Microplastics are ubiquitous in the natural environment. This report synthesises the current state of knowledge on the sources, fate and risks of microplastics pollution. It then focuses on two sources of microplastics pollution, textile products and vehicle tyres, due to their substantial contribution to global microplastics emissions and currently largely absent policy frameworks to mitigate them.
In recent years, food ingredients rich in bioactive compounds have emerged as candidates to prevent excess adiposity and other metabolic complications characteristic of obesity, such as low-grade inflammation and oxidative status. Among them, fungi have gained popularity for their high polysaccharide content and other bioactive components with beneficial activities. Here, we use the C. elegans model to investigate the potential activities of a Grifola frondosa extract (GE), together with the underlying mechanisms of action. Our study revealed that GE represents an important source of polysaccharides and phenolic compounds with in vitro antioxidant activity. Treatment with our GE extract, which was found to be nongenotoxic through a SOS/umu test, significantly reduced the fat content of C. elegans, decreased the production of intracellular ROS and aging-lipofuscin pigment, and increased the lifespan of nematodes. Gene expression and mutant analyses demonstrated that the in vivo anti-obesity and antioxidant activities of GE were mediated through the daf-2/daf-16 and skn-1/nrf-2 signalling pathways, respectively. Taken together, our results suggest that our GE extract could be considered a potential functional ingredient for the prevention of obesity-related disturbances. ; This work was performed with the financial support of the CIEN project BIOPRO from "Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial" (CDTI), Ministry of Science and Innovation, Government of Spain. The authors thank ARGAL ALIMENTACIÓN S.A., ANECOOP, ELMUBAS IBÉRICA S.L.U., Bodega Matarromera S.L., Kimitec Group, Mahou San Miguel, UVESA, and Entomo AgroIndustrial for their support of this project. We also thank Bolet Ben Fet (TEB Verd SCCL., Barcelona). Finally, the authors thank LABORATORIOS CINFA, S.A. and VISCOFAN S.A for the financial support of the Center for Nutrition Research, and the CERCA Programme (Generalitat de Catalunya) for the financial support of IRTA. ; Peer reviewed
Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Department of Labor's Unemployment Insurance (UI) program is a federal-state partnership designed to partially replace lost earnings of individuals who become unemployed through no fault of their own and to stabilize the economy in times of economic downturn. The health of each state's UI program depends, in part, on their ability to control benefit payments by accurately determining eligibility for UI benefits in a timely manner. Labor's Office of Inspector General (OIG) and others have identified numerous aspects of the UI program that may be vulnerable to overpayments and fraud. Of the $30 billion in UI benefits paid in calendar year 2001, Labor estimates that this includes $2.4 billion in overpayments, including $560 million attributable to fraud or abuse. Labor's analysis also suggests that the states could have detected or recovered $1.3 billion of the total overpayments given their current policies and procedures. The management and operational practices at both the state and federal level contribute to overpayments in the UI program. At the state level, many states place a higher priority on quickly processing and paying UI claims than on taking the necessary steps to adequately verify claimants' initial and continued eligibility for UI benefits. At the federal level, Labor's policies and directives emphasize quickly processing and paying claims, with only limited attention given to payment accuracy. Although paying benefits to individuals in a timely manner is important, Labor's performance measurement system does not provide sufficient incentives and sanctions for states to balance the need for payment timeliness with the need for payment accuracy."
