This book is about how extreme situations appearing to have a destructive potential can actually be used to produce meaningful individual and social lives. It is about the "taming of fate". This notion means and accounts for the ability of individuals and communities to rebuild their lives against all odds. The book is based on case-studies that draw from theoretical insights derived from the sociology of disasters. It addresses some limitations of the sociology of risk, chief among which is the rejection of the relevance of the notion of risk to the study of technologically non-advanced societies. The book argues that this rejection has deprived the study of the human condition of an important analytical asset. The book claims that risk is a property of social action which can best be understood through the analytical scrutiny of its role in the historical constitution of social relations
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"Tibet's Fate examines the issue of the political fate of Tibet. It is told by Tibetans themselves as well as by the author from his own experiences. The title is not meant to imply that the current fate of Tibet is an ultimate destiny, or even that Tibet's fate is already decided. It is only meant in the sense that if Tibet's fate is now determined, it has been determined not by the Tibetan people but by those of China. If it is to be determined by China, then Tibet's fate is indeed to be an integral part of China. However, if Tibet's fate were to be decided by the Tibetan people, if they were allowed their right to national self-determination, then it would definitely be different. Given all the criteria for independent statehood-territory, culture, language, religion and government-Tibet surely should be an independent state. Tibetan territory, defined by altitude, was the very nearly exclusively habitation of people who identified themselves as Tibetans. Those people share a distinct culture, language and religion. They had a central government that directly administered the territory of Central Tibet and indirectly that of Kham and Amdo. Had Tibetans been allowed to determine for themselves their political status; that is, if they had the right to self-determination as specified in the most fundamental documents of international law, there is no doubt that they would have chosen independence. Whatever the flaws of the Tibetan social and political systems, Tibet should have had the right to determine its own fate, and could have done so, until deprived of that right by China. The book also examines the sensitive question of the nature of the Tibetan political system and its role in the fate that has befallen Tibet. The author concludes that the Tibetan political system of Chosi Shungdrel, or the unity of religion and politics, is implicated in the failure of Tibet to maintain its independence"--
"Robert Hanna's twelfth book, The Fate of Analysis, is a comprehensive revisionist study of Analytic philosophy from the early 1880s to the present, with special attention paid to Wittgenstein's work and the parallels and overlaps between the Analytic and Phenomenological traditions."--
0 billion "war on fat" and our cultural distress over the "obesity epidemic."Farrell draws on a wide array of sources, including political cartoons, popular literature, postcards, advertisements, and physicians' manuals, to explore the link between our historic denigration of fatness and our contemporary concern over obesity. Her work sheds particular light on feminisms' fraught relationship to fatness. From the white suffragists of the early 20th century to contemporary public figures like Oprah Winfrey, Monica Lewinsky, and even the Obama family, Farrell explores the ways that those who seek to shed stigmatized identities—whether of gender, race, ethnicity or class—often take part in weight reduction schemes and fat mockery in order to validate themselves as "civilized." In sharp contrast to these narratives of fat shame are the ideas of contemporary fat activists, whose articulation of a new vision of the body Farrell explores in depth. This book is significant for anyone concerned about the contemporary "war on fat" and the ways that notions of the "civilized body" continue to legitimate discrimination and cultural oppression
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A review of Josh Moufawad-Paul's recent book, Continuity and Rupture. Through which I present the poltical salience of this piece as a means of clarifying the terrain of revolutionary politics in terms of the reimergence of proletarian politics, the development of opportunistic critiques of Leninism and Maoism, and the necessity to reassert a scientific understanding of revolution.
A review of Josh Moufawad-Paul's recent book, Continuity and Rupture. Through which I present the poltical salience of this piece as a means of clarifying the terrain of revolutionary politics in terms of the reimergence of proletarian politics, the development of opportunistic critiques of Leninism and Maoism, and the necessity to reassert a scientific understanding of revolution.
