Book Review: Management and Cultural Values
In: Management and labour studies: a quarterly journal of responsible management, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 302-303
ISSN: 2321-0710
26037 Ergebnisse
In: Management and labour studies: a quarterly journal of responsible management, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 302-303
ISSN: 2321-0710
In: Small group behavior, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 69-80
In: University of Pennsylvania publications in anthropology no. 2
In: Journal of transnational management development, Band 9, Heft 2-3, S. 123-145
ISSN: 1528-7009
In: Journalism quarterly, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 328-342
In this interdisciplinary study, Professor Clyne examines the impact of cultural values on discourse. Through an exploration of the role of verbal communication patterns in successful and unsuccessful communication, he sets out to integrate and develop a framework for a linguistics of inter-cultural communication. Professor Clyne draws on data derived from recordings of spontaneous communication in the Australian workplace between people of vastly differing backgrounds, notably European and Asian, who use English as a lingua franca. This study offers both a pragmatic and a discourse perspective, not simply analysing data but seeking to extend the theoretical model. The rapidly increasing use of English as a language of inter-cultural communication between non-native speakers means that the issues raised here will be of interest not only to linguists but also to those involved in education, business and industry
In: Man: the journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 205
In: International social science journal: ISSJ, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 447-465
ISSN: 0020-8701
Both cultural & technological determinism are considered inappropriate for analyzing the relationships between technology, values, & social change, because they prevent close examination of opposing interests & specific strategies of social groups involved in introduction of new technology. Regarding choice of new technology, values function to delimit the range of possible alternatives, while more immediate interests may strongly influence final decision making. Successful implementation of technological innovations will in part depend on the latter's compatibility with strongly valued social practices. The impact of new technology on values should be seen as mediated by changes it may bring about in the concrete social relations affected. In this context, a distinction is made between specific & diffuse technologies. In the case of specific technology, articulation of different interests is mostly rather clear; assessment of the impact of diffuse technology on both social relations & cultural values is more difficult. Technological innovation of the latter kind provides new behavioral alternatives for some groups, while limiting those of others. The consequent emergence of new patterns of social practices may in turn lead to a change in attitudes & values. AA.
In: International journal of cross cultural management, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 5-13
ISSN: 1741-2838
In: Consumption Culture in Europe, S. 211-257
In: Al-Raida Journal, S. 3-4
Readers will not:ce a striking similarity between Turkey and the Arab World regarding cultural values and problems of social change generally faced by Eastern countries nowadays. It is this similarity which has induced us to condense this valuable report in the following pages.
In: Вопросы гуманитарных наук, Heft 6(123)
В данной статье рассматриваются культурные ценности в китайских традиционных праздниках. В результате исследования выявлены их ценностные основания, заложенные в социокультурной, семейно-бытовой обрядности, показаны особенности праздничной культуры Китая. Отмечено, что основополагающими ценностями являются: единство человека и природы, взаимоотношения между старшими и младшими, преданность государю-императору и любовь к Родине, стремление к гармоничной и счастливой жизни. Анализ показывает, что китайские традиционные праздники неразрывно связаны с формированием культурных ценностей.
This article discusses cultural values in Chinese traditional holidays. As a result of the study, their value foundations laid down in socio–cultural, family and household rituals are revealed, the features of the festive culture of China are shown. It is noted that the fundamental values are: the unity of man and nature, the relationship between elders and juniors, loyalty to the sovereign-emperor and love for the Motherland, the desire for a harmonious and happy life. The analysis shows that Chinese traditional holidays are inextricably linked with the formation of cultural values.
This essay describes Crow beading between 1850 and the 1990s, the tragic disruption of Crow culture and economy after about 1880, and the subsequent increase in beading. The author asks why the art form flourished during such difficult times and goes on to examine policies of the Court of Indian Offenses and several links between beadwork and important cultural values. The author concludes that beadwork gives Crow people considerable pleasure but also strenthens crucial social institutions such as the clan system, concepts of prosperity, andtraditional marriage customs.Nell'articolo l'A. analizza il ricamo a perline dei Crow trail 1850 e il 1990, la tragica disintegrazione della cultura e dell'economia crow dopo il 1880 e il succesivo esplodere del beadwork. L' A. si chiede il perché del fiorire di quest'arte in tempi particolarrnente difficili ed esamina le strategie politiche della Court of Indian Offenses e i molti legami tra beadwork e altri pregnanti valori culturali concludendo che, se quest'arte da un lato dà ai Crow particolare piacere dall'altro ne rafforza anche cruciali istituzioni sociali - come il sistema clanico - la nozione di prosperità e gli usi matrimoniali tradizionali.
In: Sustainability ; Volume 7 ; Issue 12 ; Pages 16616-16630
Governance is recognized as a means to promote sustainable outcomes by democratizing the policy process and potentially harmonizing competing policy interests. This is particularly critical for sustainable tourism policy with its multiple sectors and multiple stakeholders at multiple scales. Yet little is known about the kinds of governance processes and instruments that are able to effectively harmonize competing power interests to better balance economic, ecological, and social concerns. This study analyzes the case of Bhutan and its Gross National Happiness (GNH) strategy as it is applied to sustainable tourism policy. Based on semi-structured interviews and focus groups with 57 state and non-state governance actors, it explores whether Bhutan's unique GNH governance framework successfully harmonizes competing interests in the pursuit of sustainable tourism policy. It argues that the implementation of Bhutanese tourism policy is characterized by diverse and unexpected applications of power by multiple policy stakeholders. These complex power dynamics are not shaped in a meaningful way by the GNH governance instruments. Nor are they rooted in a common understanding of GNH itself. While this situation should subvert sustainable tourism policy, a commitment among state and non-state governance actors to a common set of Buddhist-infused cultural values shapes and constrains policy actions in a manner that promotes sustainable tourism outcomes.