Relevance of the research topic. Since competition and innovation are interrelated, at the current stage of development of the Ukrainian economy the problem of increasing the profitability and competitiveness of sunflower seed production based on the development of innovative processes in the industry remains highly relevant. Those producers of sunflower seeds, who were the first to apply innovations, have the opportunity to reduce the cost of manufactured products, which contributes to strengthening their position in a competitive environment and increasing their survival in the modern market. Formulation of the problem. The downturn of business activity, the domestic economy is experiencing, is usually accompanied by a decrease in the cost of developing innovations. However, an analysis of the activities of large firms, especially in oligopolistic markets, both high-tech and less technologically advanced, shows that for many of them the development of innovation retains its priority value even during periods of unfavorable economic conditions. This allows you to achieve strategic advantages, enter new markets and consolidate positions in the industry after the end of the crisis. Selection of unexplored parts of a common problem. The oil and fat complex represents a wide range of products, the use of new technologies, a high level of profitability and competitiveness, the attraction of foreign deposits, and an orientation towards the export of raw materials. Investment in the development of oil-producing enterprises, entrenched in the market, in fact creates additional natural barriers to their entry into the market, which leads to a change in the concentration and degree of competitiveness and provokes the emergence of new phenomena that require further research. Statement of the problem, the objectives of the study. The purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical aspects of innovation in the activities of agricultural enterprises of the oil and fat complex. The goal defines the following tasks: to consider the categories of enterprises, covers the oil and fat complex; provide a scheme for the extensive development of the industry; explore the basic conditions for the long-term development of the enterprise and consider a scheme for meeting prospective market needs; highlight the benefits of innovation; to substantiate the main trends and directions of development of innovation and investment activities of enterprises producing oil and fat products. Method or methodology of the study. The methodology of the study is to identify approaches to the definition of "innovation", to determine the totality of the methodological components of the appraisal apparatus and justify and highlight their advantages, given the logistics infrastructure of the oil and fat complex. The presentation of the main material (results). The categories of enterprises are considered, covers the oil and fat complex. The scheme of extensive development of the industry. A necessary condition for the long-term development of the enterprise has been described and a scheme for meeting prospective market needs has been considered. Highlighted the benefits of innovation, stimulate agricultural producers to introduce innovations. The logistics infrastructure of the oil and fat complex and the main trends and directions for the development of innovation and investment activities of manufacturing enterprises are presented. Domestic producers of oil and fat products should take into account the global development trends of the global oil and fat complex in the development of an innovation strategy plan, investing in new products, such as high-viscosity sunflower, rapeseed or soybean oil. The scope of the results. The results of the study can be used in the activities of agricultural enterprises producing oil and fat products, as well as in the work of firms representing the food industry. The presentation of the main material (results). The categories of enterprises are considered, covers the oil and fat complex. The scheme of extensive development of the industry. A necessary condition for the long-term development of the enterprise has been described and a scheme for meeting prospective market needs has been considered. Highlighted the benefits of innovation, stimulate agricultural producers to introduce innovations. The logistics infrastructure of the oil and fat complex and the main trends and directions for the development of innovation and investment activities of manufacturing enterprises are presented. Domestic producers of oil and fat products should take into account the global development trends of the global oil and fat complex in the development of an innovation strategy plan, investing in new products, such as high-viscosity sunflower, rapeseed or soybean oil. Conclusions according to the article. The consumption of "healthy" natural vegetable oils is increasing in the world, particularly in Europe, Asia, and North and South America. The current trends towards an increase in the volume and qualitative changes in the structure of consumption of edible vegetable oils and fats make it possible to predict the future shortage of them in both developed and developing countries. The constant growth of the global demand for edible vegetable oils creates the prerequisites for the activation of the search for new investment and innovative solutions by the subjects of this market. Domestic producers of oil and fat products should take into account the global development trends of the global oil and fat complex in the development of an innovation strategy plan, investing in new products, such as high-viscosity sunflower, rapeseed or soybean oil.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of xanthan gum (XG) on the structural changes of palm oil during in vitro digestion and to evaluate the application of the XG-palm fat system in filling creams. The textural, rheological and microstructural properties were studied in three systems: a XG-palm fat system, a filling cream with the XG-palm fat system, and a control filling cream with palm oil but without xanthan gum. Free fatty acids were measured at the end of the in vitro digestion as indicators of fat digestion and related with the structural changes. The incorporation of palm oil inside the xanthan gum matrix significantly reduces fat digestion. In comparison to the control cream, the microstructure reveals the presence of undigested fat when XG is present at the end of intestine in vitro incubation, while the presence of fat was significantly reduced in the control cream. After stomach incubation, an increase in the extrusion force and in the elastic and viscous modulus was observed in the xanthan gum systems, this was despite the greater water dilution, which was associated with an increase in fat globule size. In the control cream, a decrease in viscoelasticity is observed after stomach incubation. The results of the present research may have applications in the design of low-fat food and in applications where stomach content structuring is desired. ; Authors are grateful to the Ministerio Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government for financial support (project AGL2015-68923-C2-1-R). ; Peer reviewed
This article extends the existing literature about the consequences that having a prison record has on formerly incarcerated men's labor market outcomes by projecting forward to think about what the diminished labor market prospects may mean for men when they reach retirement age. We find that formerly incarcerated men have little wealth accumulated by their late 40s and 50s, that they have limited access to on-the-job pensions, and that some may not even be able to rely on Social Security when they are old. The article uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79) and focuses most of its attention on the plight of Black men and Latino men, as this is the subset of the population that was particularly affected by the nation's mass incarceration policies of the late 20th century. The implications of the findings for Black and Brown men's prospects during old age are discussed, as are the implications for the way that policy scholars think about race, aging, and public policy.
