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122 Ergebnisse
In: Sage open, Band 14, Heft 1
ISSN: 2158-2440
This study uses an education in emergencies (EiE) lens and a scientometric approach to examine the educational research landscape during the COVID-19 pandemic by analyzing 95,628 publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection database from 2020 to February 2023. It employed descriptive and network approaches to map growth trajectory, productivity, social structure, conceptual structure, and research methodologies used in the retrieved sources. The findings reveal a steady increase in publications on education and COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic. However, the majority of productive countries and institutions are in the Global North, with limited representation from the Global South, except for China. English is the dominant language in publications, and funding agencies from English-speaking countries are the most active. The most frequently occurring keywords revolve around performativity, institutions, teaching methodologies, attitudes, and experiences, while keywords related to social justice are a peripheral focus. Publications mainly focus on technical and methodological aspects of education, such as online teaching and learning. Most productive journals represent a mix of foci and are not limited to distance learning. The extracted literature showcases diversity in research methodologies used. Future studies should use systematic reviews on narrow topics to evaluate the effects of the pandemic, inform decision-making, enhance education system resilience, and envision a more equitable education system. The study's contributions are notable for its unique EiE perspective, comprehensive scope, extensive data extraction, and meticulous examination of research design, effectively addressing limitations in bibliometric software.
In: Clothing Cultures, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 219-241
ISSN: 2050-0742
It is widely acknowledged that clothing serves as our second skin. Colour plays a significant role in our choice when selecting our clothing, as well as in social and cultural realities, various rituals, everyday practices, and individual or group identities. In this study, we discuss consumer clothing choices in relation to colour based on data analysis drawn from focus group-based research. Analysis of the data revealed not only the importance that colour holds for consumers, but also that there exist different types of colour consumers and that different colour consumption attributes coexist. Moreover the study presents consumers' colour preferences through different lenses; internal forces (colour preferences in connection to consumers' identity, mood and body image), colour attributes (shade, matching colours, colour maintenance), external structures (colour preferences in connection to weather conditions and markets) and social factors (social acceptance and cultural context).
In: Social identities: journal for the study of race, nation and culture, Band 26, Heft 3, S. 314-329
ISSN: 1363-0296
For the third time in three decades world leaders reaffirmed their promise of "Education For All" when adopting Sustainable Development Goal 4 in 2015. It is the most far-reaching commitment to quality and equity in education so far, yet, there is no consensus on what the agenda means in practice. With a decade left until the 2030 deadline, Grading Goal Four calls upon the education community to engage more thoughtfully and critically with SDG 4 and related efforts. As an ever-growing number of actors and initiatives claim to contribute to its achievement, it is becoming clear that the ambitious but broad priorities within the goal are vulnerable to cherry-picking and misrepresentation, placing it at the heart of tensions between instrumentalist and rights-based approaches to education. This text, a critical analysis of SDG 4, provides a framework for examining trends and developments in education globally. As the first volume that examines early implementation efforts under SDG 4, Grading Goal Four formulates a critique along with strategies for moving forward. By scrutinising the challenges, tensions and power dynamics shaping SDG 4, it advances rights-based perspectives and strategies for effective implementation and builds capacity for strengthened monitoring and analysis of the goal.
In: Journal of public administration and governance, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 415
ISSN: 2161-7104
Today's turnover intention is very challenging for any organization. Organizations should proper plan to recover this issue. The aims of this study were to examine the relationship between turnover intention and job satisfaction particularly the relationship of important factors i.e. job stress job commitment and organizational commitment on job satisfaction and on the other hand their relationship between turnover intention. A sample of 150 employees in the number of organization was used. In this study survey questioner was used .the reliability and regression analysis was used to test hypothesis with the help of spss. The result shows that job commitment is an important variable toward job satisfaction and On the other hand job stress is an important variable which affect turnover intention. Limitations and future research suggestions are discussed.
