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632 Ergebnisse
The Process of Vocational Development — Implications for Counseling Male Blind College Students
In: Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, Band 61, Heft 10, S. 333-338
ISSN: 1559-1476
Methodological pitfalls in predicting counseling success
In: Journal of vocational behavior, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 31-39
ISSN: 1095-9084
Critical moments in career construction counseling
In: Journal of vocational behavior, Band 97, S. 31-39
ISSN: 1095-9084
The help-seeking in career counseling
In: Journal of vocational behavior, Band 72, Heft 1, S. 60-66
ISSN: 1095-9084
In: Journal of employment counseling, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 86-90
ISSN: 2161-1920
Pre-Vocational Guidance and Counseling of Visually Handicapped Youth in the Chicago Public Schools
In: Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, Band 60, Heft 9, S. 279-282
ISSN: 1559-1476
Minutes of Employment Counseling and Placement Section Meeting San Francisco — National Vocational Guidance Association
In: Journal of employment counseling, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 8-9
ISSN: 2161-1920
Vocational evaluation: A primer
In: Journal of employment counseling, Band 48, Heft 3, S. 114-120
ISSN: 2161-1920
Vocational evaluation (VE) is a comprehensive assessment process that can be used to inform assessment of people with barriers to employment other than the physical or mental disabilities for which it is typically used. This article defines components of VE as established by an international health and human services accreditation organization. The author's experience as a vocational evaluator and rehabilitation program supervisor serves as a reference. Implications for expanding its use and future research are discussed.
The counseling practicum and internship manual: a resource for graduate counseling students
Introduction to the counseling profession and the practicum/internship experience -- Selecting and applying for a practicum/internship -- Ethical and legal issues -- Clinical issues in practicum/internship -- Clinical writing and documentation in counseling records -- Models of supervision : classroom and site supervision -- Multicultural issues and considerations -- Managing stress during your practicum/internship -- Crisis intervention in practicum/internship -- Ensuring safety on practicum and internship -- Addressing trauma in counseling : interventions for victims, survivors, and practicum and internship students -- Termination in counseling : how to say goodbye -- Completing the practicum/internship and preparing for the future as a professional counselor.
Vocational Personalities and Mindfulness
In: Journal of employment counseling, Band 51, Heft 4, S. 170-179
ISSN: 2161-1920
In the past few decades, many studies have been conducted on the positive effects of mindfulness, a state of openness to novelty in which an individual actively constructs categories and distinctions. The authors tested the applicability of Langer's () mindfulness theory to Holland's () vocational personalities. Data from 156 Israeli full‐time employees were collected. The results link different types of vocational personalities to a mindful mind‐set.
Florida's Vocational Testing Program
In: Journal of employment counseling, Band 27, Heft 3, S. 130-138
ISSN: 2161-1920
This article describes Florida's efforts at instituting a statewide item banking and testing program in vocational education. Several aspects of Florida's testing program are described. First, the rationale for the statewide testing program and item banking procedure is discussed. The development and coding of items included in the item bank, the dissemination of the item bank to local school districts, and the development of the statewide test are then discussed. Problems Florida encountered are described and a series of recommendations based on Florida's experiences are given. Finally, current work aimed at improving Florida's item banking and testing procedures is discussed.