1882 Ergebnisse
Imperial government or imperial judiciary
In: The political quarterly: PQ, Band 62, Heft Apr-Jun 91
ISSN: 0032-3179
Charter '88 has called for a Bill of Rights as part of a written constitution in which the powers of the legislature are subject to review by the Courts. It is acknowledged that the present system could be improved but reference to the American experience suggests one form of dominant authority may simply be replaced by another. (SJK)
Considerações sobre a reforma do Poder Judiciário (Reform of the Judiciary Branch)
In: Revista CEJ (Brasília), Brasília, Vol. 23, pp. 73-76, 2003
The Judiciary in the Italian Political Crisis
In: West European politics, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 157-175
ISSN: 0140-2382
Recent Reforms to the Japanese Judiciary: Real Change or Mere Appearance?
In: Hōshakaigaku [journal of the Japanese Association for Sociology of Law], Band 66, S. 128-61
La reforma del Poder Judicial brasileño (Reform of the Brazilian Judiciary Branch)
In: In VANOSSI, Jorge (Org.). Propuesta de una reforma judicial. Buenos Aires: Rubinzal-Culzoni, 2004. p. 315-321
Experienţa reformei judiciare instituţionale în Belgia: Noile organe care administrează sistemul judiciar (The Experience of Institutional Judicial Reform in Belgium: New Organs Administering the Judicial System)
In: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor, no.1, 2014
Right to Information and the Judiciary
In: The Indian journal of political science, Band 69, Heft 4, S. 853-864
ISSN: 0019-5510
The Environment and the Judiciary: A Need for Co-Operation or Reform
In Section 9 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments, Congress authorized a study of the feasibility of establishing an environmental court which would have exclusive jurisdiction over environmental matters. This mandate was devoid of any hint as to the shape and functions of the proposed court, and made no attempt to define the contours of an "environmental issue". An examination of the legislative history of the Act is no more helpful in illuminating the Congressional intent. The study was carried out by the Land and Natural Resources Division of the Justice Department which, because of the absence of concrete guidelines and of a definition of an environmental issue in the statute, was given the responsibility for transforming the broad, abstract mandate into concrete form. Unfortunately, the study itself, although it does present guidelines for the court, never defines an environmental issue; and the lack of such a definition remains a central problem in understanding and analyzing the findings of the report. The remainder of this article will deal with the results of that study, summarizing the methods employed as well as the specific findings. Since the study does not recommend a separate environmental court as a solution, an alternative approach aimed at sharpening the contours of environmental law through education of the judiciary will be discussed briefly. It is not the aim of this article to present a full-blown conceptual alternative to the idea of an environmental court, but rather to suggest further areas for consideration.
Legal and Judicial Education Reforms in Pakistan: Role of Legislature, Judiciary and Executive
In: Lahore: Muneeb Book House, 2013 [ISBN: 978-969-9513-19-0]
Counter-reform in the Spanish judiciary ; La contrarreforma del Consejo General del Poder Judicial
The Judiciary Council has been ineffective in its constitutional mission: helping to sustain the judges' independence against the other — dignified or efficient — Powers' pressures. The way its members are appointed and how they in turn elect the holders of the main judicial positions has shown their dependency on the political parties. But the 2013 reform does not resolve this problems, does not fulfil the constitutional provisions on pluralism in its composition and collegiality, creates some new ones as a consequence of the reinforcement of its president's powers and transfers a substantial part of its former competences to the Executive power. It is a deliberate setback to the pre-constitutional way of governing the judiciary: a genuine Counter-Reform. ; El Consejo General del Poder Judicial ha sido ineficaz en su misión constitucional de ayudar a defender la independencia de jueces y tribunales frente a presiones de los demás poderes, dignificados o eficientes. La forma en que se designa a sus integrantes y el modo en que éstos eligen luego a los principales cargos judiciales ha puesto de manifiesto su dependencia de los partidos políticos. Pero la reforma de 2013 no resuelve estos problemas, incumple previsiones constitucionales de pluralismo en su composición y de colegialidad y añade otros nuevos como consecuencia de su presidencialismo y transfiere una parte sustancial de sus poderes al Ejecutivo. Supone un retroceso deliberado hacia el sistema de gobierno preconstitucional: una genuina Contrarreforma.The Judiciary Council has been ineffective in its constitutional mission: helping to sustain the judges' independence against the other — dignified or efficient — Powers' pressures. The way its members are appointed and how they in turn elect the holders of the main judicial positions has shown their dependency on the political parties. But the 2013 reform does not resolve this problems, does not fulfil the constitutional provisions on pluralism in its composition and collegiality, creates some new ones as ...
Will the Establishment of Circuit Tribunals Break Up the Circular Reforms in the Chinese Judiciary?
In: Asian Journal of Comparative Law, S. 91-112; DOI: https://doiorg/101017/asjcl201813
Reforms in the judiciary of Ukraine: domestic practices and the EU's policy instruments
In: East European politics, Band 29, Heft 3, S. 358-375
ISSN: 2159-9173
The Theses for the Reform of the Korean Judiciary in the 21st Century
In: Korean Journal of Law and Society, Band 60, S. 1-27