Research contributions presented at the Ninth Session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party on Fish Technology and Marketing: Cochin, India, 7 - 9 March 1994
In: FAO fisheries report 514, Suppl
52700 Ergebnisse
In: FAO fisheries report 514, Suppl
Working paper
The aim of the present study is to throw some lighton the revolutionary contribution of SPSS in current socialsciences research. SPSS (Statistical Package for the SocialSciences) is a widely used program for statisticalanalysis in social science. Computer technology haspermeated every phase of research and experimentation in thesocial sciences; and within related fields such as business andeducation, the computer has become an indispensable tool,from marketing research and consumer behavior to trendanalysis and forecasting. Clearly, it is this single aspect ofcomputing that has enabled social scientists to grasp the trulycomplex nature of human behavior and social organizations.Nevertheless, social scientists have come to involve thecomputer in nearly every component of their research, fromthe literature search, to the implementation of experiments,and to the writing of the manuscript on a word processor. Thecapability of SPSS is truly astounding. SPSS is also used bymarket researchers, health researchers, survey companies,government, education researchers, marketing organizations,data miners, and others. In addition to statistical analysis,data management (case selection, file reshaping, creatingderived data) and data documentation (a metadata dictionarywas stored in the data file) are features of the base software.The package enables the researchers to obtain statisticsranging from simple descriptive numbers to complex analysesof multivariate matrices along with plotting the data inhistograms, scatter plots, and other ways. The SPSS hasreduced the requirement for researchers to be able toundertake several of the calculations that area unit needed forapplied math analyses. Researchers collect massive quantitiesof knowledge, from surveys, experiments and different types ofobservation. An applied math computing package provides aconvenient means that to store this information, and derivedescriptive and inferential statistics. The applied mathPackage for the Social Sciences (SPSS) could be a wide usedall-purpose ...
In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 131-134
ISSN: 1839-2628
AbstractThe study and identification of genotype–environment interactions (GxE) has been a hot topic in the field of human genetics for several decades. Yet the extent to which GxE contributes to human behavior variability, and its mechanisms, remains largely unknown. Nick Martin has contributed important advances to the field of GxE for human behavior, which include methodological developments, novel analyses and reviews. Here, we will first review Nick's contributions to the GxE research, which started during his PhD and consistently appears in many of his over 1000 publications. Then, we recount a project that led to an article testing the diathesis-stress model for the origins of depression. In this publication, we observed the presence of an interaction between polygenic risk scores for depression (the risk in our 'genotype') and stressful life events (the experiences from our 'environment'), which provided the first empirical support of this model.
In: Journal of management history, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 191-216
ISSN: 1758-7751
PurposeMuzafer and Carolyn Wood Sherif are among the founders of social psychology. Their theoretical and empirical findings made important contributions to the management literature. This paper aims to attempt to underline these contributions and highlights the Sherifs' interdisciplinary work and their impact on management research specifically.Design/methodology/approachUsing a citation content analysis, the influence of the Sherifs on management research is detailed by examining how their work has contributed to research published in top management journals.FindingsThe Sherifs' work has influenced numerous research streams related to organisational groups, social norms, assimilation contrast theory and a combination of various other topics. Additionally, these works helped originate team and workgroup research in organisation theory.Originality/valueThis is the first manuscript of its type to examine the influence of the Sherifs on management research. Their story is a testament to the impact that social psychology researchers have had in developing modern thought about organisational issues. This work also addresses potential areas for future research building on the Sherifs' work.
In: Social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers
ISSN: 1545-6846
In: International journal of action research: IJAR, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 102-130
ISSN: 1861-9916
"The objective of this paper is to present the possible contribution of an innovative
method referred to as qualimetrics intervention-research because
it helps measuring the impact of action-research processes, not only from
a qualitative point of view, but also from quantitative and financial ones.
It brings to light the necessary requirements or conditions to obtain the
creation of generic contingency in the field of action-research through a
"Contradictory inter-subjectivity" principle. These concepts are illustrated
with reference to an experiment conducted in a construction site on behalf
of the ministry of public works. The objective was to design innovative
methods to reconcile quality-safety and environmental standards with
budget constraints." (author's abstract)
In: The American journal of sociology, Band 39, Heft 4, S. 501-505
ISSN: 1537-5390
In: Public opinion quarterly: journal of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 205-223
ISSN: 0033-362X
In cross-cultural studies of att's, the greatest progress has come from 3 basic approaches: (a) the identification & manipulation of cultural characteristics related to attitude formation & change; (b) the impact of one culture on another; & (c) the intervening factor of language & conceptual processes in the relation between attitude & behavior. Cross-cultural studies of nat character show promise of identifying att's that are most & least subject to cultural influence & establishing possible dimensions of culture. Studies of inter-cultural impact provide increased understanding of the function & origin of stereotypes; the role of reference groups in the process by which elements are selected from complex context for assimilation into attitude systems; the conditions under which interaction will produce specified changes of att's; & the impact of new experience on the characteristics of attitude change. Communication theory & attitude change theory are being integrated in studies of cultural diffusion. Despite formidable methodological problems, the crosscultural study of language & attitude processes is increasing understanding of the meanings of common concepts among cultures, of the relationship between concept formation & language, & of the adaptability of language in culture change. C. M. Coughenour.
In: Population: revue bimestrielle de l'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques. French edition, Band 23, Heft 6, S. 1123-1123
ISSN: 0718-6568, 1957-7966
In: The public opinion quarterly: POQ, Band 24, Heft 2, Special Issue: Attitude Change, S. 205
ISSN: 1537-5331
In: Community research and development information service
In: [Englische Ausgabe]. Thematic supplement 24
In: Public opinion quarterly: journal of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Band 16, S. 561-564
ISSN: 0033-362X
Experience in social research assists those engaged in policy and administration work in terms of day to day operations: evaluating reports, realizing limits and capabilities of research techniques, ability to communicate effectively to research personnel as to what is desired, and handling office and staff problems. The author discusses three complaints concerning typical research problems: (1) research personnel are frequently unable to state findings in a way understandable to potential users; (2) reports and studies are produced without regard to discovering if the material meets the requirements of its users; and research is useless if job deadlines are not met. R. S. Halpern.
In: Wulf, A. J. "The Contribution of Empirical Research to Law", Journal Jurisprudence, 29, 2016, 29-49.
Working paper