In: Compensation and benefits review, Band 43, Heft 5, S. 300-305
ISSN: 1552-3837
Women have been entering law schools in record numbers over the past two decades. In fact, they currently outnumber men in many law schools in the United States and Canada. However, they face several barriers to full integration in law firms. As a result, many of them are leaving in droves. In this article, the authors examine one of the issues—the billable hours pay system—that prevents them from becoming partners in law firms. After critically examining the role and impact of the billable hours' culture on women lawyers, and drawing on the total rewards strategy used in some organizations, the authors offer modest recommendations for changing the pay system.
In: Review of African political economy, Band 34, Heft 113, S. 497-520
ISSN: 1740-1720
Examines spaces that challenge the dominant thinking & tend to be avoided by mainstream publications, such as the workshop on, "Trade Unions, Democracy & Working Class Struggles in Africa," that was hosted by London Metropolitan U's Department of Applied Social Sciences (DASS) on 25 April 2007. Although forums like this are welcome attempts to show how social forces in the global South are dealing with the challenges of neo-liberal globalization, democratization, & development, it is maintained that they should not be separated from previous historical, intellectual projects. Other issues discussed include the emergence of radical forums aimed at empowering local peoples; the repressive tendencies of neo-liberal dogma/policies; & forums that promote critical discussions about exploitative policies, such as transnational, virtual, & intellectual networks. The DASS event is described in detail. It is concluded that the emergence of spaces for engaging issues of democracy, inclusivity, & popular struggles offer hope for reversing the adverse effects of globalization & neo-liberalism on marginalized classes in Africa & the global South. Adapted from the source document.
"Man-made climate change may have began in the last two hundred years, but humankind has witnessed many eras of climate instability. The results have not always been pretty: once-mighty civilizations felled by pestilence and glacial melt and drought. But we have one powerful advantage as we face our current crisis: history. The study of ancient climates has advanced tremendously in the past ten years, to the point where we can now reconstruct seasonal weather going back thousands of years, and see just how civilizations and nature interacted. The lesson is clear: the societies that survive are the ones that plan ahead. Climate Chaos is thus a book about saving ourselves. Brian Fagan and Nadia Durrani show in remarkable detail what it was like to battle our climate over centuries, and offer us a path to safer and healthier future"--
Pulling back the covers on the fascinating, yet often forgotten, history of the bed Louis XIV ruled France from his bedchamber. Winston Churchill governed Britain from his during World War II. Travelers routinely used to bed down with complete strangers, and whole families shared beds in many preindustrial households. Beds were expensive items-and often for show. Tutankhamun was buried on a golden bed, wealthy Greeks were sent to the afterlife on dining beds, and deceased middle-class Victorians were propped up on a bed in the parlor. In this sweeping social history that covers the past seventy thousand years, Brian Fagan and Nadia Durrani look at the endlessly varied role of the bed through time. This was a place for sex, death, childbirth, storytelling, and sociability as well as sleeping. But who did what with whom, why, and how could vary incredibly depending on the time and place. It is only in the modern era that the bed has transformed into a private, hidden zone, and its rich social history has largely been forgotten
Pulling back the covers on the fascinating, yet often forgotten, history of the bed. Louis XIV ruled France from his bedchamber. Winston Churchill governed Britain from his during World War II. Travelers routinely used to bed down with complete strangers, and whole families shared beds in many preindustrial households. Beds were expensive items-and often for show. Tutankhamun was buried on a golden bed, wealthy Greeks were sent to the afterlife on dining beds, and deceased middle-class Victorians were propped up on a bed in the parlor. In this sweeping social history that covers the past seventy thousand years, Brian Fagan and Nadia Durrani look at the endlessly varied role of the bed through time. This was a place for sex, death, childbirth, storytelling, and sociability as well as sleeping. But who did what with whom, why, and how could vary incredibly depending on the time and place. It is only in the modern era that the bed has transformed into a private, hidden zone, and its rich social history has largely been forgotten
In: The journal of strategic studies, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 216
ISSN: 0140-2390
In: Defence science journal: DSJ, Band 35, Heft 3, S. 287-294
ISSN: 0011-748X
In: Bulletin of the atomic scientists, Band 23, Heft 3, S. 28-29
ISSN: 1938-3282
In: Paris December 2014 Finance Meeting EUROFIDAI - AFFI Paper
Working paper