Microfinance institutions in the development of financial markets
In: CEPAL review, Band 2003, Heft 81, S. 187-202
ISSN: 1684-0348
1620 Ergebnisse
In: CEPAL review, Band 2003, Heft 81, S. 187-202
ISSN: 1684-0348
In: Global Strategies in Banking and Finance; Advances in Finance, Accounting, and Economics, S. 341-347
This paper identifies factors that explain why microfinance institutions are reaching more clients in some countries than in others. To that end, the paper applies a cross-country analysis on a unique dataset covering 115 countries. Results indicate that the microfinance sector is more present in the richer countries of the developing world. It also reaches more clients in countries that receive more international support. Population density plays also a positive role, which could explain why the sector is still underdeveloped in rural areas. The level of industrialisation and inflation do not seem to influence microfinance outreach, while regional dummies do. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/published
This article studies the role of norms and values in the microfinance sector. Microfinance projects implemented in India use a wide range of different organizational structures. A classification of the sector is proposed, mapping the institutions along two axes: the profit motive (profit vs. not-for-profit) and the decision making style (centralized vs. un-centralized). Some Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) base their interactions on rigid norms or rules; while others are based on values. We argue that the private sector will tend to produce the operating rules of the microfinance system while the not-for-profit institutions that are using an inclusive decision-making process are more likely to influence the ethical norms in the sector. Nevertheless, this classification is not static as recent events in South-India shows that norms, such as the interest rates, can be politically and emotionally invested to the point that they are about to become values in the sector. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/published
Working paper
In: Journal of Management and Governance, Forthcoming
In: New Partnerships for Innovation in Microfinance, S. 286-334
In: Journal of developmental entrepreneurship: JDE, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 205-219
ISSN: 1084-9467
This study looks at the relationship between the success of microfinance institutions and the degree of economic freedom in their host countries. Many microfinance institutions are currently not self-sustaining, and both theoretical and empirical work suggests that the economic environment in which they operate is an important factor in their ability to reach this goal, furthering the mission of outreach to the poor. The sustainability of the microfinance institutions is analyzed here using a large cross-section of institutions and countries. The results show that microfinance institutions operate primarily in countries with a relatively low degree of overall economic freedom and that government intervention in the economy can reduce their sustainability.
In: International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science: IJRBS, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 252-266
ISSN: 2147-4478
This study aims to investigate and identify the current conditions regarding the role of Sharia microfinance institutions in developing MSME businesses. The community needs Microfinance institutions, especially low-income groups and small and micro-entrepreneurs who have yet to be reached by banking financial services, especially public banks. In providing loans to MSMEs, microfinance institutions must effectively educate and equip their clients with relevant entrepreneurial knowledge and skills. This research will use a qualitative approach with a case study method, which does not use statistical generalizations but uses logical generalizations and replication. Three Sharia microfinance institutions and sixteen MSME cases will be selected in this research. The research was conducted at Sharia Microfinance Institutions as providers of microcredit and MSMEs receiving microcredit in the Southern region of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Gunungkidul, and Kulonprogo. This research will use three data collection methods, namely interviews, observation, and documentation, to maintain the validity and reliability of the data. Data triangulation is used to test the validity of the data. The data analysis process in this research uses two stages: descriptive analysis and case analysis. The findings of this research show hope regarding the promise of easy access to capital or funding sources as an effective tool for improving MSME business development through effectiveness, supervision, and guidance carried out by Sharia microfinance institutions. This change can be realized if the community has economic stability obtained through easy access to capital, increasing business income, and empowering the community to be ready to become entrepreneurs. It supports the development of a creative economy industry based on entrepreneurship and globally competitive ethics.
Working paper
In: Accounting and Finance Review (AFR), Vol.2(1) 2017. 22-30
In: Bhutan Journal of Business and Management
In a context of liberalized financial systems, microfinance allows millions of households, usually excluded from classical financial services, to begin or reinforce their own activities and become microentrepreneurs. Yet, in spite of the success of numerous microfinance institutions (MFI), many difficulties remain which must be urgently resolved in view of their ambitious objectives. First, a large number of the rural households still lack access to financial services. Second, most of the existing MFI are not yet financially sustainable. Finally, while funds from governments and donors are rapidly increasing, financial institutions still need solid foundations to avoid management failures. These issues raise questions of the role of the state to promote MFI including (1) which state-owned institutions may be necessary? (2) which level and type of subsidization of the financial institutions can be accepted? (3) what can be the choice for the state between alternative investments in financial institutions or complementary services? (4) what are the necessary conditions for creating a favorable environment? This paper presents the evolution of views on the role of the state in the financial system including theoretical and empirical points of view from the interventionist period of the 1960s and 1970s to the current period of liberalization. Based on country case studies illustrating the divergent role of the state in the development of the rural financial system, the paper reviews the respective role of the state, the NGO and the private commercial banks in increasing their outreach and in adopting microfinance innovations. It also analyzes different issues regarding regulation of MFI. ; Non-PR ; IFPRI1 ; FCND
In: The American economist: journal of the International Honor Society in Economics, Omicron Delta Epsilon, Band 56, Heft 2, S. 15-27
ISSN: 2328-1235
Within the past decade, two trends have emerged in the global microfinance industry. First, there has been a recent emphasis on financial sustainability. At the same time, microfinance institutions (MFIs) have begun to offer microsavings deposit services to their clients. Could there be a link between these two trends? As MFIs offer savings deposits, do they achieve greater financial sustainability? David Hulme (2008) asserts that Grameen Bank became more financially sustainable after it changed its business model to include microsavings. However, Hulme observes that Grameen Bank also moved away from its poorest clients when it made the shift to savings. This paper explores, as MFIs have switched to offering savings, whether or not MFIs have achieved greater financial sustainability and whether or not they have moved away from their poorest clients. The data examined were collected from the financial statements of Opportunity International MFIs. The results indicate that Opportunity International MFIs that offer microsavings are more financially sustainable than those that do not. Moreover, there is no significant evidence that, by offering microsavings, Opportunity International MFIs have abandoned their poorest clients. Opportunity International MFIs could provide a model of how microfinance institutions can improve their financial sustainability without compromising their core mission to serve the poor.