CMEA [Council for mutual economic assistance] cooperation today
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, S. 5-11
ISSN: 0130-9641
18557 Ergebnisse
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, S. 5-11
ISSN: 0130-9641
In: Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives Ser
Intro -- MILLENNIUM CHALLENGECORPORATIONECONOMIC ASSISTANCEFOR DEVELOPING NATIONS -- MILLENNIUM CHALLENGECORPORATIONECONOMIC ASSISTANCEFOR DEVELOPING NATIONS -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION -- SUMMARY -- MOST RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- MCC POLICY AND PROGRAMS -- Selection of Candidate Countries -- Eligible Country Selection Criteria and Methodology -- Selection of Eligible Countries -- Country Selection-FY2011 -- MCC Compacts -- Compact Development -- Compact Implementation -- Compact Suspension and Termination -- Compact Descriptions -- Armenia -- Benin -- Burkina Faso -- Cape Verde -- El Salvador -- Georgia -- Ghana -- Honduras -- Jordan -- Lesotho -- Madagascar -- Malawi -- Mali -- Moldova -- Mongolia -- Morocco -- Mozambique -- Namibia -- Nicaragua -- Philippines -- Senegal -- Tanzania -- Vanuatu -- Anticipated Compacts in FY2011 and FY2012 -- Threshold Programs -- SELECT ISSUES -- Funding -- MCC Appropriations Request and CongressionalAction for FY2011 -- MCC Appropriations Request and CongressionalAction for FY2012 -- Authorizing Legislation and MCC Reform -- Compact Size -- Speed of Implementation -- Compact Sectors -- Compact Outcomes and Impact -- Role of USAID -- Procurement Policy -- Corruption -- End Notes -- Chapter 2MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION:SUMMARY FACT SHEETS FOR 17 COMPACTS -- SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY -- AGENCY COMMENTS AND OUR EVALUATION -- ARMENIA COMPACT FACT SHEET -- Coutry Characteristics -- ENCLOSURE I: COMMENTS FROM THE MILLENNIUMCHALLENGE CORPORATION -- Conpact Timeline -- Key Events for Armenia Compact -- ARMENIA -- MCC Candidate Criteria -- MCC Eligibility Criteria -- MCC SELECTION CRITERIA -- Armenia GNI Per Capita -- ARMENIA'S PERFORMANCE ON MCCELIGIBILITY INDICATORS -- Compact Characteristics -- Compact Summary -- Structure of Armenia Compact, as of December 2009
In: Colonial no. 253
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, S. 8-15
ISSN: 0130-9641
In: Indian and foreign review: iss. by the Publ. Div. of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Gov. of India, Band 24, Heft 3, S. 10-11
ISSN: 0019-4379
In: Historical series
In: The legislative origins of American foreign policy: Proceedings 7
In: The Fletcher forum of world affairs, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 97
ISSN: 1046-1868
In: Studies on international relations, Heft 7, S. 60-78
ISSN: 0324-8283
World Affairs Online
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, S. 117-119
ISSN: 0130-9641
In: Studies in international economics
World Affairs Online
In: The Western political quarterly: official journal of Western Political Science Association, Band 14, S. 496-516
ISSN: 0043-4078
In: Rand Report, R-3518
World Affairs Online
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, S. 68-72
ISSN: 0130-9641