The Channel Tunnel
In: Foreign affairs, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 665
ISSN: 0015-7120
31782 Ergebnisse
In: Foreign affairs, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 665
ISSN: 0015-7120
In: The women's review of books, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 27
In: The political quarterly: PQ, Band 46, S. 121-126
ISSN: 0032-3179
The transient receptor potential melastatin (TRPM) subfamily belongs to the TRP cation channels family. Since the first cloning of TRPM1 in 1989, tremendous progress has been made in identifying novel members of the TRPM subfamily and their functions. The TRPM subfamily is composed of eight members consisting of four six-transmembrane domain subunits, resulting in homomeric or heteromeric channels. From a structural point of view, based on the homology sequence of the coiled-coil in the C-terminus, the eight TRPM members are clustered into four groups: TRPM1/M3, M2/M8, M4/M5 and M6/M7. TRPM subfamily members have been involved in several physiological functions. However, they are also linked to diverse pathophysiological human processes. Alterations in the expression and function of TRPM subfamily ion channels might generate several human diseases including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative alterations, organ dysfunction, cancer and many other channelopathies. These effects position them as remarkable putative targets for novel diagnostic strategies, drug design and therapeutic approaches. Here, we review the current knowledge about the main characteristics of all members of the TRPM family, focusing on their actions in human diseases. ; ANID-FONDECYT 1201039 1200944 Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio ANID, Chile Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy P09-016-F National Research and Development Agency (ANID), Government of Chile AFB180001
In: Journal of international trade & economic development: an international and comparative review, Band 32, Heft 1, S. 37-65
ISSN: 1469-9559
In: Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Forthcoming
Working paper
Shipping list no.: 2002-0302-P. ; Originally published: Washington: Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, 1951. ; Includes bibliographical references (p. [487]-492) and index. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Ultra wideband (UWB) transmission systems are characterized with either a fractional bandwidth of more that 20%, or a large absolute bandwidth (>500 MHz) in the 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz band, and for a very low power spectral density (-41.25 dBm/MHz, equivalent to 75nW/MHz), which allows to share the spectrum with other narrowband and wideband systems without causing interference (FCC, 2002), this spectral allocation has initiated an extremely productive activity for industry and academia. Wireless communications experts now consider UWB as available spectrum to be utilized with a variety of techniques and not specifically related to the generation and detection of short RF pulses as in the past (Batra, 2004). For this reason, UWB systems are emerging as the best solution for high speed short range indoor wireless communication and sensor networks, with applications in home networking, high-quality multimedia content delivery, radars systems of high accuracy, etc. UWB has many attractive properties, including low interference to and from other wireless systems, easier wall and floor penetration, and inherent security due to its Low Probability Interception/Detection (LPI/D). Two of the most promising applications of UWB are High Data Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (HDR-WPAN), and Sensor Networks, where the good ranging and geo-location capabilities of UWB are particularly useful and of interest for military applications (Molisch, 2005).
Working paper
In: Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Research Paper No. 18-15
Working paper
Die vorliegende Studie befaßt sich zunächst mit der theoretischen Reflexion von Aufgaben und Potentialen Offener Kanäle. Dabei wird gezielt auf ihre Funktion für eine demokratische politische Kultur abgestellt. Die anschließende Betrachtung der deutschen Fernsehordnung als Rahmen für den Betrieb Offener Kanäle verdeutlicht zum einen die Differenzen in der immanenten Logik ihrer beiden Teilsysteme. Zum anderen wird die zunehmende Regionalisierung der Fernsehangebote beschrieben und ihr Einfluß auf die Entwicklung Offener Kanäle aufgezeigt. Die empirische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Bürgerfernsehen selbst beginnt mit einer kurzen Aufarbeitung seiner Geschichte im In- und Ausland, an die sich Überlegungen zur Gestaltbarkeit von Offenen Kanälen und zu ihrer politischen Steuerbarkeit anschließen. Nach einer Bestandsaufnahme des gegenwärtigen wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstandes über die Bürgersender wird auf der Grundlage einer Typologie ihrer möglichen Ausprägungen das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den Zielen des Zuschauerbezugs und des freien und gleichberechtigten Zugangs zu den Sendeplätzen thesenartig formuliert. Diese "Verhärtungsthese" bildet den Hintergrund für die beschreibende Analyse der Offenen Kanäle in Rheimland-Pfalz, die auf den Ebenen der Produzenten, der Inhalte und der Zuschauer erfolgt. Dabei wird insbesondere auf den Zielkonflikt von gleichberechtigtem Zugang und zuschauergerechter Programmgestaltung eingegangen und der Einfluß kommerzieller Interessen auf den Offenen Kanal untersucht. ; This investigation first deals with the theoretical reflexion about tasks that public channels fulfill and their potential. For this reason, we will be purposely emphasizing their function in a democratic, political culture. The following reflection about television rules in Germany as a framework for the operation of public access channels clarifies, on the one hand, the differences in the inherent logic of both partial systems. On the other hand, we will be describing the increasing regionalization of television programmes and we will be demonstrating their influence on the development of public channels. The empirical analysis of the public access channels begins with a brief revision of its history at home and abroad, and also makes considerations about the shaping of public channels and their political steerability. After making a recording of the current, scientifical information about public access channels, the tense relationship among the goals concerning the audience and the ones of the free and equal access to transmission spaces will be formulated as a thesis, on the basis of a typology of its possible manifestations. This "hardening thesis" constitutes the background of the descriptive analysis made about the public channels in Rhineland-Palatinate, that takes place at the level of producers, contents and audience. In this respect, we will be giving special attention to the conflict of goals between equal access and programme planning suitable for the audience, and we will be investigating the influence that commercial interests exercise on public channels.
In: The journal of business & industrial marketing, Band 39, Heft 1, S. 53-65
ISSN: 2052-1189
This paper aims to study how retailers moving from a multi- (in-store and online) to a single- (online) channel impacts consumers' retailer and channel choices.
The authors conduct two scenario-based experimental studies to examine consumers' in-store and online channel shopping preferences and behavioural intentions (i.e. channel and retailer choices) when their preferred focal retailer's physical store closes.
The findings show that when a focal retailer removes its physical store location, consumers with a strong preference for shopping online have a greater likelihood of shopping online. Their loyalty towards the retailer explains this relationship but is conditional on low levels of reactance. When reactance is high, consumers with a strong preference for shopping online are more likely to switch to a competitor.
This research paper bridges the intersection between B2B and B2C literature to understand how retailers' channel-related supply chain decisions affect downstream consumer shopping behaviour.