Forest devolution and government decentralization have increased community control over forests. Remoteness, low literacy, and lack of formal planning experience often leave forest communities unprepared for their new responsibilities. Forest communities need to develop skills that allow them to establish goals and make decisions transparently and democratically and to negotiate effectively with other local actors if they are to become more proactive participants in local governance processes. In Bolivia and Vietnam we tested four adaptations of scenario-based methods to assist forest communities to develop these skills. This article reflects on the strengths, limitations, and new applications of these methods. The methods encourage participation by members who have little experience with structured planning, including the most marginalized: women, elderly, and illiterate participants. The methods are useful as planning tools, for generating records of decisionmaking processes, and for preparing for negotiations between communities and local governments
This report is an output ofthe DFID funded research project "Fish Distribution from Coastal Communities- Credit and Market Access Issues". The field research was carried out between July 2001 and April2002. In addition to the inception workshop in Chittagong in March 2001 consultation workshops were held in July 2002 in Dhaka and Chittagong, where project findings were presented to stakeholders from the fishing communities, the trading sector, the Government of Bangladesh, NGOs, and members of the donor community.
Sta. Rosa sub-watershed had undergone shift in economic-base from agricultural to an industrial. In understanding the patterns, drivers and impacts of land-use changes in Sta. Rosa subwatershed, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) activities were conducted with selected participants from upstream, midstream and lakeshore communities. The upstream community of Brgy. Tartaria had undergone land use conversion from forested areas in the 1920's, to deforestation in the 1940's, rice planting in the 1950's, coffee planting in the 1970's, and pineapple planting in the 1980's. The main drivers of land use changes are population migration in the 1920's; food security in the 1950's; and income generation in the 1970's and 1980's. Current problems center on agriculture. The midstream community of Brgy. Sto. Domingo had undergone conversion from sugarcane plantations in the 1970's to industrial land use in the 1990's. The lakeshore community of Brgy. Aplaya was purely agricultural (rice cultivation and duck-raising) in the 1940's to 1970's and underwent conversion into industrial-residential areas in the 1980's. Increase in population and declining rice yields are the driving factors for the land use change. Recommendations to address environmental problems in the subwatershed are crop diversifi cation and use of organic fertilizers in the agricultural and agroforestry areas, proper waste management (agricultural, industrial and household wastes), strict monitoring of factories and industries on the discharge of their liquid wastes, and community activities like "Linis Ilog" (Clean the River) program. The conduct of various PRA methodologies with local communities enabled the people to articulate on the various environmental problems that beset them and propose doable solutions to address tese. Findings of this study will be very useful to local government units and policy makers in crafting and implementing policies and programs to address environmental problems in the Sta. Rosa sub-watershed.
The Center for International Forestry Research has developed and adapted various participatory tools for use with forest communities and other natural resource dependent groups. The tools have diverse applications: stakeholder identification, decision making, planning, conflict management, information collection, landscape assessment and other uses. The Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities is intended for environment and development practitioners, researchers and local government officials. It provides information on various tools to help readers grasp basic capabilities, identify the most appropriate tool for their needs and find resources for additional information. Much like a map, this guide sends readers in the right direction when selecting participatory tools.
ABSTRACT Various efforts have been made by the Indonesian government to reduce the number of positive cases of COVID-19 which is still growing. As a form of participation in preventing the spread of COVID-19, community service activities were carried out to increase public awareness during the pandemic about the importance of vaccination programs in preventing transmission and implementing health protocols and healthy lifestyles. Activities are packaged in the form of counseling and education through distributing brochures, masks, hand sanitizers to residents' homes with the help of several students. The target location is Jalan Haji Ridan RT01/RW01, Poris Plawad Indah Village, Cipondoh District, Tangerang City, Banten Province. From the Budi Luhur University campus, it is approximately 15-20 kilometers. The schedule of activities starts from June 24 to August 1, 2021. The method of implementing this community service activity applies the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) method, by filling out a questionnaire to get an assessment from the community of the activity implementers. The result of the assessment from the eyes of the community is 73 out of 100. This means that this activity is quite well received. During this pandemic period, it is possible to carry out community service without gathering residents and continuing to carry out health protocols, and can even play an active role in preventing the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: COVID-19; Participatory Rural Appraisal; Vaccination ABSTRAK Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk menekan jumlah kasus positif COVID-19 yang hingga saat ini masih terus bertambah. Sebagai wujud partisipasi dalam mencegah penyebaran COVID-19 dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat di masa pandemi tentang pentingnya program vaksinasi dalam mencegah penularan serta menjalankan protokol kesehatan dan pola hidup sehat. Kegiatan dikemas dalam bentuk penyuluhan dan edukasi melalui penyebaran brosur, masker, hand ...
This report identifies which resources and landscapes are important to the Batak people. It also documents their perceptions and priorities regarding forest management. By playing close attention to the Bataks' perspectives, the "Levelling the Playing Field" project (LPF) is able to better understand their opinions and hopes for the present and future use of their natural resources. Further, by understating local perceptions, greater insight is gained into the complex relations between the Bataks and coastal migrants living in the district capital (barangay), and their political and economic marginalization on Palawan Island.
This manual is a participatory methods guide (1) to assist those involved with multiple stakeholder situations or groups to appreciate and acknowledge the relevance and impact of micro-politics on stakeholder relations and resultant cooperative behaviour in these groups; (2) to provide a simple and systematic approach or framework to gather and analyse data on micro-politics among multiple stakeholders; (3) to highlight and offer practical suggestions for dealing with some of the methodological issues that influence gathering data on politics and relations among stakeholders; (4) to suggest some methods drawn from participatory methodologies like Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Participatory Action Research (PAR) that can be used in data gathering. Data from two sites in Zimbabwe are presented at various stages and the annexes to illustrate how this framework can be applied and show the type of data that can be gathered.