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Introduction -- Some terms I wish I didn't know -- Dating apps and meeting the right person -- Early dating -- Texting and social media -- Sex -- Being in a relationship -- Fighting -- Breakups and exes -- Deciding to be single, if your want -- Conclusion.
In: Language as social action vol 24
"In Up to Date, Tong and Van Der Heide explore the spicy, unsetting-and sometimes just exhausting-universe of digital romance. As dating platforms like Bumble, Tinder, and Grindr proliferate, scholars have had to stretch their understandings of how courtship works, often arriving at fascinatingly counterintuitive theories about how twenty-first century daters shape online identities, select mates, mediate conflict, and maintain or terminate romantic relationships. This book guides readers through an increasingly complex and extensive literature, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of existing approaches, while establishing new avenues for the future. Written for both students and seasoned experts alike, the book also addresses the largely invisible underpinnings of what has become a multibillion-dollar industry, including propriety algorithms and perverse economic incentives. Up to Date is a provocative and rigorous must-read for anyone who seeks to understand or conduct research regarding the social science of online romance"--
In: Zoon politikon: rocznik naukowy, Band 11, S. 200-231
ISSN: 2543-408X
Phenomenon of social dating: strategies of self-presentation In recent years, the use of online dating platforms has evolved from a marginal to a widespread social practice. The online dating arena provides an opportunity to investigate changing cultural norms concerning technology-mediated relationship formation and to shed light on such aspects of online behavior as the impression formation process and self-presentation strategies. A field experiment was focused on self-presentation strategies and tactics among online dating participants, investigating how participants' sex effects on managing their online presentation of self in order to accomplish the goal of enhancing their level of attractiveness. After conducting a pilot study, was collected 200 text-based profiles (100 women, 100 men) from the online dating service "Sympatia.pl" and examined through them with respect to strategies type.
Relationships are a minefield, especially relationships with women! If only they were more like cars - see one you like, get the money from the bank, pay the salesman, rev her engine and drive away. Unfortunately it's a little more complicated than that - try to treat a woman like this and she's likely to drive her car over you. This little book equips you with 20 great tips, from dating do's and don'ts to ways to ensure she's always impressed by you. And just to make sure the information is the very best we've infiltrated the enemy camp and come out with some ideas straight from the horses mo
In: Logiques sociales
"Love, Intimacy and Online Dating: How a Global Pandemic Redefined Romantic Relationships is an innovative work that explores the concept of intimacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The book provides an overview of the online dating world and apps, the use of which gradually became common as the pandemic restricted people's interaction in the physical world. The author's extensive research conducted during the pandemic posits a comprehensive understanding of the individual's motivation to join a dating app and explores its varied aspects"--
"Le coup de foudre, seule une petite minorité des couples disent l'avoir éprouvé. Comment l'immense majorité des autres font-ils donc pour devenir amoureux ? Pour Michel Bozon, l'amour est une pratique et une histoire : pas seulement une émotion ou un sentiment, mais aussi, et surtout, une affaire permanente d'interprétation et d'échanges - d'informations personnelles, de cadeaux, de sexe -, qui évoluent dans la durée ; dès les débuts amoureux, l'abandon de soi est intimement lié à l'emprise sur l'autre. S'appuyant sur la littérature, le cinéma, les témoignages et les résultats des enquêtes sociologiques, 'Pratique de l'amour' éclaire aussi la vie amoureuse dans les relations et les couples stables, faite d'intermittences, d'engagements et de désengagements successifs. Le plaisir amoureux n'est jamais exempt d'inquiétude. Au final, Michel Bozon montre que l'amour est progressif, il s'apprend, il se construit, mais il peut aussi se défaire..." [Source : 4e de couv.]
In: humboldt - Psychologie & Lebensgestaltung
Raus aus dem Single-Dasein: Date-Doktorin Nina Deißler weiß, warum selbst gutaussehende und gebildete Männer immer wieder bei Frauen den Kürzeren ziehen oder auf das Freundegleis geschoben werden. Sie erklärt, wie Frauen 'funktionieren' und welche unbewussten Muster sie bei der Partnersuche verfolgen. Voller Erfahrung und Esprit entschlüsselt sie, wie Männer attraktiver wirken und genau die Frauen anziehen, die für eine glückliche Partnerschaft mit ihnen geeignet sind. Die Offenbarung für alle Single-Männer! Nina Deißler ist Europas Date-Doktorin Nummer 1. Ihre Flirtseminare helfen unzähligen Männern und Frauen, endlich ihren Traumpartner zu finden. Auch als Expertin in TV und Radio hilft Nina Deißler Schüchternen und Verliebten dabei, den richtigen Schritt zu machen. Ihre Bücher sind Bestseller, weil die Autorin aus ihrer Erfahrung heraus Tipps geben kann, die im Alltag funktionieren.
Do you know someone--maybe it's even you--that's stuck inside the "friend-zone?" Then come check out this book! Rather than blame the girl or guy of your dreams that's not paying you any attention, this book is dedicated to showing you the way to escape the friend-zone yourself. How, you ask? By not sucking at it of course!.