Agreement on implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 -- Agreement on safeguards (SA) -- Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures (SCMA) -- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 -- Comparative overview of anti-dumping regulation in the European communities and the United States of America -- Comparative overview of EU and US safeguard regulations -- Comparative overview of EU and US subsidies regulation -- Balance of payments measures.
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This research analysis the liquor sector which represents an important item of the Ecuadorian economy, it is composed of importers and local producers who in many casesneed the imported goods for their production. All the states seek to improve their tax collection for the execution of works or improvement of the services delivered to the citizenship, whit this purpose, Ecuador Government applied a series of taxes as VAT value added tax, special consumption tax ICE , tariffs on imports, safeguards, imposed on IR income, among others. The present study focused on the import sector by the series of tax measures applied since 2009to 2015, and analyze the performance of imports from its application. Tariffs, ICE, VAT, safeguards have reduced imports and affected the sale price of beverages and consumption in establishments. ; Esta investigación realiza un análisis del sector licorero el que representa un importante rubro de la economía ecuatoriana, mismo que está integrado por importadores y productores locales que en muchos casos recurren a la importación de bienes para la elaboración de sus productos. A nivel mundial los estados buscan mejorar su recaudación fiscal para la ejecución de obras o mejoramiento de los servicios entregados a la ciudadanía, en el Ecuador con este fin se aplican una serie de tributos como impuesto al valor agregado IVA, impuesto a los consumos especiales ICE, aranceles a la importación, salvaguardias, impuesta a la renta IR, entre otros. El presente estudio se enfocó en el sector importador por la serie de medidas tributarias aplicadas desde el 2009 hasta diciembre 2015, para a partir de su aplicación analizar el desempeño de las importaciones. Los gravámenes arancelarios, el ICE, el IVA, salvaguardias
This research analysis the liquor sector which represents an important item of the Ecuadorian economy, it is composed of importers and local producers who in many cases need the imported goods for their production. All the states seek to improve their tax collection for the execution of works or improvement of the services delivered to the citizenship, whit this purpose, Ecuador Government applied a series of taxes as VAT value added tax, special consumption tax ICE , tariffs on imports, safeguards, imposed on IR income, among others. The present study focused on the import sector by the series of tax measures applied since 2009 to 2015, and analyze the performance of imports from its application. Tariffs, ICE, VAT, safeguards have reduced imports and affected the sale price of beverages and consumption in establishments. ; Esta investigación realiza un análisis del sector licorero el que representa un importante rubro de la economía ecuatoriana, mismo que está integrado por importadores y productores locales que en muchos casos recurren a la importación de bienes para la elaboración de sus productos. A nivel mundial los estados buscan mejorar su recaudación fiscal para la ejecución de obras o mejoramiento de los servicios entregados a la ciudadanía, en el Ecuador con este fin se aplican una serie de tributos como impuesto al valor agregado IVA, impuesto a los consumos especiales ICE, aranceles a la importación, salvaguardias, impuesta a la renta IR, entre otros. El presente estudio se enfocó en el sector importador por la serie de medidas tributarias aplicadas desde el 2009 hasta diciembre 2015, para a partir de su aplicación analizar el desempeño de las importaciones. Los gravámenes arancelarios, el ICE, el IVA, salvaguardias
El presente ensayo analiza el impacto económico que experimentó el sector automotriz ecuatoriano con la aplicación de las salvaguardas, considerando un periodo de estudio del 2014 al 2017. Se analiza el contexto normativo sobre el cual se ampara el Gobierno Nacional del Ecuador para emitir la resolución No. 011-2015, yendo desde la fundamentación de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), hasta la legislación ecuatoriana que sirvió de base para la implementación de las medidas arancelarias. El principal objetivo que tuvo el gobierno para adoptar las medidas arancelarias de las salvaguardas fue equilibrar la balanza de pagos y mejorar el déficit en balanza comercial no petrolera que tenía al 2014 de USD – 7.408 millones. Con respecto a los indicadores analizados, se estudia el empleo y su disminución a efectos de las salvaguardas, las importaciones, las exportaciones y las ventas disminuyen durante los años 2015 y 2016, tomando como referencia el año 2014. Lo que permite evidenciar que aun considerando los ingresos por las exportaciones de crudo y a pesar de la aplicación de la medida, no se cumplió con el propósito de mejorar este indicador. El presente trabajo aplica una metodología de investigación exploratoria y bibliográfica a través de información recabada en canales oficiales, complementada con la investigación descriptiva. Las medidas adoptadas han generado un incremento en los precios de autos, disminución de empleo y disminución tanto de las importaciones como de las exportaciones, lo cual se refleja negativamente en las ventas del sector. ; This essay analyzes the economic impact experienced by Ecuadorian automotive sector with the safeguards application, considering a study period from 2014 to 2017. This paper analyses normative context on which the National Government of Ecuador is based to issue the resolution No. 011-2015, starting from the World Trade Organization (WTO) legal support, to ecuadorian legislation that served as basis for the tariff measures implementation. The central government's primary aim to adopt the safeguards tariff measures was to leveling the balance of payment and improve the deficit in the non-oil trade balance that had USD 2014 - USD 7408 million. With respect to analyzed indicators, employment and its decrease caused by safeguards are reviewed, imports, exports and sales decrease during 2015 and 2016 years, taking as reference 2014 year. This allows to show that even considering revenues from oil exports and despite the measure application, purpose of improving this indicator was not met. This paper applies an exploratory and bibliographic research methodology through information collected from official information sources, complemented by descriptive research. The measures applied have generated an increase in car prices, a decrease in employment and a decrease in both imports and exports, which is negatively resulted in the sales of the sector.
