Voting chances instead of voting weights
In: Mathematical social sciences, Band 65, Heft 3, S. 164-173
55898 Ergebnisse
In: Mathematical social sciences, Band 65, Heft 3, S. 164-173
In: Annual review of political science, Band 11, S. 437-455
ISSN: 1545-1577
Forms of convenience voting early in-person voting, voting by mail, absentee voting, electronic voting, and voting by fax have become the mode of choice for >30% of Americans in recent elections, Despite this, and although nearly every states in the United states has adopted at least one from of convenience voting, the academic research on these practices is unequally distributed across important questions, A great deal of literature on turnout is counterbalanced by a death of research on campaign effects, election cost, ballot quality, and the risk of fraud. This article introduces the theory of convenience voting, reviews the current literature, and suggests areas for future research. Adapted from the source document.
In: Vanderbilt Law Review, Band 68, Heft 2
Prepared under contract/grant no. FE6AC011 by authority of and for the Federal Election Commission, Clearinghouse on Election Administration. ; "PB-270 727, PB-270 728, PB-270 729." ; May 1977. ; Cover title. ; v. 1. Recommended procurement procedures and a review of current equipment.--v. 2. A summary of state voting equipment laws.--v. 3. A guide for legislative drafting. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Towards Trustworthy Elections; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, S. 97-106
This paper reconsiders the division of the literature on electoral competition into models with forward-looking voters and those with backward-looking voters by combining ideas from both strands of the literature. As long as there is no uncertainty about voters' policy preferences and parties can commit in advance to a policy platform but not to a maximal level of rent extraction, voters can limit rents to the same extent as in a purely backward-looking model. At the same time, the policy preferred by the median voter is implemented as in a standard forward-looking model of political competition on an ideological policy dimension. Voters achieve this outcome by following a simple lexicographic voting strategy. They cast their vote in favor of their preferred policy position, but make their vote dependent on the in-cumbent parties' performance in office whenever they are indifferent. When uncertainty about the bliss point of the median voter is introduced into the model, voters have to accept higher rent payments, but they still retain some control over rent extraction.
In: Public opinion, Band 6, S. 12-15
ISSN: 0149-9157
In: Australian journal of political science: journal of the Australasian Political Studies Association, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 515-521
ISSN: 1363-030X
In: Kyklos: international review for social sciences, Band 76, Heft 2, S. 281-300
ISSN: 1467-6435
AbstractHomophily—the preference for people similar in their characteristics—is a strong determinant of many types of human relationships. It affects, for example, whom we marry and potentially also whom we vote for. We use data on preferential voting from eight (1996–2021) Czech parliamentary elections matched with census and administrative data to identify the effect of homophily on voting behavior. The Czech system of preferential voting is well suited to an analysis of homophilic preferences, as it enables us to filter out preferences for political parties and focus solely on candidates' individual background characteristics. We identify the effect of homophily on a sample of 6,844,538 observations from small municipalities that are not likely to be affected by potential electoral list optimization. We find that a 1 % increase in the share of a municipality's population whose education level or age are the same as the candidate's increases the number of preferential votes the given candidate receives by 0.5% or 0.2% respectively. We also find evidence for strong geographical homophily as living in the municipality substantially increases the number of preferential votes a candidate receives.
The E-voting promises the possibility of convenient, easy and safe way to capture and count the votes in an election. The advancement in the mobile devices, wireless and web technologies given rise to the new application that will make the voting process very easy and efficient. This research project provides the specification and requirements for E-Voting using an Android platform. The authentication is done through the face recognition through the mobile camera application. In this method the voter has to register using the application and the face recognition will be provided once the registration is successful. The e-voting means the voting process in election by using electronic device. The android platform is used to develop an e-voting application. In the proposed method the concept of e-voting application is created using android.On scanning the face, the voter will be asked for the password. Once the authentication is done the voter is made to proceed with the voting process. The main purpose of implementing this concept is to increase the voting percentage. So that the voter is not required to visit the voting center to cast their vote and also to avoid fake voting.
In: PS: political science & politics, Band 36, Heft 4, S. 727-731
ISSN: 0030-8269, 1049-0965
The implications of Internet voting are explored with attention given to the meaning of voting & whether it is important for people to enter a physical, public space to vote. AZ's recent experiment with Internet voting raised questions as to whether it could be accomplished without fear of fraud & whether it increased voter participation, & these questions as well as arguments for & against Internet voting are discussed. It is concluded that the US is experiencing a shift from citizen participation in the public sphere to citizen existence within a "private world of culture consumption" (Habermas 1989 [1962]). The majority of the population unquestioningly accepts the news & products of the mass media, while elites make decisions behind closed doors. 13 References. L. A. Hoffman
In: Party politics: an international journal for the study of political parties and political organizations, Band 21, Heft 5, S. 738-749
ISSN: 1460-3683
The literature on strategic voting has provided evidence that some electors support large parties at the voting booth to avoid wasting their vote on a preferred but uncompetitive smaller party. In this paper we argue that district conditions also elicit reactions from abstainers and other party voters. We find that, when ballot gains and losses from different types of responses to the constituency conditions are taken into account, large parties still benefit moderately from strategic behaviour, while small parties obtain substantial net ballot losses. This result stems from a model that allows for abstention in the choice set of voters, and uses counterfactual simulation to estimate the incidence of district conditions in the Spanish general elections of 2000 and 2008.