Consumer evaluation of community treatment
In: Evaluation and Program Planning, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 45-52
7349 Ergebnisse
In: Evaluation and Program Planning, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 45-52
In: Social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers
ISSN: 1545-6846
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 12470
In: Evaluation and Program Planning, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 27-39
In: Sustainability ; Volume 11 ; Issue 9
The European Union is committed to enforce limitations to water pollution through specific directives (UWWTD 91/271/EEC). The delay of some EU member states in transposing these directives has had an impact on the quality of the wastewater treatment system. Therefore, it is necessary to intervene with adjustment procedures and construction of new plants. The aim of the study is to carry out an economic feasibility assessment for the construction costs of an urban wastewater treatment plant of medium-low capacity (< ; 50,000 Population Equivalent or pe) according to a simplified process diagram, and help in the planning of new investments. We propose a methodology based on cost functions according to two different procedures: synthetic estimate of the costs for civil works and a multiple linear regression for the cost of the electromechanical equipment. These functions show a correlation between the construction costs and the population equivalent and enable us to understand it. The results show greater economic benefit in increasing wastewater treatment plants sizes serving a population equivalent of 5000 pe to 10,000 pe, while further increases are less beneficial.
In: New directions for mental health services: a quarterly sourcebook, Band 1988, Heft 38, S. 59-76
ISSN: 1558-4453
AbstractA behavioral approach to partial hospitalization is based on several basic assumptions that help determine program content, assist in the selection of appropriate patients, and provide a foundation for treatment and treatment evaluation.
In: Interdisciplinary studies in alcohol use and abuse 5
In: International journal of the addictions, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 517-543
In: Research on social work practice, Band 11, Heft 6, S. 645-670
ISSN: 1552-7581
Objective: Fifteen treatment groups for men who abused intimate partners were evaluated. Method: 104 men took part, with a completion rate of 68.3%. Scores on social desirability were utilized to adjust totals on other self-report scales. Results: Group completers (n = 71) were no different from dropouts (n = 33) on the adjusted standardized measures or demographics. Group completion was associated with significant improvements on the adjusted variables of appraisal social support, self-esteem, perceived stress, attitudes toward marriage and the family, locus of control, and the marital relationship functions of roles, affective expression, and communication. Importantly, adjusted scores on both the Physical and Non-Physical Abuse subscales of the Index of Spouse Abuse were significantly reduced, the latter to below the clinical cutoff. No differences were found between court-mandated and non-court-mandated group completers. Conclusions: The utility of using social desirability to adjust scores is highlighted. The implications for group treatment are discussed.
In recent years, interest in rigorous impact evaluation has grown tremendously in policy-making, economics, public health, social sciences and international relations. Evidence-based policy-making has become a recurring theme in public policy, alongside greater demands for accountability in public policies and public spending, and requests for independent and rigorous impact evaluations for policy evidence. Frölich and Sperlich offer a comprehensive and up-to-date approach to quantitative impact evaluation analysis, also known as causal inference or treatment effect analysis, illustrating the main approaches for identification and estimation: experimental studies, randomization inference and randomized control trials (RCTs), matching and propensity score matching and weighting, instrumental variable estimation, difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity designs, quantile treatment effects, and evaluation of dynamic treatments. The book is designed for economics graduate courses but can also serve as a manual for professionals in research institutes, governments, and international organizations, evaluating the impact of a wide range of public policies in health, environment
In: International journal of the addictions, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 303-317
In: Human factors: the journal of the Human Factors Society, Band 20, Heft 4, S. 489-493
ISSN: 1547-8181
This preliminary study compared the effectiveness of a new treatment for problem drivers with the National Safety Council's Defensive Driving Course (DDC) and a control group. Hearing officers from four large Florida cities randomly assigned 432 problem drivers, whose licenses had been suspended, to three groups. Safety officers from each of the four locations taught both the experimental course and the DDC. Pretests and posttests on driving knowlege and attitudes were administered to the three groups. Driving record data of the 358 subjects who completed treatment were used to help identify long-term effectiveness of the treatments. Although there was no significant improvements between the groups in driving knowledge or in attitudes after treatment, the experimental group had a greater reduction than the DDC group and a significantly greater reduction than the control group in traffic law violations and collisions during a one year follow-up period. A larger investigation of the effectiveness of the experimental course is recommended.
In: European addiction research, Band 1, Heft 3, S. 155-155
ISSN: 1421-9891