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14004 Ergebnisse
In: The Economic Journal, Band 44, Heft 175, S. 503
In: Routledge international handbooks
In: PM Solutions Research
An introduction to The Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Economics -- Broadening the validity of welfare economics for quantitative public policy analysis -- Part 1. Food economics -- World food: new developments -- Industrial organization of the food industry: the role of buyer power -- Economic ramifications of obesity: a selective literature review -- Behavioral economics in food and agriculture -- Product quality and reputation in food and agriculture -- Food marketing in the United States -- Food from the water : fisheries and aquaculture -- The economics of antibiotics use in agriculture -- Advancements in the economics of food security -- Part 2. Environmental and resource economics -- How does climate change affect agriculture? -- Habitat conservation in agricultural landscapes -- Water quality trading -- Natural capital and ecosystem services -- Water management and economics -- Water supply and dams in agriculture -- Part 3. Trade, policy, and development -- A synopsis of trade theories and their applications -- International agricultural trade: a road map -- Use of subsidies and taxes and the reform of agricultural policy -- The political economy of agricultural and food policies -- Macroeconomic issues in agricultural economics -- Models of economic growth: application to agriculture and structural transformation -- Rural development : theory and practice -- Part 4. Methods -- Econometrics for the future -- On the evolution of agricultural econometrics -- New empirical models in consumer demand -- A survey of semiparametric regression methods used in the environmental Kuznets curve analyses -- Reconstructing deterministic economic dynamics from volatile time series data -- Agricultural development impact evaluation -- Estimating production functions -- Part 5. Production -- Role of risk and uncertainty in agriculture -- Investing in people in the twenty-first century: education, health, and migration -- The economics of biofuels -- Farm management: recent applications -- Economics of agricultural biotechnology -- Part 6. Marketing -- The financial economics of agriculture and farm management -- Futures markets and hedging -- Cooperative extension system: value to society -- Theory of cooperatives: recent developments -- Agribusiness economics and management.
Erscheinungsjahre: 2001- (elektronisch)
In: Journal of political economy, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 200-200
ISSN: 1537-534X
In: Population: revue bimestrielle de l'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques. French edition, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 174
ISSN: 0718-6568, 1957-7966
In: Journal of political economy, Band 47, Heft 5, S. 705-717
ISSN: 1537-534X
In: Studies on the agricultural and food sector in Central and Eastern Europe 44,1