49 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
World Traded Services: The Challenge for the Eighties
In: Economica, Band 53, Heft 211, S. 408
Parliamentarism versus Presidentialism in the Policy Arena
In: Comparative politics, Band 32, Heft 3, S. 355
ISSN: 2151-6227
United States-Japan relations and international institutions after the Cold War
Tsuchyama, J.: The end of the alliance? - S. 3-35. Yuen Foong Khong: ASEAN's post-ministerial conference and Regional Forum. - S. 37-58. Tanaka, A.: UN peace operations and Japan-US relations. - S. 59-83. Purrington, C.: U.S.-Japan relations and international arms control after the Cold War. - S. 85-111. Inoguchi, T.: Human rights and democracy in Pacific Asia. - S. 115-153. Awanohara, S.: The U.S. and Japan at the World Bank. - S. 155-182. Cowhey, P. F.: Pacific trade relations after the Cold War. - S. 183-225. Woo-Cumings, M.: The Asian Development Bank and the politics of development in East Asia. - S. 227-249. Hernandez, C. G.: A Philippine perspective on US-Japan relations and international institutions after the Cold War. - S. 251-273. Yasgeng Huang: China in the new international political economy. - S. 275-297. Simandjuntak, D. S.: The roles of international institutions in the settlement of economic disputes between the United States and Japan. - S. 299-318. Singh, B.: US-Japan relations and international institutions after the Cold War: a Singaporean perspective. - S. 319-330. Park, Y. C.: U.S.-Japan relations and international institutions after the Cold War: a Korean perspective. - S. 331-343. Ravenhill, J.: U.S.-Japan relations and international institutions after the Cold War: a perspective from Australia. - S. 345-357. Zakaria, H. A.: US-Japan relations and international institutions in the post Cold War world: a Malaysian perspective. - S. 359-362. Zubok, V. M.: U.S.-Japan relations and international institutions after the Cold War: a perspective from Russia. - S. 363-377. Gourevitch, P.: After the Cold War in the Pacific region. - S. 381-390
World Affairs Online