The Compatibility between China's Financial System and Real Economy
In: ASIECO-D-23-00310
14466 Ergebnisse
In: ASIECO-D-23-00310
In: SSHO-D-23-01496
In: Routledge studies in middle eastern economies
In: Routledge studies in Middle Eastern economies
In: Voprosy ėkonomiki: ežemesjačnyj žurnal, Heft 11, S. 48-65
The article studies theoretical and methodological foundations for the organization of the real economy. It analyzes the forms of market coordination in the real sector — the price mechanism and the hierarchy. The article studies the extent to which the organizational institutions of an advanced market economy are comparable to the organization of the real sector of the Russian economy formed during the last two decades. The most important aspects of the research are the factors of the evolution of the major element of the Russian economy under the market transformation, as well as specific characteristics of corporate governance.
In: Sebastián A. Rey (2022). A Linkage between the Financial and the Real Economy, Annals of Financial Economics, Vol. 17
The functions of the financial system of a developed economy are often badly understood. This can largely be attributed to free-market ideology, which has spread the belief that leaving finance to its own devices would provide the best possible mechanism for allocating savings. The latest financial crisis has sparked the beginnings of a new awareness on this point, but it is far from having led to an improved understanding of the role of the financial institutions. For many people, finance remains more an enemy to be resisted than an instrument to be intelligently exploited. Its institutions, which issue and circulate money, play an important role in the working of the real economy that it would be imprudent to neglect. The allocation of savings, but also the level of activity and the growth rate depend on it. In this book, the authors carefully analyse the close links between money, finance and the real economy. In the process, they show why today the existence of a substantial potential of saving, instead of being an opportunity for the world economy, could threaten it with 'secular stagnation'.--Publisher description
Working paper
In: Politická ekonomie: teorie, modelování, aplikace, Band 71, Heft 1, S. 46-67
ISSN: 2336-8225
Desde el año 2000 el idilio China-África está marcado principalmente por un foro de cooperación, mecanismo de diálogo y cooperación colectiva ideado por China. Sin embargo, destaca que esta relación ha evolucionado en función de los intereses estratégicos de los chinos. China se inserta en los circuitos económico-comerciales africanos de manera metódica y decidida. A diferencia de sus competidores (Estados Unidos, Unión Europea, Canadá, Japón, etc.), que actúan en África de manera preferencial, China invierte en todos los países africanos sin ninguna excepción, sin importar su régimen político, su situación económico-financiera o su ubicación geográfica. Sin embargo, la voracidad energética china se ha vuelto objeto de preocupación en el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, sobre todo por su ofensiva por acaparar el mercado petrolero africano. Puede afirmarse que el actuar chino en África es una expresión de su pragmatismo económico-comercial, con efectos colaterales negativos para la integración y el desarrollo de África. ; Since 2000, the relationship between China and Africa is growing up because of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) which is a collective mechanism of dialogue and cooperation. Meanwhile, it's important to mention that this relationship has increased regarding the Chinese strategic interests in Africa. China is getting inside the African economic and trade networks in a methodic and aggressive way. Differently from his competitors (USA, EU, Canada, Japan.) which only seem to use Africa, China invests in all the African countries without looking at their economical or financial situation, neither their geographical location. The energetical voracity of China has become a real issue at the United Nations Security Council, especially for the Chinese strike in the African petroleum market. For many reasons, we can affirm that the way China is acting in Africa is only the expression of its economical and trade pragmatism, which also has got negative results in the african development and integration process. ; Desde o ano 2000 o idílio China-África está marcado principalmente por um foro de cooperação, mecanismo de diálogo e cooperação coletiva ideado pela China. No entanto, destaca que esta relação tem evolucionado em função dos interesses estratégicos dos chineses. A China insere-se nos circuitos econômico-comerciais africanos de maneira metódica e decidida. À diferença de seus concorrentes (os Estados Unidos, a União Europeia, o Canadá, o Japão, etc.), que atuam na África de maneira preferencial, a China investe em todos os países africanos sem nenhuma exceção, sem importar seu regime político, sua situação econômico-financeira ou sua localização geográfica. No entanto, a voracidade energética chinesa se tem convertido e, objeto de preocupação no Conselho de Segurança de Nações Unidas, especialmente por sua ofensiva para monopolizar o mercado petroleiro africano. Pode afirmar-se que o atuar chinês na África é uma expressão de seu pragmatismo económico-comercial, com efeitos colaterais negativos para a integração e o desenvolvimento da África.
In: Monthly review: an independent socialist magazine, Band 60, Heft 7, S. 1-29
ISSN: 0027-0520
After describing the global financial crisis in terms of liquidity & solvency problems, its historical significance is addressed through an examination of the US & other capitalist governments function as "lender of last resort." It is then argued that the roots of the financial crisis are the stagnation of production & investment; ie, that the financial explosion of recent decades & current implosion are the result of stagnation tendencies in the underlying economy. After applying a political-economic perspective to the crisis, what progressive forces might do in the face of these circumstances is contemplated. D. Edelman. Tables, Charts. Adapted from the source document.
Debunking the myths around the current economic belief systems, this book reveals how mainstream perspectives work for the benefit of the organised money establishment, while causing all manner of destructions, inequalities and frauds, all conspiring against the common good. Focused on the realities of organisational systems, Pearson offers a practical alternative to economic dogma. Written from a distinctive perspective that combines practitioner and academic expertise, this book is structured as a simple model of business strategy and identifies necessary systems change in order to achieve a truly sustainable future.
In: Arbeitspapiere und Materialien 102
In: Arbeitspapiere und Materialien / Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen, Band 102
"This paper presents the results of an analytical project on the design and approbation of methodology for assessing and monitoring the measures taken by the government of the Russian Federation in response to the recent worldwide fiscal crisis. The paper is based on our analysis of about 100 measures initiated between October 2008 and March 2009 to support Russia's real economy. Within the scope of this analysis, we singled out the main beneficiaries according to industry and enterprise scale, and estimated the effects of the measures during the crisis and recovery phases. The paper also describes the major risks the Russian government will face as a result of implementing the aforementioned measures
and identifies the key problems and inconsistencies of the anti-crisis programme." (author's abstract)