Sexual Harassment Litigation Reporter
Erscheinungsjahre: 2001-2005 (elektronisch)
3588 Ergebnisse
Erscheinungsjahre: 2001-2005 (elektronisch)
In: Constellations: an international journal of critical and democratic theory, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 142-144
ISSN: 1351-0487
The behavior of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr in his investigation of US President Bill Clinton's "scandalous" behavior is associated with McCarthyism. It is asserted that individuals who believe that such investigations concern Clinton's obstruction of justice, perjury, & lack of moral authority are completely misguided. It is contended that the US Supreme Court must overturn its decision that permits presidents to stand against civil charges while still retaining office; in addition, the current understanding of sexual harassment must be revised. Although sexual harassment undeniably includes the abuse of authority to force sexual relations, it should be primarily construed as a strategy for subordinating female employees. J. W. Parker
In: Public personnel management, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 53-58
ISSN: 0091-0260
In: Women's studies international forum, Band 31, Heft 5, S. 345-354
In: Philosophy & public affairs, Band 34, Heft 3, S. 284-311
ISSN: 0048-3915
In: Social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers, Band 44, Heft 1, S. 85-85
ISSN: 1545-6846
In: Journal of social philosophy, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 37-53
ISSN: 1467-9833
I would like to thank Anita Hill and express my deep respect to her for having the courage to shatter the silence on sexual harassment. I am certain that I speak for millions of women in saying that I have been inspired and renewed by her strength and integrity. I have looked forward to addressing you tonight on a critical issue at this very important juncture in our political history. Sexual harassment has captured our attention over the last several weeks and has of course galvanized women in a way that scarcely could have been imagined only a few short months ago. The issue I want to address tonight, however, is at once narrower and broader than sexual harassment. Focusing on the intersections of race and gender, I want to highlight the racial dimensions of sexual harassment of African-American women.
In: Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 99-117
ISSN: 1527-2001
Although many women experience harmful behaviors that fit the legal definition of sexual harassment, very few ever label their experiences as such. I explore how psychological ambivalence expressed as sadomasochism may account for some of this gap. Following Lynn Chancer, I argue that certain structural circumstances characteristic of highly stratified bureaucratic organizations may promote these psychological responses. After discussing two illustrations of this dynamic, I draw out the implications for sexual harassment theory and policy.