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World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean Ser.
Intro -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- Summary -- Chapter I: Global and regional trade are recovering amid heightened uncertainty -- A. In 2021, world trade is expected to grow faster than it has in any year since 2010 -- B. The steady rise in freight charges threatens the recovery of global trade -- C. A hesitant recovery in world trade in services slowed by the slump in tourism -- D. Trade and value chains: a return to multilateralism or deepening regionalism? -- E. An uneven recovery in regional trade in 2021 -- 1. Goods trade recovered quickly, but services trade has yet to regain pre-pandemic levels -- 2. The pandemic hit smaller export firms especially badly -- 3. The recovery of goods exports in 2021 encompassed almost all sectors and countries, unlike in exports of services -- 4. The pandemic accelerated the growth of e-commerce in the region, but this is not yet reflected in the international trade figures -- 5. The prices of the region's raw materials exports recovered strongly in 2021 -- 6. Intraregional exports are recovering from the sharp drop posted in 2020 -- 7. After a heavy fall in 2020, regional goods trade is expected to post a strong recovery in 2021 -- F. Concluding remarks -- Bibliography -- Annex I.A -- Chapter II: The challenge of regional productive self-sufficiency in the health-care industry -- Introduction -- A. Brief characterization of the health-care industry -- B. The global trade of the health-care industry has been highly dynamic -- C. The region runs a large trade deficit in pharmaceutical products -- D. The region's pharmaceutical industry is poorly integrated -- E. The region's trade in medical devices: some dynamic export hubs -- F. The region's production and technological capabilities in the medical devices sector -- 1. The regional market in medical devices.
In: Estudios e Informes de la CEPAL, 58
World Affairs Online
In: Harvard historical studies 192
"Margarita Fajardo tells the story of the cepalinos, Latin American economists and policymakers, and their dependentista critics, whose ideas about economic growth and global inequality transformed our approach to development and changed the course of the twentieth century."
In: United Nations. [Document] E
In: United Nations publications. Sales no.:1951.II.G.2
In: [Document] E/CN.12/826/rev. 1
In: Estudios e Informes de la CEPAL, 53
World Affairs Online
In: Panorama de la Inserción Internacional de América Latina y el Caribe, 2009/10
World Affairs Online
In: Estudios e Informes de la CEPAL, 59
World Affairs Online
In: Cuadernos de la CEPAL, 13
World Affairs Online
In: Harvard Historical Studies v.192
Margarita Fajardo tells the story of the cepalinos, Latin American economists and policymakers, and their dependentista critics, whose ideas about economic growth and global inequality transformed our approach to development and changed the course of the twentieth century.
In: Estudios e informes de la CEPAL 16
In: United Nations Publication E, 82, II, G, 10
In: E/CEPAL/G. 1217
In: E/CEPAL/CRM.2/L.3/Rev. 1