
7929 Ergebnisse


Blogbeitrag#6115. März 2021

CoderSpaces provide data science support and hands-on learning opportunities for faculty, staff, and students

Blog: Center for Political Studies (CPS) Blog

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Open Access#632012

Pathways and Flexible Learning Opportunities - Implications for Lifelong Career Management Skills and Comprehensive Guidance Systems


Open Access#642011

Fiction Writing and Learning for Critical Citizenship:Exploring the Potential of Reading and Writing Fiction to Foster Democratic Learning Opportunities


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#6523. August 2017

Partners in practice: Developing integrated learning opportunities on the Frontline child and family social work qualifying programme

In: Child & family social work, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 171-179

ISSN: 1365-2206

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#68Februar 2012

Coping with unmet expectations: Learning opportunities as a buffer against emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions

In: European journal of work and organizational psychology: the official journal of The European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Band 21, Heft 1, S. 7-27

ISSN: 1464-0643

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(Re)Framing Educational Possibility: Attending to Power and Equity in Shaping Access to and within Learning Opportunities

In: Human development, Band 55, Heft 5-6, S. 250-268

ISSN: 1423-0054

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Open Access#702016

Where do all the learners go? Efficiency and equity in the provision of 16-19 learning opportunities



Aufsatz(elektronisch)#7228. November 2019

Does gender matter for the use of learning opportunities? Potential explanation for the gender gap in financial literacy

In: Citizenship, social and economics education: an international journal, Band 18, Heft 3, S. 128-142

ISSN: 2047-1734

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#7321. April 2016

Understanding Employee Engagement in the Public Sector: The Role of Immediate Supervisor, Perceived Organizational Support, and Learning Opportunities

In: American review of public administration: ARPA, Band 47, Heft 8, S. 881-897

ISSN: 1552-3357

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#744. September 2023

A multilevel analysis of factors influencing teenagers' identification with Europe: the effects of migration and learning opportunities

In: Comparative migration studies: CMS, Band 11, Heft 1

ISSN: 2214-594X

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Open Access#752012

Self-fulfilling prophecy: How teachers' attributions, expectations, and stereotypes influence the learning opportunities afforded Aboriginal students