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181239 Ergebnisse
Physio-genetic study on yield determination and ecological adaptability for sustainable rice culture
In: JIRCAS working report 46
A techno-sustainable bio-waste management strategy for closing chickpea yield gap
In: Waste management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, Band 119, S. 356-364
ISSN: 1879-2456
Will Improved Palm Oil Yields suffice to the Development of Sustainable Biodiesel Feedstock in indonesia?
By the expansion of oil palm plantations, Indonesia has become a world leading producer of crude palm oil. However, Indonesia has also been largely criticized due to issues of land use change and deforestation. The country now promotes the use of palm oil for biodiesel production as part of policies to achieve renewable energy targets. Currently yields on palm oil plantations are far from optimal. Do new policies promoting biodiesel production address the issue of yields properly? This study analyses the driving forces for the expansion of palm oil plantations in Indonesia and the palm oil yields obtained in the country. Data is collected through a multi-disciplinary structured literature review of relevant palm oil publications from the last 15 years. We identify the policies that have been put in place and the strategies used to establish palm oil plantations in the past years. We look at the newly defined policies of the Indonesian government towards renewables and climate mitigation, in particular, targets for biodiesel production and fuel substitution. The idea is to verify whether the new policy will address the low yield issue. Presently, palm oil yields are much lower in Indonesia than in neighbouring Malaysia, also a major producer. Particularly, smallholders have lower yields than private and government estate plantations. Expanding production has been focused on covering new areas with palm oil plantations and less on developing farming methods. In earlier stages, the establishment of plantations included proper education of farmers and incentives to maintain production. Smallholders nowadays start palm oil production with little or no previous experience; still they favour oil palm over traditional crops. New policies have to address farming improvements to guarantee sustainable feedstock for biodiesel. ; QC 20160523 ; STEMBIOENERGI INDONESIEN
Overfishing in the Gulf of Thailand: policy challenges and bioeconomic analysis
In: Environment and development economics, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 145-172
ISSN: 1469-4395
This paper estimates maximum sustainable yield and maximum economic yield from Schaefer and Fox surplus production bioeconomic models to find evidence of biological and economic overfishing, and their consequences in Gulf of Thailand demersal fisheries. The paper examines alternative policy instruments to reduce overfishing. The discussion emphasizes strengthening fishery management for implementing limited access, and a combination of co-management, and decentralization of fisheries management. The use of license fees that serves as a double dividend tax to reduce fishing effort and fund monitoring and enforcement has been proposed as one of the possible economic instruments.
Global warming and local air pollution have reduced wheat yields in India
We use regression analysis on data from 208 districts over the period 1981–2009 to examine the impact of temperature and solar radiation (affected by pollution from aerosols) on wheat yields in India. We find that a 1 °C increase in average daily maximum and minimum temperatures tends to lower yields by 2–4% each. A 1% increase in solar radiation increases yields by nearly 1%. Yields are estimated to be about 5.2% lower than they would have been if temperatures had not increased during the study period. We combine the estimated impacts of weather on yield with the estimated impacts of aerosol pollution (measured by moderate resolution imaging spectro radio meter sensor in terms of aerosol optical depth, aerosol optical depth (AOD) in 2001–2013) on weather to compute the net impact of reducing aerosol pollution on wheat yields. A one-standard-deviation decrease in AOD is estimated to increase yields by about 4.8%. Our results imply reducing regional pollution and curbing global warming in the coming decades can counter wheat yield losses.
Assessing the effects of moving to maximum economic yield effort level in the western rock lobster fishery of Western Australia
In: Marine policy, Band 39, S. 303-313
ISSN: 0308-597X
Assessing the effects of moving to maximum economic yield effort level in the western rock lobster fishery of Western Australia
In: Marine policy: the international journal of ocean affairs, Band 39, S. 303-313
ISSN: 0308-597X
Maximum economic yield of the western rock lobster fishery of Western Australia after moving from effort to quota control
In: Marine policy, Band 51, S. 452-464
ISSN: 0308-597X
Maximum economic yield of the western rock lobster fishery of Western Australia after moving from effort to quota control
In: Marine policy: the international journal of ocean affairs, Band 51, S. 452-464
ISSN: 0308-597X
The Effect of Environmentally Driven Recruitment Variation on Sustainable Yield from Salmon Populations
In: Sustainable Fisheries Management
COMOROS: Maximum Alert
In: Africa research bulletin. Political, social and cultural series, Band 47, Heft 9
ISSN: 1467-825X
COMOROS: Maximum Alert
In: Africa research bulletin. Political, social and cultural series, Band 47, Heft 9, S. 18551C
ISSN: 0001-9844
14. Maximum Principle
In: Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory, S. 344-369