The article reveals the issues of updating the educational activities of preschool teachers, taking into account the technical content. The urgency of the problem of the development of children's technical creativity is indicated; the concept of "children's technical creativity" is characterized. The theoretical substantiation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions ensuring the effective development of children's technical creativity in the conditions of a preschool educational organization is presented. The content and results of experimental work on the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of children's technical creativity are described.
The article is prepared on a topical issue related to the study of the impact of maintenance and recovery processes on the effectiveness of management of the technical condition of military equipment. The problem of maintaining the technical condition of military equipment at the appropriate level and, if necessary, its timely restoration is one of the most important. Therefore, the search for ways to improve the process of managing the technical condition and restoration of military equipment will ensure its further effective use for its intended purpose, both in peacetime and in combat. The Armed Forces of Ukraine has a fairly large number of military equipment, which includes all technical means that are designed to ensure combat operations, training troops (forces). Military equipment also includes machines, equipment, devices, including rear equipment, means of evacuation, maintenance and repair, measuring equipment for military purposes, etc. In addition, as the experience of the anti-terrorist operation has shown, there were very serious shortcomings in ensuring the working condition of military equipment and its timely restoration in the conditions of hostilities. Thus, the main shortcomings of the management of the technical condition of military equipment at present are the imperfection of the processes of maintenance and restoration of military equipment that provide it, namely the following: low efficiency of preventive works, inflated quantity, volume, complexity of maintenance and disregard of a technical condition of a concrete sample at the time of carrying out maintenance in the conditions of hostilities; failure to take into account the structure and, as a consequence, suboptimal and inconsistent modes of maintenance of various functionally related subsystems included in one model of military equipment; significant non-productive losses of time and resources in repair and restoration units of the tactical level due to irrational composition and method of their application; low indicators of maintenance and recovery due to insufficiently substantiated composition of forces and means of recovery during the performance of tasks in the operational unit; difficulties that arise during the need to adjust the frequency of maintenance and determine time reserves for the restoration of military equipment in situations coinciding with the time of these activities with intensive hostilities and the need to meet the need for the intended use of the maximum number of samples of military equipment. ; Стаття підготовлена на актуальну тему, що пов'язана з дослідженням впливу процесів технічного обслуговування та відновлення на ефективність управління технічним станом військової техніки. Проблема підтримання технічного стану військової техніки на належному рівні та за необхідністю своєчасне її відновлення одна з найбільш важливих. Тому пошук шляхів удосконалення процесу управління технічним станом і відновленням військової техніки забезпечить в подальшому ефективне її використання за призначенням, як в мирний час ,так і в бойових умовах. В ЗС України знаходиться досить велика кількості військової техніки, до якої відносять всі технічні засоби, які призначені для забезпечення бойових дій, навчання військ (сил). Також до військової техніки належать машини, обладнання, прилади, у тому числі техніка тилу, засоби евакуації, технічного обслуговування та ремонту, вимірювальна техніка військового призначення тощо. Крім того, як показав досвід проведення антитерористичної операції, із забезпеченням працездатного технічного стану військової техніки та своєчасним її відновлення в умовах ведення бойових дій були дуже серйозні недоліки. Таким чином, основними недоліками управління технічним станом військової техніки теперішній час є недосконалість процесів технічного обслуговування та відновлення військової техніки, що його забезпечують, а саме наступні: низька ефективність профілактичних робіт, завищені кількість, обсяг, трудомісткість технічного обслуговування та неврахування технічного стану конкретного зразка на момент проведення технічного обслуговування в умовах бойових дій; неврахування структури і, як наслідок, неоптимальність і неузгодженість режимів обслуговування різних функціонально пов'язаних підсистем, що входять в один зразок військової техніки; значні невиробничі втрати часу і ресурсів в ремонтно-відновлювальних підрозділах тактичного рівня через нераціональний склад та спосіб їх застосування; низькі показники технічного обслуговування та відновлення через не достатньо обґрунтований склад сил та засобів відновлення під час виконання завдань в оперативній ланці; складнощі, які виникають під час проведення за необхідністю корегування періодичності технічного обслуговування та визначення резервів часу для відновлення військової техніки в ситуаціях співпадання за часом проведення цих заходів з інтенсивним веденням бойових дій і необхідністю задоволення потреби у використанні за призначенням максимальної кількості зразків військової техніки.
This paper deals with technical regulations in the area of vehicle type approval, and conditions for importing passenger vehicles. The territory analyzed comprises the region of Southeast Europe, that is, all former Yugoslav republics, with the addition of Albania. The paper is based on two key, parallel systems which define the conditions and criteria for importing vehicles on the territory of the above-mentioned countries, namely on the regulations of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and the European Union regulations (EU). Both groups of regulations, which are rather compatible, have been thoroughly analyzed with a special emphasis on their application on the territory of Southeast Europe, through the analysis of regulations of all countries and territories individually. Furthermore, the paper deals with short-term predictions by the end of 2012 focused on changes within technical regulations and conditions for importing vehicles. Final considerations include long-term predictions regarding the mentioned regulations on the above-mentioned territory.
