Communities of conflict within Austrian-Hungary (especially in Bohemian and south Slav lands); the domestic and foreign policies of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the interwar-period; the Nazi policies of conquest and occupation in Bohemia, Moravia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Slovenia, finalliy the issue of history and memory east and west of the Iron Curtan. - Entwicklung der Konfliktgemeinschaften in den böhmischen und südslawischen Länder Österreich-Ungarns bis 1918, Tschechoslowakei und Jugoslawien in der Zwischenkriegszeit, NS-Besatzungspolitik im 2. Weltkrieg, Erinnerung und Historisierung nach 1945.
The edition of the minutes of the cabinet meetings of Leopold Figl's first government is an important contribution to the history of the early years of Austria's Second Republic and its political components after World War II. Vol. 14 encompasses meetings no. 139 of January 4, 1949 to no. 146 of February 21, 1949, as well as the accompanying minutes of the Wirtschaftliches Ministerkomitee (Economic Committee of Ministers). The discussions cover matters of foreign, domestic and economic policy, reconstruction, and relations between the Austrian government and the four great powers. Particularly prominent are the pervasive problem of securing basic levels of nutrition for the Austrian population, the ongoing State Treaty negotiations, and measures to implement the European Recovery Program. - Die Edition der Ministerratsprotokolle der Zweiten Republik, Kabinett Leopold Figl I, stellt einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erforschung der frühen Jahre der Zweiten Republik und seiner politischen Organe nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg dar. Band 14 umfasst die Protokolle Nr. 139 vom 4. Jänner 1949 bis Nr. 146 vom 21. Februar 1949 sowie die in diesen Zeitraum fallenden Protokolle des Wirtschaftlichen Ministerkomitees. Die Protokolle tangieren Angelegenheiten der Außen-, Innen- und Wirtschaftspolitik, des Wiederaufbaus und des Verhältnisses zu den vier Besatzungsmächten; Schwerpunktthemen sind die Ernährung der österreichischen Bevölkerung, die Staatsvertragsverhandlungen sowie die Durchführung des Marshallplans.
The Edition of the Minutes of the Cabinet Meetings Figl I constitutes an important contribution to research on the early years of Austria's Second Republic and the reconstruction and renewal of the state and its political components after World War II. The minutes of the cabinet meetings have to be regarded as central source materials on this early and complex phase of the Second Republic. Volume 8 of the Edition encompasses the minutes of meeting of November 25, 1947 to meeting of January 20, 1948.
The Edition of the Minutes of the Cabinet Meetings Figl I constitutes an important contribution to research on the early years of Austria's Second Republic and the reconstruction and renewal of the state and its political components after World War II. The minutes of the cabinet meetings have to be regarded as central source materials on this early and complex phase of the Second Republic. Volume 7 of the Edition encompasses the minutes of 9. September 1947 till 18. November 1947 as well as the accompanying minutes of the Wirtschaftliches Ministerkomitee from that period of time.
The Edition of the Minutes of the Cabinet Meetings Figl I constitutes an important contribution to research on the early years of Austria's Second Republic and the reconstruction and renewal of the state and its political components after World War II. The minutes of the cabinet meetings have to be regarded as central source materials on this early and complex phase of the Second Republic. Volume 9 of the Edition encompasses the minutes of meeting No. 97 of January 27, 1948 to meeting No. 105 of March 23, 1948 as well as the accompanying minutes of the Wirtschaftliches Ministerkomitee from that period of time.
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 2, Heft 3-4, S. 257-266