How do couples adjust themselves to retirement?
Introduction: Ageing population is a great challenge for modern societies which have to adapt themselves to this new reality. Increasing longevity and low birth rates also contribute to an aged population, with implications both socially and economically. With increased longevity, people live more years after retirement and should be more prepared to deal with the difficulties that can arise from this transition. Retirement is one of the major transitions in adult life and it can originate different kind of vulnerabilities. If it difficult to retire alone, it can be even more difficult when it happens as a couple. Objective: The project REATIVA is a Portuguese project funded by the European Union and the Portuguese government which has as goal to promote health during the transition to retirement. We aimed to know the perceptions of couples who experience adaptation to the retirement process and the strategies adopted to address them. Methodology: The research team conducted a descriptive study of a qualitative nature. The target population was couples in which at least one of their spouses was retired for less than five years, registered in health care providers in Primary Health Care of the Regional Health Administration Center. The selected participants were subjected to an approach for semi-structured interview, after signing informed consent, and the information was gathered by digital audio recording and subjected to thematic analysis using the NVivo10® program. Results: The following themes were revealed: Before retirement, Moment of retirement, Today's experience, Expectations for the future and Recommendations for future intervention with couples. The theme before retirement presented two subthemes: expectations and idealizations and marital dynamics. Regarding the moment of retirement, the three sub-themes that emerged were: perceived changes, resources used and vulnerabilities. The theme of today's experience consisted of portraits of conjugality, resources and vulnerabilities of this moment of ...