中國大陸學前教育改革背景下幼兒園教師身份構建研究: The construction of preschool teacher identity in the context of education reform in the Chinese mainland. ; Construction of preschool teacher identity in the context of education reform in the Chinese mainland ; Zhongguo da lu xue qian jiao yu gai ge bei jing xia you er yu...
提升學前教育的機會與品質成為世界趨勢,近年來中國大陸政府在普及學前教育進程中逐漸關注並出臺政策以保障和監控教育品質,這對幼兒園教師提出高績效表現的素質要求。然而,實踐一線的教師們面臨著國家和市場的雙重期待,究竟如何看待自己?又如何為職業賦予了什麼樣的意義? 本研究借助詮釋性互動和符號互動論為理論視角,採用質化研究的取向,以北京為實地研究範圍,選取33名幼兒園教師和3名管理者,就其對身為教師的理解與詮釋展開深入訪談,輔之以文檔收集和實地觀察,探討幼兒園教師為職業賦予意義的過程。本研究主要有以下發現: ; 首先,影響幼兒園教師身份的三種結構性力量分別是國家權力、市場話語和性別文化。這三種力量共同交織,巧妙地將幼兒園教師群體置於弱者之境,導致幼兒園教師身份空間被擠壓、身份異化和性別化。其次,符號互動論視角下,幼兒園教師身份構建就是幼兒園教師與他人進行外部互動和與自我進行內部互動的過程。不同工作情境下的幼兒園教師身份構建呈現三種不同的路徑:外部主導型、內部主導型以及內外兼顧型,從而構建出不同類型的幼兒園教師身份:保姆與廉價勞動力、有特色的專業工作者、我不是保姆而是___老師。最後,情緒在幼兒園教師身份構建中的作用表現在:情緒是身份的晴雨表、身份呈現的工具、身份承諾的動力及促進身份轉化的誘因。幼兒園教師在身份構建過程中情緒產生並嵌入其互動的工作情境中,與不同對象互動中呈現出不同的情緒地理。幼兒園教師情緒規則包括善於控制情緒,積極運用情緒,堅持微笑服務;其情緒勞動時間長、多樣性、強度大。他們並運用偽裝、抑制、自我勸服和釋放等情緒勞動策略。 ; 本研究對幼兒園教師身份構建的探討豐富了教師身份研究;並回應了關於教師身份構建的宏觀結構因素、身份構建機制以及身份構建中的情緒等學術討論;同時,提出幼兒園教師專業性中的情緒情感維度,即情緒性的專業性。最後,就政府幼教政策推行以及政府制定市場規則方面提出政策建議,並探討了對幼兒園管理實踐的啟示。 ; Improving the quality of preschool education has become a global trend. In recent years, the Chinese government has increasingly focused on universalizing preschool education in the country, launching policies to guarantee high-quality education. Rigorous requirements have also been implemented to maintain the caliber of preschool teachers. In this context, how do front-line teachers in Mainland China understand their teacher identities amid the objectives set by the state and the market for them? How do they make sense of their careers? Informed by the interpretive and symbolic interactionism perspectives, this multiple-case qualitative study examines how preschool teachers in Mainland China construct their professional identities and how they understand and interpret the roles of preschool teachers. Sources of data include in-depth interviews with 33 preschool teachers and 3 preschool leaders in Beijing, documents like teaching materials and school policies, as well as field observations. ; The analysis of the multiple sources of data indicates that: (1) The professional identities of preschool teachers were primarily influenced by state power, market discourse, and gender culture. These influential ...