Implementing Sendai Framework priorities through risk-sensitive development planning – A case study from Sri Lanka
In: Progress in disaster science, Band 5, S. 100051
ISSN: 2590-0617
83 Ergebnisse
In: Progress in disaster science, Band 5, S. 100051
ISSN: 2590-0617
Abstrak:Novel dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk menyampaikan pembelajaran. Khususnya pendidikan karakter. Psikologi sastra dapat digunakan untuk memahami pendidikan karakter yang terkandung dalam novel. Tujuan penelitian ini pertama, menggambarkan struktur yang membangun novel Mahamimpi Anak Negeri. Kedua, menjelaskan pendidikan karakter yang terkandung dalam novel Mahamimpi Anak Negeri. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah kualitatifdeskriptif dengan pendekatan konten analisis. Data penelitian ini adalah wacana atau kutipan dalam novel. Teknik analisis menggunakan teknik analisis non-interaktif dengan melakukan pembacaan hermeneutik digunakan untuk menjelaskan secara rinci arti dalam bentuk kebahasaan terhadap wacana dalam novel Mahamimpi Anak Negeri. Hasil penelitian ini pertama, struktur pembangun novel Mahamimpi Anak Negeri ini, yaitu tema: perjuangan; alur: campuran; penokohan: Tegar, Darwin, Elang (aku), Waris, Senja, dan Paman Jono; latar: Bukit Bayur, Wogen Legok, rumah paman Wijaya, Purwokerto, kandang sapi, Universitas Gajah Mada, jakarta, dan Sttgart; dan sudut pandang orang pertama. Kedua, berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan 18 pendidikan karakter di dalam novel Mahamimpi Anak Negeri yaitu: religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tau, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial dan tanggung jawab.Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, novel Mahamimpi Anak negeri, Psikologi Sastra
In: International journal of academic research in business and social sciences: IJ-ARBSS, Band 13, Heft 12
ISSN: 2222-6990
The development of political science at the State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN), especially the State Islamic University (UIN), tend to stand a lot on the paradigm and policy of scientific integration. Namely, the integration of religious sciences and general sciences. However, at the State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta, through the Political Science Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, it did not only rest on scientific integration, but also an effort to synergize with the context of Islamness and Indonesianness. This research aims to describes and identifies political sicience of Islamness and Indonesianness as a model of the development of political science.
This study aims to see the value of any character education found in children's literature entitled "The Youngest Frog", "Si Molek", "Masarasenani and Sun", and "Tiny Boy" by Murti Bunanta. Children's literature is a literary work written by adults and intended for children. This study used descriptive qualitative intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the subject of research. This study revealed that the use of dominant character education values can be seen in the value of love peace, hard work, communicative, creative, and curiosity with the amount of data 4 or 13 percentage. Values of character education are manifested in the democratic and religious values.
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 22, Heft 24, S. 19648-19657
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: International journal of academic research in business and social sciences: IJ-ARBSS, Band 13, Heft 12
ISSN: 2222-6990
In: Cogent social sciences, Band 9, Heft 1
ISSN: 2331-1886
Flood is a disaster that has the biggest threat, in terms of the number of victims or losses. Semarang City is a city that is classified as a flood prone area, this is due to the geographical location in the lowlands and highlands. The impact of the flood disaster caused damage and losses from various sectors of public infrastructure including the education service sector and health services. Damage and loss of public infrastructure will burden the government in the post-flood recovery phase. An assessment of infrastructure damage and losses from flooding is needed in order to help the Semarang City Government prepare a budget plan and manage rehabilitation and reconstruction. The purpose of this research is to explore the loss of public infrastructure due to the impact of the flood disaster, so that it can accelerate the post-disaster recovery process and management strategies for the risk of further flood disasters. The valuation method used is ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean) Method. This method can identify damage and estimate the losses caused by floods. The results of this study are that each public infrastructure building has a different level of damage and loss and the budget allocation for disaster management each year is still inadequate. A risk transfer strategy is needed with an insurance financing scheme based on the level of risk in each infrastructure building.
In: Communication, Globalization, and Cultural Identity Ser.
This book brings together voices from the margins, within the context of indigenous languages and development communication, from underrepresented regions in terms of academic enterprise. The cases presented here serve as a starting point for multiple debates and seek to present a first glimpse of discussions within the disciplines.
In: Young consumers: insight and ideas for responsible marketers, Band 25, Heft 2, S. 226-248
ISSN: 1758-7212
PurposeElectric cars (EC) adoption represents a strategic action aimed at promoting environmental sustainability. Although Millennials and Gen Z represent the greatest potential market for EC, their adoption remains low; thus, this study focused on examining the role of motive in predicting EC adoption intention within these two generations' population. Built upon the fundamental motive framework, this research explores the motives that lead to EC adoption intention. Subsequently, this study aims to examine the role of performance expectancy as the mediating variable and EC attributes beliefs as the moderating variable that can promote EC adoption intention.Design/methodology/approachBoth exploratory and confirmatory methods were used in this investigation. Using an exploratory approach, this research explores the fundamental motives and the attributes of EC that influence EC adoption intention. Using a confirmatory approach, this research tests the mediating role of performance expectancy. To collect the data, an online survey was administered to 260 young consumers in Indonesia.FindingsThe results of PLS-SEM analysis from the data revealed that self-protection, kin-care, status and affiliative motives influence EC adoption. Furthermore, performance expectancy mediates the relationship between self-protection, mate acquisition, affiliative motives and EC adoption intention. Among EC attributes, the short-haul performance strengthens the indirect relationship between affiliative motive and EC adoption intention.Research limitations/implicationsThe main limitation of this study is that it only focuses on the practical attributes of EC, whereas psychological attributes that were found to be more influential in consumer's purchase decisions were not examined.Practical implicationsMarketers need to explore EC attributes that can strengthen the relationship between consumers' motives and EC adoption intention by increasing consumers' evaluation of performance expectancy. In this study, marketers can promote short-haul performance, as it will lead to EC adoption for consumers with affiliative motives.Originality/valueThis study ties together two lines of research on the adoption of EC, exploring EC attributes and examining consumers' motivation to choose EC, especially Millennials and Gen Z. In this way, EC attributes facilitate the fulfillment of consumers' needs and promote EC adoption intention.
