikovnih virov in orodij za tuje jezike, tako v odnosu do obstoječe infrastrukture kot tiste, ki po njihovem mnenju ni dovolj razvita. The section on multilingual infrastructure of the Slovenian Language Policy and User Needs CRP 2016 project investigates user habits and attitudes as well as user needs with regard to monolingual and interlingual language resources, in particular, translation technologies, dictionaries and other lexical resources. The research is focused on the needs of translators and interpreters.
In this report, we present the analysis of the different available biodiversity data streams at the EU and national level, both baseline biodiversity data and monitoring data. We assess how these biodiversity data inform and trigger policy action and identify the related challenges the different European countries and relevant EU agencies face and the solutions to overcome them. To do this, we consulted with more than 350 expert stakeholders from policy, research and practice. The assessment identified a fragmented biodiversity data landscape that cannot currently easily answer all relevant policy questions. Quantity and quality of biodiversity baseline datasets differ for the different countries, ranging from non-existent biodiversity monitoring due to capacity issues, to regular monitoring of ecosystem processes and state. By engaging stakeholders and experts in both member states and non-member states and from several EU bodies, we identified key challenges and ways to address these with targeted solutions towards building a joint European Biodiversity Monitoring Network. Solutions include focussing on cooperation and coordination, enhanced data standardisation and sharing, as well as the use of models and new technologies. These solutions can however only be realised with dedicated funding and capacity building, in coordination with all stakeholders in partnership.
In this report, we present the analysis of the different available biodiversity data streams at the EU and national level, both baseline biodiversity data and monitoring data. We assess how these biodiversity data inform and trigger policy action and identify the related challenges the different European countries and relevant EU agencies face and the solutions to overcome them. To do this, we consulted with more than 350 expert stakeholders from policy, research and practice. The assessment identified a fragmented biodiversity data landscape that cannot currently easily answer all relevant policy questions. Quantity and quality of biodiversity baseline datasets differ for the different countries, ranging from non-existent biodiversity monitoring due to capacity issues, to regular monitoring of ecosystem processes and state. By engaging stakeholders and experts in both member states and non-member states and from several EU bodies, we identified key challenges and ways to address these with targeted solutions towards building a joint European Biodiversity Monitoring Network. Solutions include focussing on cooperation and coordination, enhanced data standardisation and sharing, as well as the use of models and new technologies. These solutions can however only be realised with dedicated funding and capacity building, in coordination with all stakeholders in partnership.
The disaster management context is a very diverse and complex system of systems, where many different activities need to interlock and stakeholders need to work together. Especially on the European level, standardisation is a powerful tool to solve interoperability issues, to ensure the technical level of equipment made available in a competitive market and thereby decreasing the costs, to allow faster operations, and in the end to improve overall technical and procedural capabilities for each disaster management aspect. In addition, standardisation is a key driver for innovation on a European level as it enables procurement activities and thus the implementation of new solutions i.e. in governmental organisations. A standard in the field of disaster management and resilience can cover not only technological /product solutions, but also procedures, terminology aspects, a service or testing method etc. in all phases of the disaster management cycle and in all related topics, e.g. in command & control, logistics, trainings, crisis communication etc. In the context of the ResiStand Project, work package WP3 "Identification of standardisation needs and requirements" thus has the objective to identify and analyse standardisation demands of the end‐user community in support of increasing disaster resilience, across all phases and tasks of the disaster management cycle. The analysis is developed from an end‐user perspective focusing on real operational needs that can be addressed by standardisation and also tackles related societal requirements and potential constraints for standardisation. The analysis of end‐user standardisation needs has been done in a twofold approach: a consultation of end‐users through an online questionnaire and the analysis of former and on‐going EU research projects' results through a desk research. This document at hand reports the results of Task T3.2 "Initial identification of end‐users' standardisation needs", clustered according to the disaster management phases and their related tasks as defined in the ResiStand framework (D1.1 "ResiStand Handbook – The projects' conceptual model"). In terms of the overall results, the disaster management phase with the most identified standardisation needs of end‐users is the response phase, followed by the preparedness and mitigation phases. The tasks with the most identified standardisation needs were training, information management, warning and crisis communication and response and recovery planning. The results will be used by T3.3 "Consolidating, analysing, and updating needs of the E‐UC" to prepare and conduct four end‐user workshops in order to consolidate, amend and validate the needs identified as well as to further discuss potential constraints to the identified standardisation in disaster management to optimise future standardisation activities. In the end, refined end‐user needs will be handed over to WP5 "Preparation and road‐mapping for standardisation activities" for synthesis, prioritisation and gap analysis.