Parcours migratoires et scolaires d'enfants arméniens à Valence durant l'entre-deux-guerres
Launched on the exile roads, after the 1915 genocide caused by the Jeune-Turc government, the Armenian refugees were in search of a territory open to welcome them. After an exodus which lasted several years and led them into the Balkan States and the whole Near East, some of them made the choice of France. The first refugees turned up in Valence in 1922 or 1923 (itdepends on the pieces of information). Others followed a few years later. My study attempts to show the Armenian families and children's geographical routes, from their places of origin to Valence. Several more or less varied waves of immigrants occurred. Very often, the trip from Marseille to the "Cité drômoise" was not straight. The different stages of their French itinerary appear as markers of their varied social and economic conditions before their arrival in Valence. My contribution will also attempt to show the different school careers they made in French schools. As soon as the first arrived, children were sent to primary school and had varied school careers, even if labor remained a priority at the end of their compulsory education. The school careers in the two main educational profiles- socially unequal- were not simple and many pupils had difficulties in completing their primary or secondary schooling. The French school welcomed these foreign pupils and the acquisition of the French language was the most important issue. Other pupils had outstanding courses. Affected by the local socio-economic circumstances, the Armenian families made choices for their children. For some of them, school had to promote the learning of a trade, as skilled labourers, technicians or office workers. Others expected their children to continue the family business. Compulsory schooling promoted the acquisition of the French language but also increased the qualification levels. The Armenians wanted a future for their children and resigned themselves to the choices of their parents. After their teenage years, their professions changed and the families' destinies ...