
502 Ergebnisse


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How farm labor organization affects technology adoption: the case of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

In: Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (ICAR) : Discussion Papers, Band 21

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Farm level cost of reducing nitrate leaching by economic instruments in Croatian farming systems

In: CEESA Discussion Paper, Band 11/2002

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Analysing institutions, policies, and farming systems for sustainable agriculture in Central and Eastern European countries in transition

In: CEESA Discussion Paper, Band 2

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Ex-ante policy assessment from an institutional perspective: a Procedure for Institutional Compatibility Assessment (PICA)

In: Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (ICAR) : Discussion Papers, Band 20

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Governing the co-existence of GM crops: ex-ante regulation and ex-post liability under uncertainty and irreversibility

In: Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (ICAR) : Discussion Papers, Band 12

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Protection of the environment and biodiversity for sustainable future of rural areas: the case of planned regional park Trnovski Gozd, Slovenia

In: CEESA Discussion Paper, Band 14

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