What determines effectiveness in the policy process?
In: European policy analysis: EPA, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 482-487
ISSN: 2380-6567
69 Ergebnisse
In: European policy analysis: EPA, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 482-487
ISSN: 2380-6567
In: European policy analysis: EPA, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 306-310
ISSN: 2380-6567
In: European policy analysis: EPA, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 158-161
ISSN: 2380-6567
In: European policy analysis: EPA, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 6-9
ISSN: 2380-6567
In: European policy analysis: EPA, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 196-199
ISSN: 2380-6567
In: European policy analysis: EPA, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 6-8
ISSN: 2380-6567
In: European policy analysis: EPA, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 366-369
ISSN: 2380-6567
In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift: PVS : German political science quarterly, Band 63, Heft 2, S. 165-179
ISSN: 1862-2860
AbstractPublic policy emerged as an academic subfield in the United States after the second World War. The theoretical foundations of the discipline are essentially based on analyses of Anglo-Saxon policies and politics and were originally aimed at providing knowledge for the policy process of pluralistic democracies. Given the increasing transfer of the subject and related approaches to other countries, it is necessary to clarify how suitable theories, goals, and methods of policy research are applied in other contexts. What needs to be considered when transferring theories of the policy process, and what can be learned from existing applications of the various approaches in different settings? The compilation of contributions on selected theoretical public policy lenses and their transfer to other countries and regions provides a nuanced answer to these questions.
Public policy emerged as an academic subfield in the United States after the second World War. The theoretical foundations of the discipline are essentially based on analyses of Anglo-Saxon policies and politics and were originally aimed at providing knowledge for the policy process of pluralistic democracies. Given the increasing transfer of the subject and related approaches to other countries, it is necessary to clarify how suitable theories, goals, and methods of policy research are applied in other contexts. What needs to be considered when transferring theories of the policy process, and what can be learned from existing applications of the various approaches in different settings? The compilation of contributions on selected theoretical public policy lenses and their transfer to other countries and regions provides a nuanced answer to these questions.
In: European policy analysis: EPA, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 172-180
ISSN: 2380-6567
In: Review of policy research, Band 39, Heft 4, S. 384-386
ISSN: 1541-1338
In: Review of policy research, Band 39, Heft 3, S. 252-254
ISSN: 1541-1338
In: Review of policy research, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 118-119
ISSN: 1541-1338
In: Policy studies journal: the journal of the Policy Studies Organization, Band 51, Heft 2, S. 351-374
ISSN: 1541-0072
AbstractAfter a series of COVID‐19 outbreaks among employees in the German meat‐processing industry, the Work Safety Control Act protecting these workers made it on the government's agenda in July 2020. From a Multiple Streams perspective, local corona hotspots may be understood as policy windows for introducing respective measures. However, this alone is not sufficient to explain agenda setting. This study investigates the coupling of streams within policy windows. Introducing the notion of relational coupling to the MSF research agenda, discourse network analysis provides a new methodology to reveal entrepreneurial activities. Studying the German mass media discourse on the issue identifies two stages: (1) An initial problem brokerage without coupling of core policies, followed by (2) a coupling across all streams based on a focusing event. We argue that relational coupling allows for an enhanced understanding of agenda setting.
After a series of COVID-19 outbreaks among employees in the German meat-processing industry, the Work Safety Control Act protecting these workers made it on the government's agenda in July 2020. From a Multiple Streams perspective, local corona hotspots may be understood as policy windows for introducing respective measures. However, this alone is not sufficient to explain agenda setting. This study investigates the coupling of streams within policy windows. Introducing the notion of relational coupling to the MSF research agenda, discourse network analysis provides a new methodology to reveal entrepre-neurial activities. Studying the German mass media discourse on the issue identifies two stages: (1) An initial problem broker-age without coupling of core policies, followed by (2) a coupling across all streams based on a focusing event. We argue that relational coupling allows for an enhanced understanding of agenda setting.