The SAGE handbook of participatory research and inquiry. Volume 2
In: SAGE reference
74 Ergebnisse
In: SAGE reference
World Affairs Online
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 78, Heft 4, S. 593-605
ISSN: 1540-6210
Systematic reviews of research methods in the public administration field have assessed the progress of research practice and offered relevant recommendations to further develop research quality. But most recent reviews examine quantitative studies, and the few assessments of qualitative scholarship tend to focus on specific dimensions. This article calls attention to the overall practice of qualitative research in the field of public administration. The authors analyzed 129 qualitative studies published during a five‐year period (2010–14) in the six top public administration journals, combining bibliometric and qualitative analyses. Three findings are drawn from the analysis. First, qualitative work represents a very small percentage of the journal articles published in the field. Second, qualitative research practice uses a small range of methodologies, mainly case studies. Finally, there is inconsistency in reporting methodological decisions. The article discusses the implications of these findings and offers recommendations to ensure methodological rigor while considering the integrity of the logic of inquiry and reporting standards of qualitative research practice.
In: The leadership quarterly: an international journal of political, social and behavioral science, Band 19, Heft 5, S. 514-529
In: Public management review, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 229-251
ISSN: 1471-9045
In: Public management review, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 229-252
ISSN: 1471-9037
In: Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly: journal of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Band 31, Heft 1, S. 5-31
ISSN: 1552-7395
This article explores the emerging conceptualization of accountability in nonprofit organizations. This definition broadens traditional concerns with finances, internal controls, and regulatory compliance. The authors explore how the top-level managers of 4 identitybased nonprofit organizations (IBNPs) faced accountability and responsiveness challenges to accomplish their mission. The organization-community link was the core relationship in their accountability environment, helping the IBNP managers achieve what the literature calls "negotiated accountability." The managers favored organizational mechanisms to sustain this relationship in the midst of the accountability demands they experienced daily. Communication with the primary constituency tended to drive the organization's priorities and programs, helped managers find legitimate negotiation tools with other stakeholders, and helped develop a broader notion of accountability. The authors discuss the implications of these findings for other nonprofit organizations and propose questions to further clarify the concepts of broad accountability, negotiated accountability, and the link between accountability and responsiveness in nonprofits.
In: Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly, Band 31, Heft 1, S. 5-31
ISSN: 0899-7640
In: Revista Colombiana de ciencias sociales, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 193
ISSN: 2216-1201
Las condiciones sociopolíticas de los campesinos los convierten en poblaciones de alta vulnerabilidad en múltiples dimensiones. Su modo de trabajo artesanal no puede competir con los agronegocios que, respaldados por políticas públicas del Estado colombiano, acaparan la producción agrícola. Mediante un estudio cualitativo de tipo microetnográfico, se pretendió comprender cómo las transformaciones políticas y económicas en la subregión del altiplano del Oriente antioqueño han afectado a esta población. Se entrevistaron once campesinos pertenecientes a asociaciones. El análisis gira en torno a tres categorías: el Estado y sus políticas, soberanía alimentaria y asociatividad y, finalmente, el no reconocimiento de los campesinos como sujetos de derechos. Los resultados advierten sobre las preocupaciones respecto al futuro de la alimentación y la tendencia hacia la descampesinización.
The socio-political conditions of the peasants make them highly vulnerable populations in multiple dimensions. Their artisan way of working cannot compete with the agribusiness that, backed by public policies of the Colombian State, monopolize agricultural production. Through a qualitative study of a micro-ethnographic type, the aim was to understand how the political and economic transformations have affected farmer workers of the High Plateau of Antioquian East. Eleven peasants belonging to associations were interviewed. The analysis revolves around three categories: The State and its policies, Food sovereignty and associativity, and finally the Non-recognition of peasants as subjects of rights. The results warn of concerns regarding the future of food and the trend towards de-peasantization. ; Las condiciones sociopolíticas de los campesinos los convierten en poblaciones de alta vulnerabilidad en múltiples dimensiones. Su modo de trabajo artesanal no puede competir con los agronegocios que, respaldados por políticas públicas del Estado colombiano, acaparan la producción agrícola. Mediante un estudio cualitativo de tipo microetnográfico, se pretendió comprender cómo las transformaciones políticas y económicas en la subregión del altiplano del Oriente antioqueño han afectado a esta población. Se entrevistaron once campesinos pertenecientes a asociaciones. El análisis gira en torno a tres categorías: el Estado y sus políticas, soberanía alimentaria y asociatividad y, finalmente, el no reconocimiento de los campesinos como sujetos de derechos. Los resultados advierten sobre las preocupaciones respecto al futuro de la alimentación y la tendencia hacia la descampesinización.
RESUMEN: Se hace una revisión de investigaciones y documentos centrados en la relación establecida entre fotografía y memoria colectiva a través de los archivos fotográficos de Derechos Humanos, así como la función que cumplen los museos, centros de documentación o lugares donde se encuentran ubicados. Para la selección del material se atendió a su disponibilidad principalmente en bases de datos indexadas de reconocido prestigio: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ y Dialnet, con descriptores como fotografía y memoria, archivo fotográfico, memoria colectiva y museos, con un corte temporal de 2006-2015. Se organiza el material en función de una serie de preguntas decisivas a la hora de abordar los problemas atinentes a la conservación de un archivo fotográfico y su papel en la memoria colectiva de poblaciones vulnerables. Los lugares de memoria reflejan una tensión entre los intereses políticos y la necesidad de las poblaciones vulnerables de manifestarse y dejar testimonio de las infracciones a los derechos humanos. La organización del material fotográfico plantea serias dificultades respecto a la conservación y clasificación con la cantidad de imágenes digitales que hoy se producen. ; ABSTARCT: It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today.
Se hace una revisión de investigaciones y documentos centrados en la relación establecida entre fotografía y memoria colectiva a través de los archivos fotográficos de Derechos Humanos, así como la función que cumplen los museos, centros de documentación o lugares donde se encuentran ubicados. Para la selección del material se atendió a su disponibilidad principalmente en bases de datos indexadas de reconocido prestigio: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ y Dialnet, con descriptores como fotografía y memoria, archivo fotográfico, memoria colectiva y museos, con un corte temporal de 2006-2015. Se organiza el material en función de una serie de preguntas decisivas a la hora de abordar los problemas atinentes a la conservación de un archivo fotográfico y su papel en la memoria colectiva de poblaciones vulnerables. Los lugares de memoria reflejan una tensión entre los intereses políticos y la necesidad de las poblaciones vulnerables de manifestarse y dejar testimonio de las infracciones a los derechos humanos. La organización del material fotográfico plantea serias dificultades respecto a la conservación y clasificación con la cantidad de imágenes digitales que hoy se producen. ; It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today.
It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today.
In: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología, Band 39, Heft 1, S. 71-83
It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today.
La Responsabilidad Social es un concepto matriz que procura una nueva ética ciudadana que contribuya a impulsar un desarrollo justo y sustentable, así como una democracia participativa de verdad. Todo ello implica un discernimiento sobre la realidad social a partir de la revaloración de los criterios de justicia, equidad, democracia y reciprocidad, necesarios para la construcción de una comunidad de personas con sentido de pertenencia, identidad, vínculo y solidaridad. Este texto aborda distintos tópicos que involucran acciones de la responsabilidad social: Estándares laborales, perspectivas éticas y morales, problemáticas posmodernas y responsabilidad social y educación. Consulta aquí: