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59 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of democracy, Band 23, Heft 3, S. 138-146
ISSN: 1086-3214
Hungary's 2010 election brought to power a Fidesz parliamentary supermajority led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban. In just two years, they have fundamentally changed the constitutional order of Hungary. The current government now has very few checks on its own power, but the new constitutional order permits the governing party to lodge its loyalists in crucial long-term positions with veto power over what future governments might do. As a result, the Fidesz government has achieved a remarkable constitutional feat: giving themselves maximum room for maneuver while simultaneously entrenching their power, their policies and their people for the foreseeable future.
In: Journal of democracy, Band 23, Heft 3, S. 138-147
ISSN: 1045-5736
In: EASA Series 15
Since 1989 neo-nationalism has grown as a volatile political force in almost all European societies in tandem with the formation of a neoliberal European Union and wider capitalist globalizations. Focusing on working classes situated in long-run localized processes of social change, including processes of dispossession and disenfranchisement, this volume investigates how the experiences, histories, and relationships of social class are a necessary ingredient for explaining the re-emergence and dynamics of populist nationalism in both Eastern and Western Europe. Featuring in-depth urban and regional case studies from Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Italy and Scotland this volume reclaims class for anthropological research and lays out a new interdisciplinary agenda for studying identity politics in the intensifying neoliberal conjuncture
In: Contemporary political theory: CPT, Band 23, Heft 4, S. 706-708
ISSN: 1476-9336
In: Contemporary political theory: CPT
ISSN: 1476-9336
Handbuch Ius Publicum Europaeum: Band I -- Impressum -- Vorwort -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Verfasser -- 1 Grundlagen und Grundzüge staatlichen Verfassungsrechts: Deutschland -- Allgemeine Hinweise -- I. Der Ursprungskontext des Grundgesetzes -- 1. Irregularität der Verfassungsgenese -- a) Entstehungsprozess -- b) Legitimitätszweifel -- 2. Historischer Doppelbezug: NS-Regime und Weimarer Republik -- 3. Konsequenzen für zentrale Regelungskomplexe -- a) Grundrechte und Menschenwürde -- aa) Rückbesinnung auf tradierte Grundrechte -- bb) Grundrechtsinnovationen -- cc) Menschenwürde -- b) Staatsorganisation -- aa) Parlamentarisches Regierungssystem mit starkem Bundeskanzler -- bb) Restriktive Verordnungskompetenz der Exekutive -- cc) Föderale Staatsform -- dd) Kompetenzstarkes Bundesverfassungsgericht -- ee) Ausschluss direkter Demokratie -- ff) Integration der Parteien in das Verfassungsgefüge -- c) Bestandssicherung der Verfassung -- aa) Inkorporationsgebot (Art. 79 Abs. 1 GG) -- bb) Ewigkeitsgarantie (Art. 79 Abs. 3 GG) -- cc) Streitbare Demokratie (Art. 9 Abs. 2, 18, 21 Abs. 2 GG) -- 4. "Ausländische" Einflüsse und Rechtsvergleich -- 5. Zentrale Streitpunkte und schwierige Kompromisse -- a) Ehe und Familie, Schule und Elternrecht -- b) Staatskirchenrechtliche Artikel -- c) Föderalismus (insb. Zweite Kammer, Gesetzgebungskompetenzen, Finanzhoheit) -- 6. Schlüsselfiguren und Schlüsseltexte -- II. Die Entwicklung des Grundgesetzes von 1949 bis heute -- 1. Verfassungsentwicklung in zweierlei Gestalt -- a) Förmliche Verfassungsänderungen -- b) Verfassungswandel -- 2. Hauptlinien der Verfassungsentwicklung -- a) Verfassungskontinuität: Vom Provisorium zur Dauerlösung -- b) Verfassungsnachholung: Wehr- und Notstandsverfassung -- c) Verfassungskorrektur: Finanz- und Haushaltsreform
This collection is the most comprehensive account of the Fundamental Law and its underlying principles. The objective is to analyze this constitutional transition from the perspectives of comparative constitutional law, legal theory and political philosophy. The authors outline and analyze how the current constitutional changes are altering the basic structure of the Hungarian State. The key concepts of the theoretical inquiry are sociological and normative legitimacy, majoritarian and partnership approach to democracy, procedural and substantive elements of constitutionalism. Changes are also examined in the field of human rights, focusing on the principles of equality, dignity, and civil liberties
In: Italian Journal of Public Law, 2018, Vol. 10, Issue 2 (special issue)
This book presents compelling essays by leading Hungarian and foreign authors on the variety of social movements and parties that seek influence and power in a Hungary mired in deep and manifold crisis. The main question the volume tries to answer is: what can we expect after the fall of the semi-authoritarian Orbán regime in Hungary. Who will be the new players? What are their backgrounds? What are their political and social ideals, intentions and methods? The studies in the first section of the volume provide the reader with the reasons of the emergence of these new movements: a deep analysis of the historical, political and cultural background of the current situation. The second part contains essays and case studies which challenge the movements and parties involved to look beyond their current ineffectiveness, and to find ways of meeting the challenges that would allow them to exercise responsible and effective leadership in their time and place. This collection would be the first of the kind both in the field of movement theory/history and democracy studies because it reflects on very recent developments not researched in the international scholarly literature. One would not be able to understand contemporary Hungarian society without reading it before the 2014 elections