Le mythe du marché
In: Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, Band 139, Heft 1, S. 3-12
ISSN: 1955-2564
Myths of the Market.
It is often argued that markets produce efficient outcomes only if governments and regulators stay out of trying to affect market outcomes. I consider two paradigmatic cases of supposed market innovations in the US : the rise of the shareholder value conception of the firm and the creation of Silicon Valley. I show that neither of these market phenomena can be understood outside of the social and political context that generated them. The US government aided the 1980s merger movement that produced the « shareholder value » conception of firm by suspending the antitrust laws and providing a large tax cut to firms that allowed them to engage in mergers. In the case of Silicon Valley, the government underwrote research, the training of engineers, and was the main consumer for many innovative products at their origin. The government helped create the internet and funded the research of engineers that led to many of the programming breakthroughs that made the internet possible. States and markets are inextricably linked. Entrepreneurs are important, but they rely heavily on states to create the conditions whereby the profitable exploitation of a product is possible.