1. Introduction -- 2. Quality of institutions and the macro-return to education: The case of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) -- 3. Short and Long Run Causality Between Remittances and Economic Growth in MENA Countries: A Panel ARDL Approach -- 4.Asymmetric impact of oil price shocks on tourism: evidence from selected MENA countries -- 5. Youth Unemployment and Quality of Education in the MENA: An empirical Investigation -- 6. Military spending and Economic Development: Evidence from the MENA region -- 7. Foreign Aid, Development, and International Migration: An Exploration of the MENA Region -- 8. The Resource Curse: How can Oil shape MENA Countries' Economic Development? -- 9. Towards a Circular Economy in the MENA Region: Insights from the Water-Food Nexus -- 10. Globalization and Environmental Pollution: Where does the MENA region stand -- 11. ICT and growth in MENA countries: what are the involved transmission channels?. .
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Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Understanding and studying violence in the Arab world -- Chapter 3: Proliferation of the regimes of truth -- Chapter 4: Exception: The detention cell, a place above the law -- Chapter 5: Resistance: Roadmap to the 2011 revolution in the MENA region -- Chapter 6: Egypt after Husni Mubarak -- Chapter 7: Conclusion.
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This paper provides a synthesis of the country cases in the Middle East and North Africa: Oman, Bahrain, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates. Although these countries differ in terms of resource endowments and economic evolution, they share common aspects of successful development. This chapter focuses on the developmental role played by good management of oil incomes, social cohesion, equitable distribution of oil resources, and political stability in Bahrain, Oman, and UAE, and human capital and trade openness in Tunisia. The chapter also discusses the major challenges faced by these countries, including particularly the need for political reforms, in order to achieve a higher and sustainable economic development. Finally, it draws some lessons for development.
The distinction between normative and objective knowledge and how social scientist imagine that their research is solely built on objectivity is currently being challenged especially in the political science field. If we take culture as an example and more specifically the question of identity and identity politics in the Middle East, we will find that the current modus operandi in political science research is distancing itself from objective knowledge because of the increased focus in the field on quantification. Whether one analyzes the work of Telhami on Identity in the Middle East, or Lynch's "The Arab Uprisings Explained", one will find that they all reflect on the academic conundrum that the field is facing.
The repercussions of MENA conflicts in terms of global security, regional instability, refugee and migrant flows, radicalisation and jihadism, losses in economic growth and development and disruptions in oil production are too important to neglect. Stabilisation and reconstruction remain a priority for all the actors – local, regional and international – which over time have been involved in these conflicts. This eBook is a continuation of the ongoing MEDirections project on the political economy of the post-2011 MENA region and represents an attempt to reflect on the features of post-conflict stabilisation and reconstruction in MENA. It draws on several important contributions presented at the MEDirection's third Annual Conference on 'Exiting war economy dynamics: What future for stabilisation and reconstruction in MENA?' (19-20 November 2018). This eBook is grounded on the belief that there is limited understanding of the current developments and dynamics emerging from MENA conflicts and their implications for policies designed to respond to the challenges they pose for the stability of the region and beyond. The ebook provides a conceptual framework which helps re-conceptualise stabilisation and reconstruction in war-torn conflict countries and to view the current status quo through different lenses, challenging prevailing narratives in the peace-building and reconstruction discourse. It also includes three case studies in which the specific economic, political and social conditions influencing war economy dynamics and post-conflict reconstruction processes are analysed, illustrating the varying MENA experiences of the post-war reconstruction process. Lastly, it also demonstrates how regional and external powers attempt to influence the region through business deals and trade, thus showing the importance of the role of geo-economics and geo-politics in shaping the reconstruction process and the future of the region. ; -- Index -- Contributor Biographies -- Introduction - What do Stabilisation and Reconstruction Mean for War-Torn Countries in MENA?, Luigi Narbone -- Section 1: Shifting the Terms of the Discussion -- No Exit: Conflict, Economic Governance, and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Fierce States, Steven Heydemann -- Reconstructing Syria, Reinventing Peacebuilding? - Achim Wennmann -- Section 2: Accounts From the Field -- Syria: What Kind of Reconstruction Process? - Joseph Daher -- From War Economy to Reconstruction: The Case of Iraq, Anne Hagood -- Construction Jihad: Wartime and Post-War Reconstruction and Development in Lebanon, Eric Lob -- Section 3: Exiting War Economy: Tools and Actors -- Saudi Free Trade Zones: Conflict resolution and reconstruction in Yemen and Iraq, Robert Mogielnicki -- How China Sees Its Stabilising Role in MENA, Christina Lin -- Conclusion - A changing landscape of post-conflict reconstruction: Some lessons for policy-makers, Steven Heydemann and Luigi Narbone
