The book contains a total of eight chapters covering topics related to social awareness and personality development. The eight chapters of this book can be divided into four parts. This book deals with topics like An Overview of Indian Society and Contemporary Issues, Growing Social Problems and Role of NGOs, Emerging Issues of Globalisation and Indian Society and topics concerned with Self and Society covering issues such as heredity v/s, environment, management of conflict and stress, realistic goal setting, time management, significance of aptitude tests, IQ v/s. EQ, etc. There are also two tests, one dealing with assessment of self actualisation in Chapter 6 and another dealing with emotional intelligence in Chapter 8. The Foundation Course is a compulsory paper at the first and second year level in the faculty of Arts, Science and Commerce. The course was introduced more than 2 decades ago for many reasons. One of the major objectives for introducing this course was to make the students aware of the various socio-economic issues that are important for our society and which directly or indirectly influence us. The foundation course also contains topics which are relevant for increasing our self understanding and our psychological development. The subject of foundation course also deals with increasing one`s Social and Self Awareness that collectively develops our personality.
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Photovoice is used widely for engaging community members in action research aimed at reducing health inequities. Photovoice methodology can help to raise participants' critical awareness regarding the root causes of community health problems, thereby encouraging them to take action to address these root causes. We report on our experiences using photovoice as part of a tobacco prevention project with multiethnic youths in an underresourced Northern California community. Through an iterative cycle of action and reflection, facilitated by staff from academic and community partner agencies, photovoice activities enabled the youths to connect smoking behaviors they observed at their school with low student morale and student officials' lack of engagement regarding students' tobacco use. The photovoice process helped youth participants to develop an action plan, which involved raising critical awareness among their peers and school staff through workshops and strategic meetings. Despite challenges, photovoice was an effective way to engage youths in community-based research and to foster their sense of collective efficacy in addressing structural determinants of inequities.
Keberlanjutan lingkungan (environment sustainability) tidak dapat terwujud hanya lewat campur tangan dari pemerintah saja, namun akan lebih mudah terwujud bilamana setiap manusia menyadari pentingnya menjaga lingkungan sehingga terwujudnya kualitas hidup yang lebih baik dan keberlanjutan lingkungan. Menyadari pentingnya kesadaran dari setiap pribadi (manusia), maka penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran atas kesadaran masyarakat dalam menjaga lingkungan demi terwujudnya lingkungan yang keberlanjutan. Dukungan dari semua unsur yang ada dalam masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan di Indonesia, terutama di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta. Penelitian berbentuk deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan data primer (melalui kuesioner), dengan obyek penelitian adalah masyarakat di wilayah Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Timur dan Depok. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling. Data diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif, seperti nilai terendah, nilai tertinggi, nilai rerata, dan simpangan. Nilai rerata menjadi dasar pengkategorian tingkat kesadaran (self-awareness) masyarakat terhadap keberlanjutan lingkungannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran masyarakat (self-awareness) terhadap terwujudnya keberlanjutan lingkungan berada di level menengah. Kesadaran masyarakat tersebut dalam bentuk penggunaan sumber daya seperti penggunaan energy (listrik) dan air. Kesadaran masyarakat tinggi dalam pemakaian listrik dan air. Kesadaran masyarakat untuk mengolah sampah menjadi produk daur ulang, mengurangi polusi udara masih berada di tingkat menengah-rendah.Kata kunci : environment sustainability, quality of lifeEnvironmental sustainability is not only responsibility of government, but everyone as human being has responsibility to be sure that environmental sustainability will be exist now and the future. It will be more easily to aim as every human being realizes the importance of safeguarding the environment to achieve better quality of life and environmental sustainability. Recognizing the importance of self-awareness to create environmental sustainability, this research has a purpose to obtain a frame of society self-awareness in protecting the environment for the sustainability of the environment. To make a city as a safe place for people, it is needed participation, collaboration and awareness from all elements in the community, especially in big cities like Jakarta. This is a qualitative descriptive research using primary data (questionnaires), with the object of research is the community in the areas of South Jakarta, East Jakarta and Depok and using a purposive sampling to get sample. Data were processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as min, max, mean, and standard deviation. The mean becomes the basis for categorizing the level of awareness (self-awareness) on the sustainability of its environment. There are 3 categories such as low, middle and high. The results showed that the awareness of the community (self-awareness) towards the realization of environmental sustainability is at the middle level. The self-awareness such as the use of resources; use of energy (electricity) and water are high. The respondents have high awareness in using electricity and water use. But, the awareness to process waste into recyclable products, and reducing air pollution is still in the middle-low level.Keywords : environment sustainability, quality of life
This research project investigated the community's current level of heritage awareness in County Wicklow. The study was initiated by Wicklow County Council and the Heritage Council in response to objective 1, action 1.2 of the County Wicklow heritage plan 2004-2008, which pointed to the need to undertake a study to determine public attitudes towards heritage and to gauge the current level of awareness about heritage in the county. The findings of this research are being used on an ongoing basis by the Wicklow County Council and the Wicklow Heritage Forum to inform the decision making process concerning the direction and priorities of the County Wicklow Heritage Plan. This research has also directly influenced the bi-annual Wicklow Heritage Newsletter initiatives that provide heritage training for members of the public and the promotion of best practice in the provision and development of walking trails. The Heritage Office of Wicklow County Council and the support of the Heritage Council commissioned Technological University Dublin to do this research. The study was carried out by Anne Dagg from Technological University Dublin working alone under the direction of Dr. Pat Dargan. This is the first such study carried out at county level and is being used as a model by other local authorities. A scientifically based mix of qualitative and quantitative data collected by postal survey and face to face interview is used in the compiling of the study. The parameters of the study are modelled on the 1995 National Awareness Survey carried out by Lansdowne Market Research for the Heritage Council. The study shows that Wicklow people consider the protection of heritage as very important and equate the protection Wicklow's heritage with "protecting our identity". Although they are most aware of built heritage, they are primarily interested in visiting heritage within Wicklow than in other areas of Ireland. They have a strong sense of awareness of old architectural features as heritage while recognising that modern structures have the potential to become heritage in the future. Residents see Wicklow County Council, the Department of the Environment and the Office of Public Works as the organisations that have the greatest positive effect in heritage in the country. Residents believe that property developers and the Department of Agriculture are the agents with the greatest negative effect. There is a low level of knowledge of the laws protecting heritage and there is also a lack of awareness of the County Councils heritage role and initiatives. In contrast there is a strong sense of government participation in heritage and approval of incentives by the government to encourage heritage preservation. Overall the most intentionally experienced form of heritage was buildings. The most frequently visited heritage was Glendalough Monastic Settlement, Wicklow Gaol and Baltinglass Abbey. The natural heritage of greatest interest was coastal walking routes, Wicklow Mountains National Park and Glendalough. Also there is a strong sense of utilising the natural environment for leisure activities such as walking. Visiting heritage sites is seen as the main source of information on heritage while the majority of people feel they need more information and are interested in improving their knowledge. The main motivational factor for visiting heritage was physical beauty of the areas visited followed by the need for relaxation and a "day out". Factors cited as inhibiting people from visiting heritage were the lack of information and cost while for the 15-24 age group the main reason was a lack of transport. People are deterred from visiting heritage by poorly maintained walking routes, car park charges and entry fees. They are also concerned about the problem of litter.