
65 Ergebnisse


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World Affairs Online


Party Politics in Southeast Asia: clientelism and electoral competition in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines

In: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series

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Buch(elektronisch)#4820124 Versionen verfügbar

Party Politics in Southeast Asia: Clientelism and Electoral Competition in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines

In: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series

In: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Ser.



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New Social Movements with Old Party Politics: the MTL Piqueteros and the Communist Party in Argentina

In: Latin American perspectives, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 157-171

ISSN: 1552-678X

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Buch(elektronisch)#5019972 Versionen verfügbar

Human rights and choice in poverty: food insecurity, dependency, and human rights-based development aid for the Third World rural poor



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Open Access#512015

Contemporary issues in political party funding and sustainability


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#521. Juli 2011

Consideraciones sobre la gobernabilidad como determinante del comportamiento electoral en Colombia: elecciones presidenciales de 2010; Considering Governability in Colombian Electoral Behavior: Evidence from the 2010 Presidential Elections

In: Colombia internacional, Heft 74, S. 59-87

ISSN: 1900-6004

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Open Access#532015

Modular Parties: Party Systems With Detachable Clienteles


Buch(elektronisch)#5420193 Versionen verfügbar

Non-policy politics: richer voters, poorer voters, and the diversification of electoral strategies



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Open Access#552012

The Politics of Federalism in Argentina: Implications for Governance and Accountability


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#5617. Dezember 2020

Strategic Allocation of Irrevocable and Durable Benefits

In: American journal of political science, Band 66, Heft 2, S. 451-467

ISSN: 1540-5907

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Open Access#572013

Cuando los partidos políticos se encuentran con sus votantes: un análisis de los vínculos políticos a través de las redes partidarias y las expectativas distributivas en Argentina y Chile ; When parties meet voters: assessing political linkages through partisan networks and distributive expectations...


Buch(elektronisch)#5820173 Versionen verfügbar

The emergence of pork-barrel politics in parliamentary Myanmar

In: Trends in Southeast Asia, 2017 no. 4

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#5922. Januar 2024

The AKP's clientelist–machine politics and the role of Kurdish brokers: the case of Bağcılar

In: New perspectives on Turkey: NPT, Band 71, S. 121-142

ISSN: 1305-3299

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#6023. November 2017

Electoral clientelism as status affirmation in Africa: evidence from Ghana

In: The journal of modern African studies: a quarterly survey of politics, economics & related topics in contemporary Africa, Band 55, Heft 4, S. 593-621

ISSN: 1469-7777

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