12277 Ergebnisse
Moldova's "Twitter Revolution"
In: Journal of democracy, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 136-142
ISSN: 1045-5736
Twitter : a digital socioscope
"How can Twitter data be used to study individual-level human behavior and social interaction on a global scale? This book introduces readers to the methods, opportunities, and challenges of using Twitter data to analyze phenomena ranging from the number of people infected by the flu, to national elections, to tomorrow's stock prices. Each chapter, written by leading domain experts in clear and accessible language, takes the reader to the forefront of the newly emerging field of computational social science. An introductory chapter on Twitter data analysis provides an overview of key tools and skills, and gives pointers on how to get started, while the case studies demonstrate shortcomings, limitations, and pitfalls of Twitter data as well as its advantages. The book will be an excellent resource for social science students and researchers wanting to explore the use of online data"--
Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Working paper
Moldova's "Twitter Revolution"
In: Journal of democracy, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 136-142
ISSN: 1086-3214
Few Europeans had heard of Moldova, a tiny state on the EU's eastern flank, before seeing images of the strife that broke out there in early April 2009 after the Communist Party (PCRM) won reelection in a landslide. Except for their international context, the events in Moldova did not differ substantially from those that sparked the color revolutions in Serbia, Georgia, and Ukraine, but this difference in context led to a different outcome. What was missing in Moldova? The short answer is a unified opposition that could put itself in the driver's seat.
Das Twitter-Netzwerk deutscher Top-Ökonomen ; The Twitter network of top German economists
Die Bedeutung der sozialen Medien nimmt rasant zu. Damit steigt auch ihre Relevanz als ein möglicher Kommunikationskanal für die Ökonomen. Am Beispiel des Microbloggingdiensts Twitter wird analysiert, wie deutsche Top-Ökonomen einerseits die sozialen Medien nutzen, um die Gesellschaft über politische und wirtschaftliche Themen, Diskussionen und Meinungen zu informieren. Andererseits ist die Vernetzung der Ökonomen untereinander interessant, weil dadurch ein Raum für den wissenschaftlichen Austausch und Diskurs geschaffen wird. Der Beitrag evaluiert die Vernetzung in einem Twitter-Netzwerk anhand von zwei Kriterien: der Anzahl der Personen, die einem Ökonomen folgen (Follower), und der Anzahl an weitergeleiteten Nachrichten (Retweets). Bei der Analyse des Twitter-Netzwerks deutscher Top-Ökonomen, sowohl gemessen an den Followern als auch den Re - tweets, wird deutlich, dass die meisten deutschen Top-Ökonomen relativ gut miteinander vernetzt sind. Insgesamt hat sich durch Twitter ein Raum für die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation unter den Ökonomen eröffnet. Des Weiteren zeigt sich, dass Retweets der Inhalte von Ökonomen zu einem sehr hohen Anteil von Personen außerhalb des Ökonomennetzwerks stammen. Die deutschen Top-Ökonomen haben offensichtlich Einfluss auf den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs. ; The importance of social media is increasing rapidly, and with it their relevance as a potential commu- nication channel for economists. On the one hand, taking the example of the microblogging service Twitter, it is possible to analyse how top German economists use social media to inform society on political and economic issues, debates and opinions. On the other hand, the network of links between the economists themselves is also of interest, as it creates a space for scientific exchange and discourse. The article evaluates the pattern of links in a Twitter network based on two criteria: the number of people who follow a given economist (followers) and the number of messages forwarded to other users (retweets). This analysis of the Twitter network of top German economists, measured by both followers and retweets, shows that most of them are relatively well connected. Overall, Twitter has opened up a potential space for academic communication among economists. It also shows that a very high proportion of the retweets of their contributions originate from people outside the economists' network. Germany's top economists obviously have an influence on the socioeconomic discourse.
China scholars and Twitter
In: The China quarterly, Band 229, S. 218-228
ISSN: 1468-2648
Situating external engagement within the broader context of developments in Western higher education (HE) and technologies that are changing many aspects of academic life, this research note draws on the experiences of a large number of China scholars to assess the merits of Twitter for individual academics and the field as whole. Celebrating its tenth anniversary in March 2016, Twitter has shaken off its earlier image of celebrity stalking and inane ephemera and has become a tool used by many professionals working on China. Despite initial scepticism, many academics have recognized the utility of Twitter for various professional activities, including networking, increasing research visibility, gathering and disseminating information, and building a public profile. As external engagement activities become a routine expectation for academics in many Western universities, social media like Twitter have drawn attention as potentially useful tools. However, there are numerous obstacles to effective use, which this note addresses. (China Q/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
3.3 Twitter im Wahlkampf
In: Zwischen Fragmentierung und Konzentration: Die Bundestagswahl 2013, S. 61-72
EU's Digital Diplomacy: An Analysis using Ursula von der Leyen's Twitter Communications
In: Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag: Politikwissenschaft, 108
THIS Was Twitter: Introducing the Twitter History and Image Sharing v1.0 Datasets
This paper introduces two new datasets, Twitter History and Image Sharing,
that enable the study of individual behavior on Twitter without the release of
tweets or user information. Both are based on the real-time download of 14.595
billion geolocated tweets from September 1st, 2013 through March 15, 2023. Image Sharing is based on the 1.675 billion images shared during this period and
the 800.3 million still available for download in early 2024. Twitter History provides statistics about the number of users, unique users, and tweets per country
as well as the number of countries and languages used on Twitter from Twitter's
start on March 21, 2006 through March 15, 2023. Image Sharing focuses on the
sharing and continued availability of images on Twitter.
Twitter als Basis wissenschaftlicher Studien: Eine Bewertung gängiger Erhebungs- und Analysemethoden der Twitter-Forschung
social media; communication
The Twitter Explorer: A Framework for Observing Twitter through Interactive Networks
In: Journal of digital social research, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 106-118
ISSN: 2003-1998
We present an open-source interface for scientists to explore Twitter data through interactive network visualizations. Combining data collection, transformation and visualization in one easily accessible framework, the twitter explorer connects distant and close reading of Twitter data through the interactive exploration of interaction networks and semantic networks. By lowering the technological barriers of data-driven research, it aims to attract researchers from various disciplinary backgrounds and facilitates new perspectives in the thriving field of computational social science.
Twitter and Political Theory
In: APSA 2010 Teaching & Learning Conference Paper
Working paper
X-Odus: Wir verlassen Twitter
Das Kacke-Emoji, das Twitter bei Presseanfragen an uns verschickt hat, möchten wir an dieser Stelle zurückgeben.Jetzt ist wirklich Schluss: Wir verlassen als Redaktion das zur Plattform für Rechtsradikale verkommene Twitter - und freuen uns, wenn ihr uns woanders folgt.