"How to make better decisions and achieve your goalsWhat shapes a person's career and life, and defines them as a leader? Their decisions. We all want to be more productive and deliver our best results. But doing this effectively--and consistently over time--is a significant challenge. Managing it all is hard, and leading in today's hyper-paced world is even harder.The good news is that leadership expert Steve McClatchy makes it easier. In Decide, McClatchy--who works with Fortune 1000 people every day to help them achieve outstanding levels of performance--shows you how to cut through the complexities and excuses to start realizing real gains simply by changing one thing: the way you make decisions. With McClatchy's help, you can quickly begin to: Use the time you have each day to move your business and your life forward Make decisions that yield better results Waste less time, reduce stress and regain balance Again and again, McClatchy has helped people learn for themselves how great decision-making habits yield a lifetime of accomplishments. Follow McClatchy's no-nonsense and practical approach, and you'll soon manage--and even lead--at your highest level of personal performance"--
Introduction. The article examines the activities of the Russian repressed scientist, agronomistsoil scientist, laureate of the Lenin Prize in the field of agriculture Alexandra Zaitseva and her contribution to the development of agriculture in Kazakhstan. Materials. The article uses archival documents, and many sources are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. In particular, the documents of the State Archive of Karaganda region on scientific and technical documentation, the State Archive of Akmola region and materials of periodicals of those years were studied. Analysis and results. The authors comprehensively investigate her scientific activities in Akmola and Karaganda regions and pay special attention to her contribution and new scientific discoveries in the steppe arid zone. The study examines the merits of A. Zaitseva in the opening of an experimental station as part of the Akmola camp of wives of "traitors to the Motherland", known as the women's camp in the Soviet Union. It also presents her activities as a researcher in Karlag as a head of the department of agrotechnics and agrochemistry during the Great Patriotic War and in the difficult post-war years. In particular, her contribution to the sowing of winter wheat on the stubble of spring crops and grassland crop-rotation, introduced into the production practice of collective and state farms in Karaganda region. Separately, her activities in the All-Union Research Institute of Grain Farming in Akmola region as a head of the department of agrosoil science have been investigated. Particular attention is paid to her participation in the practices to reduce wind erosion while developing virgin and fallow lands in Northern Kazakhstan.
The regulation of trans fats sets an interesting precedent for the regulation of other legal but harmful food ingredients, such as salt, sugar and saturated fat. In this paper, we distinguish three regulatory measures to reduce such ingredients in food and population intakes: the labelling of an ingredient, a limit on the amount of the ingredient in food products and a ban on the production technology that creates the ingredient. We will compare the regulations promulgated in the US and in the EU to reduce trans fats in food and population intakes. This comparison will identify a common focus on scientific risk assessment and precautionary action but a different orientation towards regulating the internal market and towards producer interests. The comparison also lays bare differences in the regulatory systems of the US and the EU that may inspire US and EU regulators to reflect on possible improvements for future fights against legal but harmful food ingredients.
Before 1980, rates were generally well below 10%. They have since doubled or tripled in many countries, and in almost half of the OECD, 50% or more of the population is overweight. A key risk factor for numerous chronic diseases, obesity is a major public health concern. This book contributes to evidence-based policy making by exploring multiple dimensions of the obesity problem. It examines the scale and characteristics of the epidemic, the respective roles and influence of market forces and governments, and the impact of interventions. It outlines an economic approach to the prevention of chronic diseases that provides novel insights relative to a more traditional public health approach. The analysis was undertaken by the OECD, partly in collaboration with the World Health Organization. The main chapters are complemented by special contributions from health and obesity experts, including Marc Suhrcke, Tim Lobstein, Donald Kenkel and Francesco Branca. "a valuable set of results and suggestions about the best preventive interventions to reduce the burden of obesity." – Julio Frenk, Dean, Harvard School of Public Health"The positive message of this book is that the obesity epidemic can be successfully addressed." – Ala Alwan, Assistant Director-General, World Health Organization"innovative and well-researched" – Martin McKee, Professor, London School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine
In an experimental setting some Danish unemployed workers were assigned to an activation program while others were not. Unemployed who were assigned to the activation program found a job more quickly. We show that the activation effect increases with the distance between the place of residence of the unemployed worker and the place where the activation took place. We also find that the quality of the post-unemployment jobs was not affected by the activation program. Both findings confirm that activation programs mainly work because they are compulsory and unemployed don't like them.