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In my review I do not recommend the Fat Decimator System . This is because it's actually a very intense program that requires a great deal of effort. The diet and exercise regime would be difficult for most people to stick to for the required time to lose that stubborn belly fat. Can you stick to a diet of 17 vegetables and milkshake? Can you do 24 hour fasting? Do you want to do those things? There is an easy way You can actually lose 1lb of belly fat every 72 hours with no exercise regime, watch this video now to discover how. The video will teach you about a hot new African tea diet that stops you feeling hungry. Learn how to shed your unwanted belly fat fast and easy with this fantastic new diet that's getting many raving reviews. What is The Fat Decimator System? If you are tired of using those boring fad diets that never deliver results, this is the right time for you to tap into the right solution. No more relying on information that doesn't work. The Fat Decimator System is a new fat-busting diet and exercise program that claims to be able to eliminate 1 pound of belly fat every 72 hours. It is available as a ebook written by ex-US marine Kyle Cooper, and promises quick and long-lasting results. As you enter your 30's and 40's, physical fitness becomes harder to maintain as the body slows down and the effects of ageing become apparent. This system offers all you need to burn fat fast and get yourself into shape, whatever your age may be. You will be educated about how the human body controls fat levels, and how to use this information to your advantage in your quest to burn fat. It encompasses education, diet and exercise techniques, and how to maintain the correct mindset. These things in combination are the secret to this system's extraordinary success. A lot of people have noticed unbelievable results, and you will be amazed with the outcome; all you need to do is carefully understand what the program is all about and how you can make a positive change in your body. Now, before delving deep into the program and how it can help you achieve your weight loss goals, let's talk about the creator of this one-of-a-kind fitness program! Who is Kyle Cooper? Kyle Cooper is an ex-US marine gunnery sergeant, who developed this fat-busting technique whilst stationed in Afghanistan. He also has a feature in the LA times, and runs boot camps in Missouri, and is someone who has dedicated himself to health and fitness. He is now a well-renowned expert in this field. Kyle has served in the marines for most of his adult life and has therefore built up a huge amount of knowledge about health and fitness, but he also genuinely cares about his customers and strives to help them see incredible results. He is a very dedicated and determined individual, but also someone who gets a great deal of personal satisfaction from helping others. How Does The Fat Decimator Work? The techniques and formulas are based on 100% science facts; no more wasting your time and money on useless "facts". The technique relies on a principle of mobilising the body's fat reserves before creating a calorie deficit to eliminate the now mobile fat. All fat loss programs require a calorie deficit over time, otherwise they would not work, and this can be achieved by eating less or exercising more. The first three weeks will be about creating new routines and good habits, and mobilising your fat reserves, and from then on you can begin to quickly melt away your fat. The system includes quick response email support, as well as support via the private Facebook page for anyone who has queries about the system. The Fat Decimator System Phases The Fat Decimator System initially runs for three weeks, with four separate phases during that time. Here's what each one does. Phase 1 This is what kicks the whole process off and runs for the first week. The idea is to cleanse your gut and get your body ready for action. It is not unusual to lose 10 pounds or more during this one week phase. The first week restricts the types of food you can eat. There are 17 vegetables to choose from, including carrots, cabbage, and spinach. These may be steamed, microwaved, or eaten raw – but not fried, roasted, grilled, or cooked in any other way. Chicken, beef, eggs and other protein sources are allowed in limited amounts, and lots of water must be taken in order to detox the liver. Phase 2 Phase 2 is just day 8 on its own, and you may be grateful for that – it's a 24 hour fast. This helps cleanse your body even further and sets you up for the next phase. Your last meal will be in the evening of day 7, and your next meal will be in the evening of day 8, so it's not too much to worry about. It isn't a whole day without eating from rising to sleeping, but it does cover a 24 hour period. Phase 3 Phase 3 continues to tune up the liver, and to burn off more body fat. Phase 3 lasts for three days (days 8, 9, and 10) and involves a drastic change to your diet. Each day, you need to attempt to get 80% of your calories from fat – that is to say natural fat, not processed trans-fat. Studies have shown that limiting carb intake can accelerate fat loss, and with the priming of the first two phases, phase 3 is likely to show a great change in the composition of your body. Whether eating in this manner is healthy in the long run is up for debate, but for a three-day period the benefits seriously outweigh any potential pitfalls. Phase 4 This is the come-down phase, bringing your eating habits closer to what you may have been used to previously, but with a calorie restriction based on the actual needs of your body for the last few days. Using a formula to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), you will discover how many calories your body burns while at rest. Using this number to restrict the number of calories you consume will help you to lose further weight, but allows your eating patterns to return to a maintainable state. When it's all said and done After Phase 4 is complete, you are free to start adding other foods back into your diet. The Fat Decimator System recommends that certain foods are avoided (or at least limited in quantity) in order to avoid weight regain. After all your hard work, it would be pointless to give up – you need to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life. What Food Can You Eat on The Fat Decimator System? The Fat Decimator System is designed to work with your body in