Book Reviews - The Environment and Security in Pacific Asia
In: Contemporary Southeast Asia, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 337-340
ISSN: 0129-797X
60 Ergebnisse
In: Contemporary Southeast Asia, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 337-340
ISSN: 0129-797X
In: Survival: global politics and strategy, Band 38, Heft 2, S. 5-33
ISSN: 0039-6338
World Affairs Online
In: The Washington quarterly, Band 37, Heft 1, S. 79-98
ISSN: 1530-9177
In: Australian journal of international affairs: journal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Band 66, Heft 1, S. 34-51
ISSN: 1465-332X
In: Australian journal of international affairs: journal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Band 66, Heft 1, S. 34-52
ISSN: 1035-7718
World Affairs Online
In: Working Paper, No. 374
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Working Paper, No. 321
World Affairs Online
In: Australian quarterly: AQ, Band 68, Heft 2, S. 1, 17, 35,
ISSN: 0005-0091, 1443-3605
What is the nature and scale of the global refugee 'crisis'? How is the 'crisis' manifest in the Asia-Pacific region?. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the international regime for the protection of refugees? What legal obligations do states have to provide asylum, and has Australia lived up to its obligations? Is the Howard Government's 'Pacific Solution' justifiable or sustainable? How has Australian refugee policy changed over time, and why? Is Australia really leading the international community in support for refugees? These questions are fundamental to contemporary debates about the evolving global order, Australia's role in the world, and the nature of the Australian polity. In this new Keynote, titled Refugees and the Myth of the Borderless World, leading Australian specialists on international relations, refugees, and migration address these issues as a contribution to more informed and ethical public debate
Australiens strategische Interessen in Osttimor; Osttimors Sicherheitsprobleme; gegenwärtige Sicherheitseinrichtungen Osttimors und internationale Hilfe
World Affairs Online
Singh, J.: Co-operative security. Paradigm change for international peace and security in the 21st century. - S.1-6. Hassan, M. J.: The concept of comprehensive security. - S.7-16. Rolfe, J.: Pursuing comprehensive security. Linkages between national and regional concepts. - S.17-33. Yamamoto, Y.: Institutional infrastructure and mechanisms for implementing comprehensive security in the Asia-Pacific region. - S.35-53. Nguyen V. T.: An initial analysis of Vietnam's concept of security. - S.55-59. Kumpoopong, P.: Thailand's approaches to regional security. - S.61-65. Dupont, A.: Comprehensive security and the issues of migration and ethnic conflict. - S.67-80. Baviera, A.: Comprehensive security and its applications to the disputes in the South China Sea. - S.81-90
World Affairs Online
In: Australian journal of international affairs: journal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Band 52, Heft 3, S. 348-367
ISSN: 1465-332X
In: Australian journal of international affairs: journal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Band 51, Heft 2, S. 275-299
ISSN: 1465-332X