The human toxicity potential, a weighting scheme used to evaluate toxicemissions for life cycle assessment and toxics release inventories, is based on potential dose calculations and toxicity factors. This paper evaluatesthe variance in potential dose calculations that can be attributed to the uncertainty in chemical‐specific input parameters as well as the variabilit in exposure factors and landscape parameters. A knowledge of the uncertainty allows us to assess the robustness of a decision based on the toxicity potential; a knowledge of the sources of uncertainty allows us to focus our resources if we want to reduce the uncertainty. The potential dose of 236 chemicals was assessed. The chemicals were grouped by dominant exposure route, and a Monte Carlo analysis was conducted for one representative chemical in each group. The variance is typically one to two orders of magnitude. For comparison, the point estimates in potential dose for 236 chemicals span ten orders of magnitude. Most of the variance in the potential dose is due to chemical‐specific input parameters, especially half‐lives, although exposure factors such as fish intake and the source of drinking water can be important for chemicals whose dominant exposure is through indirect routes. Landscape characteristics are generally of minor importance.
Product Name: Flat Belly Fix Author Name: Todd Lamb Bonus: Yes Official Website: CLICK HERE The Flat Belly Fix by Todd Lamb is a unique system designed to blast away stubborn belly fat in as little as 21 days. Now, I know it likely sounds like just another gimmicky fitness plan that promises to provide results, but don't be mistaken. Often times, most of those programs will provide results if you follow their regime precisely. Unfortunately, the regime is usually too unrealistic to follow. The good news is that the same can't be said about The Flat Belly Fix. In fact, it's likely one of the easiest programs to add into your daily regime because it doesn't require you to spend hours on end working on your health and fitness, yet it still focuses on exercise and healthy eating. Intrigued? As was I! Let's discover whether this online fitness program is worth your pretty penny. What is The Flat Belly Fix Program About? Speaking of pretty pennies, The Flat Belly Fix is an exceptionally affordable program, especially considering that it provides you with nutritional information, exercise instructions, and smoothie recipes. While most programs charge the same price for just one of these components, you get all three when you start this program, which are: The 21 Day System7-Minute Flat Belly ProtocolSmoothie Recipe Guide I'll explain these a little further in just a moment, but as you can see just at a glance, your fitness and nutrition are taken care of within this program. This is key since it's hard to achieve sustainable weight loss without one or the other; you need both in order to see results, and this program provides you with a significant amount of both. Now, the foundation of this unique health and fitness approach stems from ancient ingredients that were used back in time to maintain optimal health and strength. No, I'm not talking about some weird voodoo spell, pill or potion. These ingredients can be found at your grocery store. It just so happens that many people today in Westernized countries don't know how to incorporate them into their diet or the reasons for doing so. As a result, we don't use them when cooking and we don't receive the benefits either. The program not only teaches you the power that such ingredients bring into your life, health and fitness but it also provides you with the easiest way to enjoy them – in smoothies. The smoothie recipes provided put the information you learn throughout the main portion of the program in the blender, making it easy for you to finally reap the benefits. As for the exercise regime, it includes various types of movements designed to target the stomach area to finally eliminate your stubborn belly fat. While there are dates of the week attached to each protocol, you can pick and choose which ones you want to do, as long as you're doing 1 full protocol each day, which only requires 7-minutes to complete. As for the type of exercise movements, they're all based on the movements that SWAT teams, military members, and police officers use to ensure they're stamina and strength, which leads me into the next topic… Who is the Creator of The Flat Belly Fix Program? Todd Lamb is the creator of The Flat Belly Fix. Unlike many other fitness program authors, he isn't some major media fitness guru that's been seen on this talk show and in that magazine. However, he has always had a strong understanding of health and fitness and what's required to achieve both because he has always had a career which required him to do so. Todd is a veteran police officer of 17 years, a retired SWAT team leader, a SWAT and Canine dog handler, and also has military experience. In fact, his certifications are so long, we'd be here all day if I was to list them. So, while he does not have some fitness degree or personal training experience, he does have the knowledge and experience you're looking for – and that's what counts. Overview of The Flat Belly Fix Program Now, let's get into the