order to help you lose excess weight. As part of the system, a reduction in carbohydrate consumption is recommended, but this is for the initial period only – you don't need to permanently eliminate carbs like some diets recommend. The Fat Decimator System is more about optimizing the food you put in your mouth, ensuring your body gets all the nutrients it needs at the right time. This includes meat, fruit, vegetables, and importantly making sure you drink enough water. The Building Blocks of Food You might be wondering what a carbohydrate actually is. In simple terms, it's the starchy or sugary component of any food. If the food isn't sugary or starchy, it probably has little or no carbohydrate in it. Your body doesn't need carbs in order to survive, and so by limiting the amount of carbohydrate you consume can affect your weight loss progress. The body likes to use carbs as an energy source, but this essentially makes the body lazy – and as you can imagine, a lazy body is not a healthy body. The other main components of food are protein and fat – together, these three (including carbs) are called macronutrients. Protein is the main constituent of foods like meat and eggs, while fat are found in many places, not just oil and butter. There are good and bad types of fat. The Fat Decimator System is careful to identify these fats as part of your weight loss process, as the notion that eating fat makes you fat is outdated. Fats from sources such as coconut oil, avocados and nuts, can actually help accelerate your weight loss when used in the right way. When you consider that the majority of your brain is made of fat, you might begin to understand the benefit of allowing some fat in your diet. Furthermore, particular types of fat can improve your bodily function. Omega-3 oils, for example, are found in fish and help to reduce inflammation, reduce joint pain, and give you better hair, skin, and nails! Drink, Drink, Drink Alcohol is never ideal for losing weight, so don't get the wrong idea – if you're drinking, your best option is to choose water. Your kidneys and your liver work together to help regulate the amount of fat in your body. If you don't drink enough water, your kidneys can't operate at their full capacity, limiting your capability to get rid of excess fat. Milkshake Surprise The Fat Decimator System recommends that you drink delicious high-protein milkshakes throughout the day. This will help tremendously with keeping you feeling full. One milkshake should keep you feeling full for about three hours. This one trick will make your weight loss mission so much easier. Do Calories Count? Traditional diets will have you counting calories with no thought as to the source. Think about it – what's more likely to be good for your body? 200 calories of broccoli, or 200 calories of processed sugar? With a regular diet, both would be treated in the same way. Clearly, when the Fat Decimator System recognizes the difference between the two foods, it's a much more sensible way to try to lose weight. The Fat Decimator System Exercise The bane of many overweight lives, exercise is necessary to strengthen your body, help your metabolism, and facilitate your weight loss. The Fat Decimator System is keen to point out that diet is the most important thing to modify in your quest to lose weight, but exercise also has its place. A body that never moves will naturally have a low metabolic rate. Exercise will increase the metabolism, as the body becomes prepared to move a moment's notice. Exercising without changing your diet in anyway is a recipe for disaster. Certainly, moving more and increasing your metabolism will help you lose weight, but the amount will be minimal without drastic changes elsewhere. Before starting any exercise program, it is always wise to consult a doctor as you may have underlying medical issues that would make starting to exercise a dangerous choice. Be Consistent If you find you are able to start to exercise, the key to success is consistency. This doesn't mean you need to exercise at 4:30 every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, but does mean you can't pick and choose. If you exercise 3 days one week, 2 days the next, skip a week, do 2 days the week after, take a week off, and so on, you'll never experience any great progress. You might have heard of some complicated exercise routine that is designed to "confuse your muscles" – in truth, there's no such thing as a confused muscle. It either gets worked out, or it doesn't. If it doesn't get worked out regularly, it gives up, and just stays as it is – what you need are active muscles that are ready for action. Why? Because more muscle burns more fat. The Fat Decimator System 21 Day Workout Just as the eating plan runs for 21 days, the Fat Decimator System has a workout plan for the same period. These are high intensity exercises, designed to be completed within 30 minutes, rather than the traditional hour long workouts you might expect. Starting with a warm up, progressing to body movements with small weights, planks and stretches, every inch of your body will be put through its paces in order to get the most benefit from your motion. What are The Pros and Cons?ProsThe book contains lots of dietary information, including advice about superfoods which can revolutionise your diet. It includes recipes for tasty, healthy foods and information about what foods you should avoid. Interestingly, you will see Kyle recommend some calorie rich foods which can actually help you to burn fat.You can expect to see visible results in as little as 1 week of following the program.There is a money-back guarantee if you do not see results.The program will help you build and maintain healthy habits, including diet, exercise and mindset.You will learn about the physiology of the human body, and how it deals with fat.You will have access to personal coaching via the internet.It has been tried and tested in the US military and found to be extremely effective.ConsThe Fat Decimator is an intense program and requires a great deal of effort and concentration. If you are not ready to put in the effort, you will not get the desired results.Even though the diet is varied and interesting, sugar is definitely out. No cheating is allowed!The book is quite detailed and extensive, and you will have to read the entire thing. Make sure you have proper time to go through everything.You have to stick with the program carefully if you want spectacular results.