In this paper we estimate gravity models to see whether trade volumes of countries in the MENA region are significantly lower than what would be expected given their economic, cultural and geographical characteristics. Our empirical results show that the variables used in standard gravity models cannot explain a significant part of MENA's trade performance, particularly on exports. We then go on to 'augment' the standard gravity model with relevant variables from the World Bank's Business Enterprise surveys. Our results further show that these variables, and in particular transport constraints
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"This volume assesses the current state of play for Middle East and North African countries, in the light of wider work on inflation targeting, and provides lessons from the evolution of monetary policy in Europe. "--
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This event will explore the issues of climate security and the water-energy nexus in the MENA region, featuring the work of two graduates of the Wilson Center Agents of Change Youth Fellowship and an expert commentator. This event will further explore the future of this nexus and technological and governance implications for providing energy and water security in the region after COP28 in Dubai, UAE. Speaker BiosGokce Sencan is a water researcher based in California. She has worked on issues like urban drought resilience, agriculture,the health impacts of climate change, and the energy-water relationship. Gokce previously worked as an intergovernmental affairs intern at the United Nations Environment Programme in New York and as a climate change research intern at Istanbul Policy Center. During her time as an Agents of Change youth Fellow, she researched and wrote about managing the Tigris-Euphrates river basin in the face of climate change. Nour Barakeh is Energy and Communication Consultant for the International Forum for Understanding. She is especially interested in the nexus of climate change, migration, and human rights. She has a Master of Arts in Public Administration from Central European University, where she focused on the Sustainable Developments Goals and climate policy. Nour is also an accomplished playwright aiming at post-conflict peacebuilding. As an Agents of Change Youth Fellow, Nour focused her research and policy paper on renewable energy as a way to support sustainable energy security in Syria. Dr. Marwa Daoudy is an Associate Professor of International Relations at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and the Seif Ghobash Chair in Arab Studies at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies. She has researched and written extensively on issues of water, migration, climate, and conflict in the Middle East, including Syria in particular. Her recent publications include "What is Climate Change? Framing Risks around Water, Food and Migration in the Middle East and North Africa," and "Water Weaponization in the Syrian Conflict: Strategies of Domination and Cooperation." Dr. Daoudy is a recipient of the Harold and Margaret Sprout Prize for her book, "The Origins of the Syrian Conflict: Climate Change and Human Security."Hussein El Gaafary serves in the Trade and Commercial Office at the United Arab Emirates' Embassy in Washington D.C. Raised between Egypt, the UAE, and the United States, Hussein is a graduate of George Washington University and previously worked for Lockheed Martin in Abu Dhabi. He has spent the past decade supporting many of the largest US-UAE bilateral trade and investment projects and also served as sherpa in supporting the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (Cop28) in Dubai.Check out the ACYF fellows' full suite of work on our website.
This book offers new perspectives on the economic development of the Middle East and North Africa region. Offering both theoretical studies and empirical country studies, it examines micro- and macroeconomic issues and provides deep insights into the development challenges and prospects of various countries in the region. The articles examine a wide range of development issues, including economic growth, natural resource use, food security, poverty and inequality, corruption and transparency, military spending, water and resource scarcity, agriculture and aid effectiveness, and other relevant issues. The volume is aimed at scholars in economic and development studies as well as policy-makers and investors interested in the economic development of the MENA region.