This text brings the case of Iranian social insurance (SI) to bear on the processes shaping Iranian politics from 1941 to 1960. It holds that the political needs of upper class rule (1941–51) and of the early autocratic regime (1953–1960) helped to shape SI's nature, extent, and limits. A key objective was to propagandistically use a minimal version of SI to try undermining communist and workers' trade unionist agitation. Iranian SI had two rationales. Although a few workers demanded SI measures during the Constitutional Revolution, the first SI program (1922, 1931, 1933) covered government employees, i.e. was a function of state-building. This paper focuses on a second program, targeting non-government workers. Starting in 1936 (1943, 1949), it was meant to tackle the social and political challenges posed by a nascent industrial working class. However, throughout the 1940s, workers' SI laws remained a dead letter, and the first integrated SI bureaucracy (1953), although ensuring 180,000 people, was in reality quite inefficient.
The majority of residents in Latvia live in standard multi-storey residential buildings, which were constructed between 1950 and 1992. At present, these buildings are obsolete; besides, in the course of construction process the durability and reliability levels were planned to be insufficient. In Riga, residents of standard multi-storey residential buildings do not support building renovation and are passive, despite the availability of the EU and government support as well as co-financing of building renovation projects. The majority of the respondents assume that the apartment is the most significant asset of the family. Moreover, 34 % – 69 % of the participants have renovated their apartment and save resources within their apartment boundaries. Only some respondents evaluate the technical condition of communal property, but most respondents do not have information concerning resource supply and energy accounting as well as are not interested in resource saving possibilities within the building in general, and do not understand the importance of technical maintenance of the building.
Die Autoren analysieren die staatlich geförderte Forschung zur Humanisierung des Arbeitslebens in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Dabei werden Aufgaben und Ziele der Humanisierungsprojekte in den Bereichen Bergbau, Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsorganisation dargestellt. (IAB)
The article attempts a historical and political analysis of the scientific and technical policy of Russia at different stages of its history. The author pays special attention to the international policy context of this policy direction. According to the author, in the history of Russia, attempts have been made repeatedly to exert international pressure to isolate it, including in the scientific and technological sphere.
This presentation describes the most important non-technical problems and challenges facing the Haeolus project and its continuation, in particular: Supply chain Market demand for hydrogen Interaction with the grid Green certificates Logistics Political involvement
In: Vojnotehnički glasnik: naučni časopis Ministerstva Odbrane Republike Srbije = Military technical courier : scientific periodical of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia = Voenno-techničeskij vestnik : naučnyj žurnal Ministerstva Oborony Respubliki Serbija, Band 46, Heft 6, S. 151-164
The main aim of the work is to elaborate algorithms and structure of data of the intellectual system of decisions making, able to provide functioning of the organizational-technical system of technical regulation in building under uncertainty conditions. The ability of intellectual systems to function under uncertainty conditions of different types is provided by using methods of indistinct mathematics and organization of a data structure, formed for revealing uncertainty automatically. The main attention in the article is paid to forming a data structure and algorithm for revealing uncertainty, caused by excessive information. The material of the research is information, contained in normative documents, according to which the technical regulation of the Ukrainian building branch is realized. It is especially urgent to reveal conflicts of parameters and rules, connected with reformation of the legislation in a part, related to the technical regulation of the branch. The automatic revelation of uncertainty that results in a discordance or conflict of parameters and rules, essentially facilitates elaboration of project documents and realization of expert evaluations at stages of building and exploitation of unique objects. But introduction of such intellectual systems allows to raise a speed and reliability of the work of other systems of the documents' circulation under transformation conditions essentially. The scientific novelty of the work is in using models of indistinct mathematics at formalizing norms and rules of the technical regulation in building and elaborating methods of their processing by the intellectual system of making decisions. The results of the work are demonstrated on the example of determination of a technical regulation parameter at excessive information, manifested in the presence of more than one normative document with instructions for determination of one regulation parameter. The probation and adaptation of norms and rules are realized in the legislative regulation of the activity in the Ukrainian building branch under conditions of changes, directed on improving the city-planning activity according to world standards.
The main aim of the work is to elaborate algorithms and structure of data of the intellectual system of decisions making, able to provide functioning of the organizational-technical system of technical regulation in building under uncertainty conditions. The ability of intellectual systems to function under uncertainty conditions of different types is provided by using methods of indistinct mathematics and organization of a data structure, formed for revealing uncertainty automatically. The main attention in the article is paid to forming a data structure and algorithm for revealing uncertainty, caused by excessive information. The material of the research is information, contained in normative documents, according to which the technical regulation of the Ukrainian building branch is realized. It is especially urgent to reveal conflicts of parameters and rules, connected with reformation of the legislation in a part, related to the technical regulation of the branch. The automatic revelation of uncertainty that results in a discordance or conflict of parameters and rules, essentially facilitates elaboration of project documents and realization of expert evaluations at stages of building and exploitation of unique objects. But introduction of such intellectual systems allows to raise a speed and reliability of the work of other systems of the documents' circulation under transformation conditions essentially. The scientific novelty of the work is in using models of indistinct mathematics at formalizing norms and rules of the technical regulation in building and elaborating methods of their processing by the intellectual system of making decisions. The results of the work are demonstrated on the example of determination of a technical regulation parameter at excessive information, manifested in the presence of more than one normative document with instructions for determination of one regulation parameter. The probation and adaptation of norms and rules are realized in the legislative regulation of the activity in ...