Despite the fact that the WTO has helped to reduce the overall level of tariffs with increased transparency, a majority of the developing countries with the capacity to increase exports of labour intensive manufactures continue to face significant barriers in accessing foreign markets. Tariff rates applied by the developed countries for textile and clothing and leather for instance are much higher than those on other manufacturing products such as electronics, computers and telecom equipment, thus indicating a clear discrimination against exports of the developing countries. Moreover, tariff peaks, tariff escalation, tariff rate quotas and other non-tariff measures including antidumping duties, countervailing duties, and safeguard measures to protect against serious injury from import surges, allowed under the WTO, have become major impediments to market access for developing countries exports.
Preliminary Material /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll -- Agreement on Implementation of Article Viof the General Agreement on Tariffs Andtrade 1994 (Ada) /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll -- Agreement on Safeguards (Sa) /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll -- Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailingmeasures (Scma) /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll -- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (Gatt) /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll -- Comparative Overview of Anti-Dumping Regulation in the European Communities and the United States of America /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll -- Comparative Overview of EU and US Safeguard Regulations /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll -- Comparative Overview of EU and US Subsidies Regulation /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll -- Balance of Payments Measures /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll -- Index /Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll.
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Summary: The rapid technological progress and new telecommunications services challenged the regulatory principles of a legal source on which telecommunications regulation is based and encourage the administration to regulate its content, threatening to weaken its strength from the principle of legal reservation, which is extended by constitutional mandate. Thus, the system for granting concessions and permits and the tariff regulation of services have kept the Law as the exclusive source of its regulation, but this exclusivity could be reduced in the light of the increasing regulatory capacity granted to the administration. An analysis is made of the way in which the Law treats both matters, their historical development, the role played in these matters by the legislation below, and the constitutional safeguards which in respect of these matters are presented as limits to the regulatory capacity of the administration. ; Resumen: El vertiginoso avance tecnológico y los nuevos servicios de telecomunicaciones desafían los principios normativos de fuente legal en que se sustenta la regulación de telecomunicaciones e incitan a la Administración a regular su contenido, amenazando con restarle fuerza al principio de reserva legal que se extiende por mandato constitucional. Así, el régimen de otorgamiento de concesiones y permisos y la regulación tarifaria de los servicios han mantenido a la Ley como fuente exclusiva de su regulación, sin embargo, dicha exclusividad pudiera verse disminuida ante la cada vez mayor capacidad normativa que se le reconoce a la Administración. Se analiza el tratamiento que la Ley hace respecto de ambas materias, su evolución histórica, el rol que en dichas materias ha correspondido a la regulación infra legal y los resguardos constitucionales que respecto a las mismas se presentan como límites a la capacidad normativa de la Administración.
Political economy and international institutions -- Trade and domestic law -- Dispute settlement -- Trade rights enforcement through national law -- Trade in goods : customs and tariff law -- Core obligations of the WTO : most-favored-nation and national treatment -- Market access and non-tariff trade barriers -- General exceptions for national security and civil society -- Safeguards -- Unfair trade remedies : anti-dumping and countervailing duties -- Trade in services -- Export controls and sanctions -- Investment -- Intellectual property and trips -- Developing countries.
Poverty, economic development, and international trade -- Current regulatory framework for international trade : the WTO system -- Reclaiming development : tariff bindings and subsidies -- Anti-dumping and safeguards -- "Expansion" of trade disciplines and development -- Foreign direct investment and regional trade liberalization -- Conclusion : putting back the ladder.
Proposes a qualitative approach to the problem of determining when cross-issue trade-offs are likely to be necessary and applies it to the Tokyo and Uruguay Round negotiations on safeguards to protect domestic industries from problems related to increases in imports. (Abstract amended)