625 Ergebnisse
Kondycja finansowa samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce. Przyczyny zadłużenia i propozycje reform
In: Polityka i społeczeństwo: Studies in politics and society, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 75-90
The authors aimed to examine the phenomenon of indebtedness on the part of the local self-government units in Poland. The situation is evolving, and as such it pertains to an overwhelming majority of municipalities and counties. The barrier to increased indebtedness was established in the form of a unit-specific debt indicator, which came into force in 2014, and the amendments came into existence on the 1st of January, 2020. The composition of the indicator aims to allow the Regional Chambers of Auditors to monitor the proceedings and prevent continued deterioration. However, the authors indicate that the crux of the issue that the local self-government units face is the insufficient revenue they generate, which calls for an increased allocation of central budgetary funds to the local self-government units in the form of grants and subsidies as well as the designing of numerous ways to finance their operations. Drawing upon the experiences gained by other states, the authors postulate the launch of the territorial and resource-based consolidation reforms on the part of the lower local self-government units – municipalities. This is believed to enhance a more effective leveraging of the endogenous resources on the part of the local self-government units, maximising the economies of scale that pertain to the local economy as well as societal resources. The lower local self-government units in Poland were established over 20 years ago. Since the establishment, the units have come to represent the entities that are ineffective in a structural and functional manner. Furthermore, they fail to ensure the modern development path of local communities. The examination that has been conducted validates the need for reforms and it portrays the currents behind.
Jacy imigranci rejestrują się jako bezrobotni? Dynamika bezrobocia wśród cudzoziemców w RP
In: Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Band 2, S. 93-110
Zasiłki i świadczenia przedemerytalne. Przedwczesna dezaktywizacja zawodowa?
In: Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne, Band 2022, Heft 7, S. 14-23
ISSN: 0032-6186
Common European asylum system in a changing world: (introduction) : textbook for the Prague Summer School on Migration and Asylum Law
Ścieżka rozwoju inwestycji zagranicznych Polski – próba syntezy
In: Optimum: economic studies, Heft 2(96), S. 18-36
Experience of migrant self-employment as "economisation of ethnicity". Indian and Chinese entrepreneurs in Poland
In: Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Band 3, S. 77-96
Miesięczne anomalie termiczne w basenie Morza Śródziemnego (1951–2010)
In: Principia: pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej, Band 65, S. 69-89
Zatrudnienie w epoce postindustrialnej. Sprawozdanie z XXII Zjazdu Katedr i Zakładów Prawa Pracy i Ubezpieczeń Społecznych
In: Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne, Band 2019, Heft 9, S. 14-18
ISSN: 0032-6186
The EU through the eyes of Asia
2. New cases, new findings / eds. Natalia Chaban ... - Hackensack/N.J. ... : World Scientific Publ., 2009. - X,269 S. - ISBN 978-981-4289-81-8 - ISBN 981-4289-81-7
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