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31819 Ergebnisse
Socio-cultural factors in mental disorder
In: Systems research and behavioral science: the official journal of the International Federation for Systems Research, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 96-106
ISSN: 1099-1743
Socio-Cultural Rights and Development
In: Journal of Third World studies: historical and contemporary Third World problems and issues, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 133-160
ISSN: 8755-3449
Socio-cultural characteristics of Dusadhs
In: Social Change, Band 19, Heft 3, S. 56-61
ISSN: 0976-3538
Theories of socio-cultural reproduction
In: International social science journal: ISSJ, Band 38, Heft 1986
ISSN: 0020-8701
Discusses aspects of the use of reproduction models in sociological analysis. (AM)
Theories of Socio-cultural Reproduction
In: International social science journal: ISSJ, Band 38, Heft 4, S. 619
ISSN: 0020-8701
Socio‐cultural concepts in casework practice1
In: Smith College studies in social work, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 63-75
ISSN: 1553-0426
Socio-cultural factors in economic development
In: Intereconomics: review of European economic policy
ISSN: 0020-5346
World Affairs Online
Gypsies and travellers: Socio-cultural data, socio-political data
In: Dossiers for the intercultural training of teachers
Socio-Cultural Dynamics of the khomba Cultural Practice
In: Eastern Africa social science research review: a publication of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern Africa and Southern Europe, Band 36, Heft 1, S. 81-95
ISSN: 1684-4173
Man in Digitized Urban Socio-Cultural Space
In: Antropolohični Vymiry Filosofs'kych Doslidžen': Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research = Antropologičeskie Izmerenija Filosofskich Issledovanij, Heft 24, S. 75-87
ISSN: 2227-7242
Purpose. This article seeks to analyze the transformation of culture and social relations in cities amidst the digital transformations of space and everyday practices. Theoretical basis. The research is anchored in the theoretical foundations provided by Manuel Castells and Marshall McLuhan, both of whom delve deeply into the intricacies of the information society and the interactions between humans and technologies. Our analysis also relies on contributions from urbanists and experts in the "Smart Cities" domain, augmenting our study with practical facets of how digital innovations influence the urban milieu. We endeavor to understand how the interplay between humans and technologies within urban environments reconfigures one's self-perception, their place in the world, and their interactions with their surroundings. Originality. The study evaluates the impact of digital transformations on urban settings, drawing from the theoretical notions of Manuel Castells and Marshall McLuhan, modern urbanistic principles, and empirical analysis of the urban environment. We emphasize that digitalization reconfigures concepts of time, space, and interpersonal interactions in cities, culminating in the emergence of a distinct social identity that manifests within a globalized and digitized urban existence. We illustrate the effects of digital innovations on social and cultural practices, and underscore the significance of striking a balance between individual freedom and technological control in urban landscapes. Conclusions. Our findings indicate that digital transformation, which bridges the tangible and the virtual, reshapes the identities and daily experiences of urban inhabitants. They engage in an existential struggle to preserve their sociocultural essence. In a networked society where the local and global intermingle, novel social practices arise that obscure boundaries between the individual and collective, and between the tangible and virtual. The urban milieu becomes a crucible for experiments in the social, economic, and cultural realms, with technologies introducing both conveniences and challenges. Digital transformation modifies societal interactions and has profound implications for the sociocultural fabric.
Contexto y perspectivas socio-culturales
In: Ánfora: revista científica de la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, Band 7, Heft 13, S. 32-36
ISSN: 2248-6941
La situación que permite contextuar el funcionamiento de la Facultad de Fisioterapiade la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, tiene que ver con los acontecimientos que se han venido presentando a nivel mundial desde la década de los años 70. sobre todo en lo relacionado con el campo de la salud y de la educación. Ante el cúmulo de necesidades y de problemas de orden social que vivían las poblaciones de diferentes países durante dicha década, se derivaron entre otros, algunos eventos tendientes a discutir estaproblemática. Estos eventos fueron orientados. entre otros, por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (O.M.S.), la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (O.P.S.) y por la UNESCO, de los cuales se derivó la reunión de Alma Ata en Kazakhistán (U.R.S.S.), en 1977. En ella se definió la Estrategia de la Atención Primaria de Salud. la cual se asumió como la manera de conducir los procesos de salud a nivel mundial. en la búsqueda de la meta de «Salud Para Todos en el año 2000».
Socio-cultural drivers of innovation
In: Innovation: the European journal of social science research, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 247-249
ISSN: 1469-8412
Dinámica Socio Cultural y Evolucionismo
In: Revista mexicana de sociología, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 139
ISSN: 2594-0651