details of this program. To give you a better understanding of what you receive when you purchase The Flat Belly Fix program, here's a breakdown of the topics covered and what you can expect from each component provided: The 21 Day System The 21 Day System is a great place to start this system if you're interested in knowing everything there is to know about your health, nutrition, fitness and how this program caters to that. I highly recommend reading this, as it will teach you valuable tips on how to maintain weight loss even after you've completed this program. For example, you learn everything from nutrition to human anatomy, eating schedules, triglycerides, proportions, insulin, and much more. This is information that you'll want to have under your belt moving forward. The 7-Minute Flat Belly Protocol The 7-Minute Flat Belly Protocol is where all of the exercises can be found, from system tension to isometric holds, fiber activation and more. There is a protocol for each day of the week. However, you can choose which one you like to do, as long as you complete one protocol a day. Considering they only take 7-minutes to complete, this really isn't difficult to do at all, but don't be mistaken, you'll certainly feel the burn. Each movement also comes with two photos along with detailed instructions on how to execute it properly, for how long, how many reps and how long your rest periods should be in between each set. So, it's fairly simple to follow through. Smoothie Recipe Guide Chocolate and avocado, banana nut, chocolate almond, oh my! This section of the program provides you with detailed instructions on how to get proper nutrition (including the ancient ingredients taught to you in the first guide) into your diet – and in a way that is enjoyable. Think chocolate, wild berries, coconut, almond milk, cinnamon, vanilla, nuts, and much more. The Verdict The Flat Belly Fix is incredibly easy to follow through. You only need 7 minutes a day to complete the exercise regime and a couple more to make the smoothies. The only thing that is "hard" is fighting through that intense burn you feel as you execute the short but quick movements, the same burn that melts away stubborn belly fat. If you're still concerned as to whether the exercise regime is for you (who doesn't have 7 minutes a day?) or are a picky eater and not sure you'll like the smoothies (trust me, you will), there is a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee that you can take advantage of. So, activate it today and discover if this is a program that you'll be using to finally achieve your weight loss and fitness goals. Official Website: CLICK HERE
The article presents a comprehensive and cross-cutting review of key marine waste issues, taking into account: sources, fate, risks, transport pathways, threats, legislation, current challenges, and knowledge gaps. The growing amount of both human-created waste in seas and oceans and waste reaching marine ecosystems from land is one of today's challenges for the global economy and the European Union. It is predicted that if no decisive steps are taken to limit the amount of this type of waste, there may be more plastic waste than fish in the oceans after 2050. The influence of microplastics and nanoplastics on living organisms remains undiagnosed. Within the international and EU law, solutions are being developed to properly manage waste on board ships and to reduce the impact of processes related to the recycling of the vessels on the environment. Currently, over 80% of ships are dismantled in the countries of South Asia, in conditions that threaten the environment and the safety of workers. After World War 2, large quantities of chemical weapons were deposited in the seas. Steel containers with dangerous substances residing in the sea for over 70 years have begun leaking, thus polluting water. For many years, radioactive waste had also been dumped into marine ecosystems, although since 1993 there has been a total ban on such disposal of radionuclides. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on marine waste generation has also been presented as a significant factor influencing marine waste generation and management.
A number of approaches have been initiated by governmental and public health organizations in different countries to reduce trans-fatty acid (TFA) intakes. These have included nutrition recommendations with regard to TFAs and general nutrition recommendations regarding the selection of healthy fats, programmes to raise awareness about the adverse effects of TFAs through nutrition and health claims, voluntary or mandatory labelling of the trans content of foods, voluntary or legislated programmes to encourage or force industry to reformulate food products to remove TFAs, the promotion of health and agricultural policies that encourage the production of healthy alternatives to trans fat and finally, mandatory regulation of food standards to remove or reduce the TFA content. This paper reviews a number of initiatives to reduce the intake of TFAs underway in selected industrialized and developing countries, which serves to illustrate the merits and limitations of the available options and how the approaches that have been taken reflect local conditions. ; Facultad de Ciencias Médicas