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735 Ergebnisse
In: Biblioteca di scienze storiche e morali
In: Commentario di legislazione amministrativa
In: Strumenti per la ricerca interdisciplinare 5
In: Contemporary European history, S. 1-14
ISSN: 1469-2171
This essay analyses the Holy See's engagement in the postwar discourse surrounding displaced minors by focusing on the case of displaced Italian children from Libya. Separated from their families and evacuated to Italy at the onset of the Second World War, they were placed in Italian Youth of the Lictor (Gioventù Italiana del Littorio; GIL) camps. In the aftermath of the war, these displaced children petitioned to return to their families who had remained in territories no longer part of the Italian empire. This article shows how the Papal Aid Committee for Assisting Refugees took part in the relocation efforts and contributed to the conversation on family reunification. By navigating postwar aid and forming unexpected alliances, the Holy See not only contributed to reshaping Italy's geopolitical presence in the Mediterranean but also solidified conservative family norms within the international discussion on humanitarianism.
In: Cadernos pagu, Heft 71
Resumen El campo produce configuraciones singulares de las relaciones entre quien investiga y quien es entrevistado. Se analizan registros de campo significativos de entrevistas en profundidad a agentes de fuerzas de seguridad en Argentina. Sostenemos que la interseccionalidad entre género, generación y profesión produce determinados modos de intelegir y actuar en correspondencia. Proponemos tres momentos que se desarrollan en dicha configuración: seducción, dominación y huida. Se analizan los resultados desde el interaccionismo simbólico, la teoría de género, la antropología de las emociones y el psicoanálisis.
In: Transilvania
This article follows two previous attempts at using networks for the understanding of drama, "Network Theory, Plot Analysis" (2011)—also in Franco Moretti, Distant Reading (New York & London: Verso, 2013)—, and "Simulating Dramatic Networks," Journal of World Literature (2020). Franco Moretti shows here the steps of "visualizing dramatic structure as a network" and critically engages the idea of symmetry in tragedy. In the course of the next two years, the METRA project will continue to investigate the heuristic potential of dramatic networks.
In: Moderna språk, Band 117, Heft 2, S. 117-133
ISSN: 2000-3560
Il contributo intende investigare le strutture narrative adottate da Pier Paolo Pasolini all'interno del suo ultimo romanzo: Petrolio (1992). Analizzando l'uso pasoliniano dell'allegoria e della visione nell'opera, se ne vuole evidenziare il carattere medievale e, in particolar modo, la forte influenza del modello dantesco. L'analisi di diverse "spie" contenute nel romanzo e nei fogli preparatori, come il doppio rimando all'allegoria storico-politica degli ultimi canti del Purgatorio, porterà infatti alla luce la paternità dantesca del sistema allegorico di Petrolio. Si mostrerà, tuttavia, come non si tratti più dell'allegoria figurale di ascendenza auerbachiana che aveva interessato Pasolini negli anni precedenti, bensì di un ritorno all'allegoria vera e propria, ovvero una narrazione favolosa che cela "una veritade" (Dante, Convivio II, I. 4). Infine, un'analisi ravvicinata delle principali allegorie del romanzo svelerà che tali episodi allegorici rimandano inequivocabilmente a personaggi e ambientazioni proprie della Commedia. In questo modo, si potrà concludere che non solo Pasolini si ispira a Dante per costruire il sistema allegorico di Petrolio, ma che lo stesso apparato figurativo delle singole allegorie pasoliniane è costruito sulla falsariga di episodi danteschi.
In: Sociological methodology, Band 53, Heft 2, S. 323-343
ISSN: 1467-9531
Large-scale sample surveys are not designed to produce reliable estimates for small areas. Here, small area estimation methods can be applied to estimate population parameters of target variables to detailed geographic scales. Small area estimation for noncontinuous variables is a topic of great interest in the social sciences where such variables can be found. Generalized linear mixed models are widely adopted in the literature. Interestingly, the small area estimation literature shows that multivariate small area estimators, where correlations among outcome variables are taken into account, produce more efficient estimates than do the traditional univariate techniques. In this article, the author evaluate a multivariate small area estimator on the basis of a joint mixed model in which a small area proportion and mean of a continuous variable are estimated simultaneously. Using this method, the author "borrows strength" across response variables. The author carried out a design-based simulation study to evaluate the approach where the indicators object of study are the income and a monetary poverty (binary) indicator. The author found that the multivariate approach produces more efficient small area estimates than does the univariate modeling approach. The method can be extended to a large variety of indicators on the basis of social surveys.