In: International journal of multicultural and multireligious understanding: IJMMU, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 94
ISSN: 2364-5369
Ambarawa District has allegedly experienced many changes in land use. Changes in land use in Ambarawa District are dominated by changes in agricultural land to non-agricultural land. This is because the land in Ambarawa District is influenced by the role of its inhabitatns in utilizing the land so that it has an impact on land use change. This study aims to determine changes in land use, the factors that influence land use changes, the direction of development and what types of use changes are most dominant in Ambarawa District, Pringsewu Regency. The method used in this research is survei and image interpretation by looking at changes in land use in each area. The population used in this study were all villages in Ambarawa District, totaling 8 villages which were suspected of experiencing changes in land use. Collecting data in this study is a descriptive geospatial approach through the overlay technique of land use spatial data. The results showed that there was a change in land use in Ambarawa District year 2014-2019 covering an area of 2.195,8 ha (70,83%), which was caused by social and economic factors, namely the increase in population and workers and the direction of land use changes to the west and east.
Sejarah perkembangan industri perfilman Indonesia tidak bisa melepaskan diri dari muatan lokalitas sebagai sumber penciptaan. Sebagai salah satu etnik di Indonesia, Minangkabau diketahui telah menjadi sumber penciptaan film, bahkan sejak awal pertumbuhan industri film di Indonesia. Oleh karena beragamnya unsur keminangkabauan, tidak mudah menampilkan unsur-unsur keminangkabauan yang telah dikenal khalayak penonton. Akan tetapi, kajian sebelumnya terhadap muatan keminangkabauan dalam film seolah mengabaikan citraan visual (visual image) ini. Melalui pendekatan mise-en-scene, artikel ini menguraikan unsur-unsur keminangkabauan yang ditampilkan dalam film, baik visual maupun unsur naratifnya. Di samping itu, artikel ini juga mencoba menjawab beragam kritik etnisitas atas film bermuatan Minangkabau. Analisis difokuskan pada citraan visual unsur keminangkabauan yang berhubungan dengan tokoh dan latar sebagai pembangun aspek naratif dalam tujuh film terpilih. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa citraan visual ikon-ikon Minangkabau tampak mendominasi unsur keminangkabauan dalam film, yaitu rumah gadang, rangkiang, dan pakaian. Ikon visual tersebut muncul dalam bentuk desain pelataran dan propertinya. Beberapa adegan yang menampilkan rumah gadang menunjukkan pula peran dan kedudukan mamak rumah dalam sistem kekerabatan serta representasi demokrasi di Minangkabau. Tampaknya, aspek visual unsur keminangkabauan tersebut ditampilkan untuk memperkuat latar tempat dan sosial sebagai sarana penceritaan. Di samping itu, dapat pula disampaikan bahwa tampilnya unsur keminangkabauan tidak secara mutlak menggambarkan Minangkabau.
In: Metal Indonesia, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 25
ISSN: 2548-673X
Injection pump adalah peralatan medis untuk memasukkan cairan obat secara otomatis pada pasien, dikarenakan alat ini masih tergantung dengan negara luar/diimpor maka perlu dibuat prototipe untuk mendukung kemandirian nasional. Prototipe injection pump menggunakan arduino uno sebagai mikrokontroler yang dilengkapi motor penggerak, layar LCD, dan beberapa tombol untuk melakukan pengaturan. Alat ini telah diuji sesuai kondisi injection pump komersial (6 tipe suntikan): yaitu: 3 cc, 5 cc, 10 cc, 20 cc, 30 cc dan 50 cc. Prototipe ini dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan dapat memasukkan cairan obat dengan debit 0.1 mL/h hingga 999 mL/h dengan ketelitian 0.1mL.
Abstract: This article aims to describe the structure contained in Sunan Muria Folk Literature and describe the character values in Sunan Muria Folk Literature. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The type of plot used in Sunan Muria Folk Literature in Kudus Regency is a straight or advanced plot. The dominant figure in the Sunan Muria Folk Literature in Kudus Regency is a good human character. More background is used in this folk literature. Sunan Muria Folk Literature in Kudus Regency contains varied suggestions. The character values in this folk literature include religious values, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, independence, democratization, friendship/ communicative, peace, social life, and the value of responsibility. Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur yang terkandung dalam Sastra Rakyat Sunan Muria dan menguraikan nilai-nilai karakter dalam Sastra Rakyat Sunan Muria. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Jenis plot yang digunakan dalam Sastra Rakyat Sunan Muria di Kabupaten Kudus adalah plot lurus atau maju. Tokoh dominan dalam Sastra Rakyat Sunan Muria di Kabupaten Kudus adalah karakter manusia yang baik. Latar belakang tempat lebih banyak digunakan dalam literatur rakyat ini. Sastra Rakyat Sunan Muria di Kabupaten Kudus berisi saran variatif. Nilai-nilai karakter yang dalam literatur rakyat ini antara lain nilai religi, kejujuran, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, kemandirian, demokratisasi, persahabatan/komunikatif, damai, kehidupan sosial, dan nilai tanggung jawab.